• Q : What will be the total time for reaching top speed....
    Physics :

    Constant acceleration until reaching top speed, then maintains that speed through the finish line. If a sprinter reaches his top speed of 11.5 m/s in 2.24 s, what will be his total time?

  • Q : Determining the frictionless groove in surface of turntable....
    Physics :

    A 200 , 45.0-cm-diameter turntable rotates on frictionless bearings at 63.0 rpm. A 19.0g block sits at the center of the turntable. A compressed spring shoots the block radically outward along a fr

  • Q : What is the net horizontal force on the create....
    Physics :

    Two horizontal forces, 218 N and 157 N, are exerted in opposite directions on a crate. What is the net horizontal force on the create? Be sure to indicate the direction of the net force. (Assume th

  • Q : Determining the magnitude of the acceleration of the boy....
    Physics :

    A 78.0 kg boy and a 59.0 kg girl use an elastic rope while engaged in a tug-of-war on an icy, frictionless surface. If the acceleration of the girl towards the boy is 2.27 m/s2, find the magnitude

  • Q : What is the wavelength of back-and-forth cycles....
    Physics :

    In a spiral spring, your hand completes 3.75 back-and-forth cycles every 5.82 s. The velocity of the pulse in the spring is 1.25 cm/s. What is the wavelength?

  • Q : How much time would it take to emit net radiant energy....
    Physics :

    How much time would it take for her to emit a net radiant energy from her body that is equal to the energy contained in this dessert?

  • Q : Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction....
    Physics :

    17.8-kg sled is being pulled across a horizontal surface at a constant velocity. The pulling force has a magnitude of 81.6 N and is directed at an angle of 34 ° above the horizontal. Determine t

  • Q : Find the speed of the boat....
    Physics :

    A ferry boat is sailing at 12 km 30 degrees West of N with respect to a river that is flowing at 6.0 km/h East. Find the speed of the boat when observed from the shore (magnitude and direction).

  • Q : What is the speed of the ball at that point....
    Physics :

    A 420 g ball swings in a vertical circle at the end of a 1.78-m-long string. When the ball is at the bottom of the circle, the tension in the string is 11 N. What is the speed of the ball at that p

  • Q : Find mutual speed immediately after touchdown-saving tackle....
    Physics :

    Was moving at 4.1 m/s when he was tackled by an 85 kg cornerback running at 5.5 m/s in the same direction, what was their mutual speed immediately after the touchdown-saving tackle?

  • Q : Small maneuvering thrusters....
    Physics :

    You're flying your 10,000-kg Scooty Puff Pro spaceship at a constant speed of 20 km/s in the positive x-direction. All of the sudden it malfunctions and the many of the thrusters are stuck on. The m

  • Q : By how much is the spring stretched as blocks are lowered....
    Physics :

    By how much is the spring stretched as the blocks are lowered? The spring exerts an upward force of F on the top block.

  • Q : What is the size of the sun-s image formed by the objective....
    Physics :

    Calculate the lateral magnification of the Sun by the objective, according to the object distance and image distance. Try to find where the image of the Sun is located after the objective.

  • Q : Determine the capacitance of the capacitor....
    Physics :

    A capacitor when fully charged holds 5.0 J of energy. When it is connected across a 10-kΩ resistor, 2.0 J of energy is dissipated in 8.5 ms. What is the capacitance of the capacitor?

  • Q : Velocity of the sled and the person....
    Physics :

    (a) Ignorning the effects of friction during the collision, find the velocity of the sled and the person as they move away. (b) The sled and person coast 30.0 m on level snow before coming to rest.

  • Q : Bank safe across the floor to their getaway car....
    Physics :

    Bonnie and Clyde are sliding 430 {rm kg} bank safe across the floor to their getaway car. The safe slides with a constant speed if Clyde pushes from behind with 445 {rm N} of force while Bonnie pul

  • Q : Original speed of the clay....
    Physics :

    A pitcher throws a 0.5 kg ball of clay at a 6 kg block of wood. The clay sticks to the wood on impact, and their joint velocity afterward is 3 m/s. What was the original speed of the clay?

  • Q : What is the acceleration of the cannonball....
    Physics :

    A cannonball launched with an initial velocity of 141 m/s at angle of 45 degrees follows a parabolic path and hits a balloon at the top of its trajectory. Neglecting air resistance, how fast is it

  • Q : What is the frame rate....
    Physics :

    What is the frame rate of a 3 cycle pulse emitted from a 5 MHz transducer having a wavelength of .002m, and 200 lines of sight in a medium that takes 300ms for one pulse to return?

  • Q : What minimum amplitude of oscillation does require....
    Physics :

    If she were to use the mattress as a trampoline-losing contact with it for part of each cycle-what minimum amplitude of oscillation does she require?

  • Q : Gravitational potential energy of the ball changed....
    Physics :

    A 1400 {rm kg} wrecking ball hangs from a 16 {rm m}-long cable. The ball is pulled back until the cable makes an angle of 27.0^circle with the vertical. By how much has the gravitational potential e

  • Q : Magnitude of unknown force....
    Physics :

    An unknown force pushes a 17 kilogram block across a smooth (frictionless) floor. Three seconds after the force is first applied to the block, the block is moving with a speed of 6 meters per secon

  • Q : What is the acceleration of the car....
    Physics :

    The driver of a 1800 {kg} car traveling on a horizontal road at 100 kmh suddenly applies the brakes. Due to a slippery pavement, the friction of the road on the tires of the car, which is what slow

  • Q : Find strength of magnetic field required to balance weight....
    Physics :

    What is the strength of the magnetic field required to exactly balance the weight of the proton and keep it moving horizontally?

  • Q : Find the frequency of small oscillations....
    Physics :

    Find the frequency of small oscillations for a thin homogeneous plate if the motion takes place in the plane of the plate and if the plate has the shape of an equilateral triangle and is suspended (

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