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After you create a relational table using the SQL statement CREATE TABLE, you can populate that table with data using the INSERT INTO statement.
What is the SQL command to list the total sales by customer and by product, with subtotals by customer and a grand total for all product sales?
Which schools generate the highest amount of debt for the average student who attends?
What are the ten functions of a DBMS? What is the difference between a database, a DBMS, and a database application?
Write an SQL statement to display the total number of pets. Write an SQL statement to count the number of distinct breeds.
List the characteristics that a table must have to be considered a relation. What is a surrogate key and when do you use them?
Write a SQL query to findthe average salary of all employees. What do you mean by A view in SQL language? Give an example?
How would you use GROUPING SETS to produce the same results. How would you show the sub totals for each week, for each state, and for each product?
What happens if human error occurs and data is incorrectly populated into one or more tables? How would a user of a database system know that an error occurred?
Identify the design of blockchain in systems environments such as recording keeping management, securities management, and digital currency formulation.
Discuss Five database members/objects of NoSQL. Why is NoSQL is better than traditional T-SQL an ideal database type for Big Data Analytics?
Define the database tables you will need and group the tables by function. Document your tables in an annotated Microsoft Visio diagram.
Write an essay discussing sqlmap, an automated tool for sql injection and database takeover in 500 words or more. Why do we need an automated tool for sql injec
What was stolen/compromised? When did the breach occur? How did it occur? Research and find out if there were any financial penalties assessed as a result of t
IS 320 Systems Analysis and Design Assignment help and solution, seeking homework help- SUNY Polytechnic Institute.
Describe four common deliverables for an analytics project. What is the focus of a presentation for a project sponsor?
Describe how buffer overflow and SQL injection can be used by hackers to disable a system.
Develop a rest web service which takes sql query as input and converts it to map reduce jobs and these jobs are run on hadoop.
Create a sample list of owners, properties, and services as shown above. Fill in the description for services as you create the list. Use Excel to create lists.
Write an essay discussing sqlmap, an automated tool for sql injection and database takeover. Why do we need an automated tool for sql injection?
Distinguish between SQL and NoSQL. Discuss the various database members of NoSQL. Why is NoSQL an ideal database type for Big Data Analytics?
Discuss what are the distinguishing characteristics of SQL and NoSQL. List and explain the family members of NoSQL database.
What would the IRT team look like for this incident (who would be on the team to be able to effectively handle the event)? Justify your choices.
Construct a statement to add the new student to the Student table (you can pick any value for the student_id, as long as it doesn't already exist in the table).
Create a folder under the root of the C: drive called SQL-LAB. What is DDL and DML language in SQL server. Provide two examples of each.