• Q : According to divine command theory....
    Science :

    According to Divine Command Theory, God determines what is morally required in the sense that(a) God figures out what is morally required and commands us to act accordingly

  • Q : Sumerian king list....
    Science :

    What is the Sumerian King list, and why might it be important for a people to keep such a document? How is this related to the Greek notion of dikaiosune?

  • Q : Kant''s theory of pure concepts....
    Science :

    Kant's Theory of Pure Concepts of Understanding vs. Descartes' Theory of Innate Ideas. Explain the origin and function of these concepts and ideas, and critically evaluate their theories.

  • Q : Short item on a controversial subject....
    Science :

    Here is a short item on a controversial subject - one in which you may have a personal interest or investment: Since the attacks on American targets happened on September 11, 2001, Americans have

  • Q : The great non-debate over international sweatshops....
    Science :

    In his essay "The Great Non-Debate Over International Sweatshops," Ian Maitland argues that good ethical judgment requires that more sweatshops, not fewer, are needed. 

  • Q : What is glaucon and adeimantus'' position....
    Science :

    What is Glaucon and Adeimantus' position on what kind of good justice is? What is the position they are really driving at between the lines? What are Glaucon's three arguments which seem to 

  • Q : Create a plan for indoctrination....
    Science :

    Create a plan for indoctrination and inoculation. Use logical inquiry and problem solving to arrive at a recommendation. Adhere to the following guidelines

  • Q : Thales'' approach to making sense....
    Science :

    Thales' approach to making sense of the world would be handled by what academic field(s) of study today

  • Q : Identify which of the sources....
    Science :

    Identify which of the sources of enculturation has had the most impact on your own thinking and explain why you think this is the case.•Identify one of the "5 Errors of Thinking"

  • Q : In praise of big brother....
    Science :

    In "In Praise of Big Brother: Why We Should Learn to Stop Worrying and Love (Some) Government Surveillance" (pp. 236- 249), James Stacey Taylor argues for the optimistic conclusion that

  • Q : Successful development of computer-generated speech....
    Science :

    Does the successful development of computer-generated speech, which allows computers to communicate with one another, orally, effectively eliminate the nature-nurture debate regarding human language d

  • Q : Principle of equality....
    Science :

    Why, according to the "principle of equality" must one show that there are real differences rather than just surmise that they exist?

  • Q : Is it true that the mind this truly impact....
    Science :

    Is it true that the mind this truly impact the body greatly. I was actually just watching a program on television that talked about the unconscious making decisions for us 10 seconds before the consci

  • Q : Connect those inferences to their underlying....
    Science :

    Explain the difference between inference and assumption. Then, present four inferences you have made and connect those inferences to their underlying assumptions

  • Q : Here is no objective right and wrong....
    Science :

    Agree or disagree with the statement, "there is no objective right and wrong because people never agree about what is right and wrong". 

  • Q : Zombie and mutant possibilities....
    Science :

    Explain the Zombie and Mutant possibilities in the philosophy of Mind. What conception of mind gives rise to these possibilities, and how? Assuming the Zombie and Mutant scenarios are disturbing (worr

  • Q : Some say that the stimulus money....
    Science :

    Identify the inductive fallacy in the following example: Some say that the stimulus money paid to banks just went straight into the pockets of the bankers. So, do you support or oppose such stimulus p

  • Q : Blow the whistle....
    Science :

    Will you "blow the whistle" on what you heard in the garden? If so, how will you blow the whistle? If you decide to blow the whistle, what are your reasons for doing so? If you choose not to blow the

  • Q : Explain the ways in which the belief....
    Science :

    Explain the ways in which the belief in the social contract can instigate or undermine a revolution. Provide one (1) example to support your explanation.

  • Q : Tom regan and peter singer disagree....
    Science :

    Tom Regan and Peter Singer disagree about the best approach to animal ethics. What basic things do they agree about? What do they disagree about

  • Q : Singer argues that eating meat is speciesism....
    Science :

    Singer argues that eating meat is speciesism  because it involves sacrificing the most important interests of members of other species for relatively trivial interests of our own specie

  • Q : Slavery has been practiced world-wide....
    Science :

    Slavery has been practiced world-wide since the earliest days of humanity and is still practiced in parts of the world even today. Even the Bible condones slavery. Yet today in America most people thi

  • Q : Breakthrough thinking....
    Science :

    What does Taylor mean by "breakthrough thinking?"

  • Q : Decision about which reasonable minds....
    Science :

    Explain the relevant theories with support from the course texts) and from pre-approved secondary sources (including, but not limited to, the course text, online lectures

  • Q : Provide a brief introduction to the issue....
    Science :

    The paper must be 400 to 700 words in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashfo

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