• Q : Write a recursive function rvowels() that accepts....
    Python Programming :

    Write a recursive function rvowels() that accepts a character string and counts and returns the number of vowels (aeiou) in the string. This solution should not include any loops. A global variable fo

  • Q : Use some type of data structure....
    Python Programming :

    Create a project that demonstrates your mastery of CS concepts. Plan the project, document it, build it, and demonstrate its use.Requirements

  • Q : Write a linear search which operates on a non-sorted list....
    Python Programming :

    For the first function, write a linear search which operates on a non-sorted list. Do not sort the list before you search for a given value. Call this procedure search1().

  • Q : Practice for number basis transformation....
    Python Programming :

    Write a program that allows the user to convert numbers between any 2 basis. Your program should follow the requirements:

  • Q : Test cases and python program to compute the gpa of students....
    Python Programming :

    Write the algorithm, test cases (with expected outputs) and the Python program to compute the GPA for an indeterminate number of students.

  • Q : Program to print grade list of students....
    Python Programming :

    We want a program that will permit us to print a ‘grade list’ of the students in a class.

  • Q : Performing basic tasks done by a file integrity checker....
    Python Programming :

    You must write a program which would carry out some of the basic tasks accomplished by a file integrity checker such as Tripwire. In this first part of the assignment you will be dealing strictly wi

  • Q : Cloud computing....
    Python Programming :

    In the module on WSDL you were presented with the details of the WSDL service which receives a request for a stock market quote and returns the quote.

  • Q : Programming problem....
    Python Programming :

    Without using the system() function to call any bash commands, write a python program that will implement a simple version of the diff command.

  • Q : Develop a text files to catch a plagiarist....
    Python Programming :

    For this program, you'll be working with a set of text files to see if you can catch a plagiarist. This is a real-world problem that requires a software solution. Your program should (quickly) ident

  • Q : Selection statement for writing code....
    Python Programming :

    Selection statements (if/else if/else combinations) allow us to write code that can execute different statements based on the current values seen in a particular run of the program.

  • Q : Program-loops and if conditions....
    Python Programming :

    Write a program that requests a password after the author/program information is displayed.

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