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questiona describe the concept of virtual organisationb lsquoit is critical for an organisation to attain congruence between its strategy and
questiona lsquomany organisations are using the internet a tool for survival digital firms require new organisational designs and management
question 1sometimes conflicts escalate the atmosphere becomes charged with anger frustration resentment mistrust hostility and a sense of futilityin
questiona to prepare a successful quality based strategy requires an effective leadershipexplain briefly the requirements of effective leadership in
questiona what do you meant by the following termsbull information system is strategy bull information technology it strategyb explain five
problem 1a prepare a short notes on normal distributionb the probability that an employee getting occupational disease is 20 in a firm having five
question 1a list out dr edward demings contribution to qualityb show the eight dimensions of qualitydr edward demings contribution to quality eight
question lsquothe financial crunch has urged companies involved in tourism to reshape their business modelas a tourism business consultant and in the
groups and or teams will solve all the effectiveness and efficiency challenges facing the 21st century
a illustrate the difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption listing an advantages and a disadvantage of eachb what functions should be
question 1explain the portfolio approach to strategic analysis and discuss its limitationsquestion 2write short notes on each of the following
question sarah and john are both working for a software development company the manager of the new product division was originally the leader of
question 1use anger correctly and improvements will happento what extent this statement is truequestion 2company great success wishes to train its
1 explain the process of performing an internal audit evaluate why prioritizing the relative importance of strengths and weaknesses to include in an
i need a five year plan with cost estimates and a time line also net present values at 10 discount
strategy formulation presupposes a set of goals and objectives why arent goals and objectives obvious what characteristics of people and
quif a swot analysis reveals that an objective is unattainable apart from changing the objective what other changes might make the goal attainable
queswhat features of johnson amp johnson3939s quotour credoquot made it so effective in guiding jampj3939s response to the tylenol tampering crisis
1 using macro amp micro frameworks analyse and evaluate the external environment of your organisation from the perspective of the external context
q international aspects to transfer pricingthe following issues can influence international transfer pricing decisions exchange rates eg fluctuations
q factors about transfer pricing does the supplier have a solid track record for delivery eg references from other satisfied customers in terms of
q what is minimum pricingthe minimum transfer price an internal seller would accept will depend on whether it has spare capacity to utilise or
q explain about opportunity cost pricingopportunity cost pricing is considered most mathematically correct way of viewing transfer pricing reason is
q what do you mean by dual pricingdual transfer pricing means setting one transfer price for the internal seller and another transfer price for the