• Q : Determine magnitude and directional angle for resultant....
    Physics :

    Determine the magnitude and directional angle for the resultant that occurs when these vectors are added together.

  • Q : Speed of the air when it leaves the nozzle....
    Physics :

    Air is flowing through a rocket nozzle. Inside the rocket theair has a density of 5.25kg/m^3 and a speed of 1.2 m/s. The interior diameter of the rocket is 15.0 cm. At the nozzle exit, the diameter

  • Q : Coefficient of kinetic friction-block and the surface....
    Physics :

    A rectangular block of mass 5 kg slides down a 45? slope at a constant velocity of 3 m/s. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the surface of the slope?

  • Q : Slope of a triangular shaped block....
    Physics :

    A rectangular block of mass 10 kg rests on the slope of a triangular- shaped block of mass 30 kg. The surface of the triangle is at an angle of 30? from the horizontal.

  • Q : What is magnitude of average acceleration of ball....
    Physics :

    If the ball is in contact with the wall for 3.50 ms, what is the magnitude of the average acceleration of the ball during this time interval?

  • Q : Trains angular acceleration....
    Physics :

    A toy train rolls around a horizontal 1.2--diameter track. The coefficient of rolling friction is 0.15. What is the magnitude of the train's angular acceleration after it is released? (found) How l

  • Q : What acceleration will bring to rest right at intersection....
    Physics :

    What acceleration will bring you to rest right at the intersection? How long does it take you to stop after the light turns red?

  • Q : Dropping the stone and hearing the splash....
    Physics :

    In a clam weather it wanted to determine the depth of well by dropping a stone into it and then measure the time it take until the splash is heard. if the total time elapsed between dropping the st

  • Q : How long does it take for police car to catch up speeder....
    Physics :

    The policeman begins to pursue the speeder with an acceleration of 4.00 m/s^2. Including the reaction time, how long does it take for the police car to catch up with the speeder?

  • Q : Initial speed of the bullet....
    Physics :

    An 8.00 g bullet is fired into a 180 g block that is initially at rest at the edge of a table of 1.00 m height (Fig. P6.30). The bullet remains in the block, and after the impact the block lands d

  • Q : Delay between saying something and getting a response....
    Physics :

    Electromagnetic radiation including light and radio waves travels at a speed of 3 108 m/s. If a phone call is routed through a synchronous satellite to a friend in a nearby city, what is the minimu

  • Q : Problem based on snells law....
    Physics :

    Show by Snell's law that if a light ray is bent toward the normal when entering a different medium, then the speed of light is less in that medium. What happens if the speed of light is greater in

  • Q : Determine the force fx....
    Physics :

    The potential energy of an object constrained to the x axis is given by U(x) = 8x2 - x4, where U is in joules and x is in meters. Determine the force Fx associated with this potential-energy functi

  • Q : Generator to make the electromagnet operational....
    Physics :

    Does the induced voltage increase as you turn the handle of AC generator faster? WHY? Explain using Faraday's Law. (The power supply is connected to the generator to make the electromagnet operatio

  • Q : Determining the acceleration of gravity....
    Physics :

    A man drops a stone into a water well on his farm. He hears the sound of the splash 3.89 s later. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 and the speed of sound in air is 312 m/s. How deep is the w

  • Q : Difference between acceleration and velocity....
    Physics :

    Give an everyday example that illustrates the difference between acceleration and velocity. Give an example of uniform and accelerated motion.

  • Q : What is the total energy at the top of the hill....
    Physics :

    A sled and rider with a combined weight of 68 kg are at rest on the top of a hill 27 m high. What is their total energy at the top of the hill?

  • Q : What was the average force in newtons....
    Physics :

    A 0.180 kg baseball, traveling 32.0 m/s, strikes the catcher's mitt, which recoils 13.0 cm in bringing the ball to rest. What was the average force (in newtons) applied by the ball to the mitt?

  • Q : Center of curvature of the curve....
    Physics :

    As the bus rounds a flat curve at constant speed, a lunch box with a mass of 0.550kg suspended from the ceiling of the bus by a string of length 1.71m is found to hang at rest relative to the bus wh

  • Q : Magnitude of the net force....
    Physics :

    A cyclist competes in a one-lap race around a flat, circular course of radius r. Starting from rest and speeding up at a constant rate throughout the race, the cyclist covers the entire course in a

  • Q : Find the magnitude of the impulse....
    Physics :

    In a crash test, a 1300 kg car slams into a concrete wall at 18.8 m/s and comes to rest in 0.275 s. a) Find the magnitude of the impulse delivered to the car.

  • Q : Process of ascending several flights of stairs....
    Physics :

    Muscles operate with an efficiency of about 22.0 percent in converting stored chemical energy into work. How much chemical energy will be expended by a 66.0 kg person in the process of ascending se

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of the magnetic field....
    Physics :

    A conducting loop in the shape of a square of edge length scripted l = 0.420 m carries a current I = 9.20 A as in the figure above. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field at th

  • Q : What is the kinetic energy of bar....
    Physics :

    What is the kinetic energy of this bar? (Hint: Different points in the bar have different speeds. Break the bar up into infinitesimal segments of mass dm and integrate to add up the kinetic energy o

  • Q : What is the acceleration of the elevator....
    Physics :

    A 64-kg man standing on a scale in an elevator notes that as the elevator rises, the scale reads 834 N. What is the acceleration of the elevator?

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