• Q : Prozac and cocaine affect....
    Science :

    Prozac and cocaine affect different neurotransmitters, but they achieve their effects through the same mechanism of action. What is that mechanism?

  • Q : Descriptive study that allows researchers....
    Science :

    Choose one descriptive study that allows researchers to describe and predict behavior, and briefly summarize it, and provide a possible use.

  • Q : Last year there were 300 new ph.d.s in chemistry....
    Science :

    Last year there were 300 new Ph.D.s in chemistry looking for academic jobs. Of those, 100 were women and 200 were men. Nationwide last year there were 75 new hirings in chemistry

  • Q : Industrial psychologists are proposing new policies....
    Science :

    Industrial psychologists are proposing new policies and employee incentives in an attempt to reduce absenteeism at a widget factory. Which goal of psychology do these psychologists have in mind?

  • Q : Aging is approached by the three major sociological....
    Science :

    Analyze how the issue of aging is approached by the three major sociological paradigms. Identify which you agree with most and state why

  • Q : Role of attributions in our social world....
    Science :

    Examine the role of attributions in our social world. What are attributions, and how do we use them in our daily lives? Discuss the differences between internal and external attributions and describe

  • Q : Damon is among the 7% of males....
    Science :

    Damon is among the 7% of males with color blindness. He suffers from the most common form of color blindness. Which of the following statements best illustrates Damons experience of color? a. The blue

  • Q : Brain scanning technology....
    Science :

    Brain scanning technology is providing new insights into our understanding of the brain." Explain how CAT, MRI, PET and fMRI scanning works, and some of the ways in which this technology has been used

  • Q : Human disturbance according to kelly....
    Science :

    Analyze the 4 common elements in most human disturbance according to Kelly (threat, fear, anxiety, and guilt). Compare each of these constructs with what Scripture says regarding these particular elem

  • Q : Discuss scientific and technical concepts....
    Science :

    Discuss scientific and technical concepts related to materials science. Use the manufacturing of one of the following materials as the basis for your response. Plastics, Glass and Metals

  • Q : Two brain structures have been most frequently linked....
    Science :

    Two brain structures have been most frequently linked to human emotion. Which are they? Describe research that has implicated each in human emotion.

  • Q : Jonas was employing a strategy....
    Science :

    Jonas was employing a strategy for solving problems while doing his homework. He thought as he was solving the first problem, "Let's see. The first step is to determine

  • Q : Marnie is a nursing student....
    Science :

    Marnie is a nursing student, currently studying pregnancy. Her husband hears her pacing in her study mumbling, "Ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm, ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm..." What is Marnie apparently

  • Q : Demonstrate your understanding of two alternative....
    Science :

    This assignment asks you to demonstrate your understanding of two alternative resolution techniques. Compares and contrasts Mediation and Arbitration.

  • Q : What type of psychologist would study....
    Science :

    What type of psychologist would study the process through which students go through in committing to memory information from a textbook

  • Q : Assigned the opposite gender at birth....
    Science :

    Imagine that you are assigned the opposite gender at birth, but that your race, ethnicity, religion and social class remain the same.Taking the information contained in this week's readings describe h

  • Q : Investigate a social issue final....
    Science :

    Explore each of the three (3) main points you have illustrated and provide at least two (2) examples that support each of your main points. (Note: You can explore them in order of importance, chronolo

  • Q : Brefly describe the ant colony by using....
    Science :

    Social Groups) Brefly describe the ant colony by using the following sociological concepts,and the provide your example/discription.

  • Q : The nature versus nurture debate....
    Science :

    The nature versus nurture debate has been going on for a very long time. Some researchers argue that we are genetically preprogrammed to behave in certain ways, whereas others say that it is the envir

  • Q : Your goal is to get the person talking....
    Science :

    How does being a [fill in the blank with a salient cultural category: man, older person, African-American, 20-something, etc.] play into the work you do?

  • Q : Methodological issues and challenges....
    Science :

    Discuss the methodological issues and challenges that are unique to psychological research investigating effective treatments for psychological disorders

  • Q : Kohlberg''s highest level of morality....
    Science :

    What would the world be like if everyone operated at Kohlberg's highest level of morality? How would this imaginary world compare to a world occupied by people who placed a higher priority

  • Q : Why do we have a need to belong....
    Science :

    Why do we have a need to belong (to affiliate with others)? Examine various theories of human development, describing relevant terminology, and addressing how the theory assists in the understanding o

  • Q : A sociologist analyzes the effects....
    Science :

    A sociologist analyzes the effects of social class and gender on intelligence based on standardized test scores. The test consistently gets similar results but actually measures the ability to read qu

  • Q : Principles of probabilistic reasoning....
    Science :

    For each of the following cases, indicate what, if anything, is wrong with the protagonist's reasoning. If there is a problem (and there may not be), suggest how to carry out a more careful analysis.

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