• Q : Calculate ka for the unknown weak acid....
    Chemistry :

    When 2.45g of an unknown weak acid (HA) with a molar mass of 85.0g/mol is dissolved in 250.0g of water, the freezing point of the resulting solution is -0.258 degrees C. Calculate Ka for the unknown

  • Q : Why does the precipitate disappear....
    Chemistry :

    Why does the precipitate disappear when H2O is added? It is pushing the reaction to the left; why? It is not more reactant being added. It is changing Ksp but I thought only a change in temp would c

  • Q : What is the change in enthalpy of tropinone....
    Chemistry :

    When 1.000g of tropinone is burned in a calorimeter with heat capacity of 25.950 kjC, the temperature increases from 25.262c to 25.993c. What is the change in enthalpy of tropinone?

  • Q : Maximum value of the function....
    Mathematics :

    A sine function y = f (x) has a period of 8 and amplitude of 3. It is also known that f (2) =18 is a minimum value of the function. Find the maximum value of the function.

  • Q : Internal resistance of a primary cell....
    Biology :

    What is the effect of increasing concentration on the internal resistance of a primary cell?

  • Q : Problem based on chemical reaction....
    Chemistry :

    What happened when CaCO3 was combined with hydrochloric acid? was a chemical reaction obvious here ? what about NaOH added to HCl? Was a reaction obvious in this case? Why indicators are important t

  • Q : New terminal point....
    Mathematics :

    A vector with initial point (-2,6) and terminal point (-4,3) is translated so that its initial point is at the origin. Find its new terminal point. Is it -2, and 9?

  • Q : Angle of a non-right triangle....
    Mathematics :

    Two sides and a angle of a non-right triangle are given as a=7, b=9, and B =49 degrees. Solve the triangle. Please show your work.

  • Q : Van der waals constants for methane....
    Chemistry :

    12.0 moles of gas are in a 3.00L tank at 22.7C. Calculate the difference in pressure between methane and an ideal gas under these conditions. The van der Waals constants for methane are a=2.300L^2*a

  • Q : Find the area of the triangle....
    Mathematics :

    Find the area of the triangle A= α = 20 degrees, b = 11, and c = 9. Please show all of your work

  • Q : Calculate the pressure of the gas....
    Chemistry :

    A sample of Chlorine gas occupies a colume of 711 mL at pressure of 251 mmHg. Calculate the pressure of the gas (in mmHg) if the volume is reduced at constant temperature to 173 mL in scientific not

  • Q : Calculate enthalpy for the reaction....
    Chemistry :

    Given the following heat capacities, (assume they are constant over the temperature range in consideration here), calculate enthalpy for the reaction 2NO + O2 ->2NO2 at 398k. Assume no heat loss

  • Q : How many moles of glucose are needed to produce water....
    Chemistry :

    Question: When you breathe the following reaction will take place: C6H12O6 (s) + 6O2 (g) --> 6CO2 (g) + 6H2O(g), how many moles of glucose are needed to produce 100.0 g of water?

  • Q : What is the percent yield of the reaction....
    Chemistry :

    After the reaction, 10.4025 grams of PbI2(s) (molar mass 461.0 grams) were collected. What is the percent yield of the reaction?

  • Q : Determine the activation energy for the reverse reaction....
    Chemistry :

    The activation energy for the reaction NO2(g)+CO2(g)---->NO(g)+Co(g) is Ea= 325 Kj/mol and the change in enthalpy for the reaction is change in H = -250 kj/mol. What is the activation energy for th

  • Q : Which factor determines pathogenesis of the organisms....
    Biology :

    Discuss the three major species of Staphylococcus. Explain why one of them is more pathogenic compared to the other two species. Which factor determines the pathogenesis of the organisms?

  • Q : Double-angle or half-angle formula....
    Mathematics :

    Simplify the expression using the double-angle or half-angle formula

  • Q : Find media used to determine presence of indicator organisms....
    Biology :

    Explain what is meant by "indicator" organisms when testing a water sample. What are the media used to determine the presence of the indicator organisms?

  • Q : What is the partial pressure of nitrogen....
    Chemistry :

    What is the partial pressure of nitrogen in a container that contains 3.96mol of oxygen , 7.49 mol of nitrogen and 1.19 mol of carbon dioxide when the total pressure is 563 mmHg?

  • Q : Explain public health significance of coliform-contaminated....
    Biology :

    In the Most Probable Number table, what is the significance of the 95% confidence limits in relation to the MPN index/100 ml? What is the public health significance of coliform-contaminated water?

  • Q : What is the bacteriologic standard for potable water....
    Biology :

    What is the bacteriologic standard for potable water? Why is bacteriologic analysis of water directed at recognition of coliforms and enterococci rather than isolation of pathogenic bacteria?

  • Q : Problem based on free-radical addition....
    Chemistry :

    Trifluoroiodomethane, CF3-I, undergoes free radical addition to alkenes. Explain the fact that the free-radical addition of this compound to 2-methyl-2-butene is faster than its addition to 1-penten

  • Q : Why staphylococcal infections frequent among patients....
    Biology :

    From what specimen type would S. saprophyticusmost likely be isolated? What is a nosocomial infection? Who acquires it? Why?

  • Q : Explain microscopic morphology of staphylococci-streptococci....
    Biology :

    Differentiate the microscopic morphology of staphylococci and streptococci as seen by Gram stain. What are the two types of staphylococcal coagulase?

  • Q : Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction....
    Chemistry :

    The standard free energy change for the reaction of nitrogen gas with hydrogen gas to produce ammonia is -32.9 kJ. Calculate the equilibrium constant for this reaction at 25°C.

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