• Q : Calculate the latent heat of fusion....
    Physics :

    Suppose you had done the latent heat of fusion experiment with ice that was considerably colder than 0 °C. What additional value would you have needed to know in order to calculate the latent h

  • Q : What is the velocity of the car if it is end of the track....
    Physics :

    A race car is traveling around a circular track in a clockwise direction with a constant speed of 200 km/hr. What is the velocity of the car when it is at the southernmost end of the track?

  • Q : Calculate the group velocity....
    Physics :

    Calculate the group velocity (cg) for a deep water wave? Answer should be in terms of Cd in problem 1. (Note: The group velocity is equal to ∂ω/∂k and Cd =ω/k).

  • Q : Conservation of mechanical energy....
    Physics :

    From the shape of the total energy vs. time plot, what can you conclude about the conservation of mechanical energy in your mass and spring system?

  • Q : Determine the magnitude of the magnetic field....
    Physics :

    Determine the magnitude of the magnetic field at a point on the common axis of the coils and halfway between them.

  • Q : Calculate the force that each crate exerts on the other....
    Physics :

    Calculate the acceleration of the system.(b) Calculate the force that each crate exerts on the other.(c) Repeat with the crates reversed.

  • Q : Determine change of velocity vectors from c to d....
    Physics :

    Where ~vi and ~vf are the corresponding velocity vectors at the two points. The direction of ?~vCD, i.e., the change of velocity vectors from C to D is?

  • Q : Kinetic energy of the wheel....
    Physics :

    A wheel is turning about an axis through its center with constant angular acceleration. Starting from rest, at t=0 , the wheel turns through 9.00 revolutions in t= 14.0s . At 14.0s the kinetic ener

  • Q : State of polarization of left circularly polarized light....
    Physics :

    Determine the state of polarization of left circularly polarized light after it is passed normally though: a) a quarter wave plate with horizontal fast axis; b) a half-wave plate with the fast axis

  • Q : Angular momentum of the earth....
    Physics :

    During the 5,000-yr period of recorded history, by how much has the length of the year changed due to the loss of mass from the Sun? Suggestions: Assume the Earth's orbit is circular. No external to

  • Q : What is the electric field at a point from the axis....
    Physics :

    The electric field intensity at a point 29.8 cm radially outward from its axis (measured from the midpoint of the shell ) is 58300 N/C. What is the electric field at a point 5.39 cm from the axis?

  • Q : Concept of hydrostatic equilibrium....
    Physics :

    The entire history of a star, from a drifting nebula to its final fate, is dominated by the concept of hydrostatic equilibrium.

  • Q : Nuclear reactor running....
    Physics :

    Consider a nuclear reactor running on 10 kg of plutonium. If each kg of plutonium releases a power of 500 Watt in the form of radiation, and suppose that the 10 kg is initially placed in a 500 liter

  • Q : How fast will the father be moving....
    Physics :

    The son pushes on the father and finds himself moving backward at 3 m/s after they have separated. How fast will the father be moving?

  • Q : How much work must be done by the brakes....
    Physics :

    A 60 kg bicyclist rides his 7.8 kg bicycle with a speed of 16m/s. How much work must be done by the brakes to bring the bike and rider to a stop?

  • Q : What is the minimum volume the contain can have....
    Physics :

    What is the minimum volume the contain can have without rupturing if it is designed to burst when the pressure inside reaches 10 Pa?

  • Q : Earth-based observers....
    Physics :

    What travel time is required for the landing craft to reach the Earth as measured by Earth-based observers? What travel time is required for the landing craft to reach the Earth as measured by those

  • Q : What is the horizontal component of the ball-s velocity....
    Physics :

    A volleyball is spiked so that it has an initial velocity of 14 m/s directed downward at an angle of 60° below the horizontal. What is the horizontal component of the ball's velocity when the o

  • Q : Nonconservative pushing force....
    Physics :

    A 14.0-kg box is being pushed from the bottom to the top of a frictionless ramp. When the box is pushed at a constant velocity, the nonconservative pushing force does 58.0 J of work.

  • Q : What is the final velocity of car....
    Physics :

    A bumper car with mass m1 = 107 kg is moving to the right with a velocity of v1 = 4.6 m/s. A second bumper car with mass m2 = 99 kg is moving to the left with a velocity of v2 = -3.5 m/s. The two c

  • Q : What is the ratio of the amplitude of the damped oscillation....
    Physics :

    A spring constant 140 N/m and a damping coefficient of 71 g/s, what is the ratio of the amplitude of the damped oscillations to the initial amplitude at the end of 26 cycles?

  • Q : Initial vertical and horizontal velocity components....
    Physics :

    A juggler (as shown above) throws each ball so it hangs in the air for 1.60seconds before landing in the other hand, 75cm away. What are the initial vertical and horizontal velocity components?

  • Q : Find the maximum torque acting on the rotor....
    Physics :

    This process is repeated to cause the rotor to turn steadily at an angular speed of 3.84 103 rev/min. (a) Find the maximum torque acting on the rotor.

  • Q : How long will it take to reach the bottom of the hill....
    Physics :

    How long will it take her to reach the bottom of the hill, assuming she starts from rest and accelerates uniformly, if the elevation change is 335m?

  • Q : Expression for the net torque....
    Physics :

    Write the expression for the net torque acting on her with respect to the top of her head.

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