• Q : Degrees to the cars motion....
    Physics :

    Below are birds-eye views of six identical toy cars moving to the right at 2 . Various forces act on the cars with magnitudes and directions indicated below. All forces act in the horizontal plane a

  • Q : What is the minimum uncertainty the position of baseball....
    Physics :

    At a baseball game, a radar gun measures the speed of a 146 g baseball to be 137.32 ± 0.10 km/h. (a) What is the minimum uncertainty of the position of the baseball?

  • Q : Powered across a level track by a jet engine....
    Physics :

    In the 1950s, an experimental train that had a mass of 2.30 104 kg was powered across a level track by a jet engine that produced a thrust of 5.30 105 N for a distance of 509 m. Unless otherwise di

  • Q : Fraction of the original kinetic energy gets trasferred....
    Physics :

    A .280 kg croquet ball makes an elastic head on collision with a second ball initially at rest. The second ball moves off with half the original speed of the first ball. What is the mass of the sec

  • Q : How much heat would need to add to it....
    Physics :

    Suppose you have a container with 2.0L of pure water at 23°C. If you wanted to boil all of it, how much heat would you need to add to it?

  • Q : What is the final temperature of both iron and the water....
    Physics :

    What is the final temperature of both the iron and the water? Assume there are no heat losses to the container and environment. Also assume that no water is lost by evaporation.

  • Q : Find the resulting angular speed of the disk....
    Physics :

    A 50.0-kg person, standing 1.70 m from the axis, begins to run on the disk in a circular path and has a tangential speed of 3.0 m/s relative to the ground. Find the resulting angular speed (in rad/s

  • Q : Find value of the potential from the center of sphere....
    Physics :

    A total electric charge of 4.50 nc is distributed uniformly over the surface of a metal sphere with a radius of 20.0cm. Find the value of the potential at 60.0 cm from the center of the sphere.

  • Q : Find relative charges and surface electric field strengths....
    Physics :

    The radius of sphere A is three times that of sphere B. What are the relative charges and surface electric field strengths of the two spheres?

  • Q : Calculate change in internal energy of the gas....
    Physics :

    The volume is observed to increase slowly from 12.0 to 18.2 Calculate (a) the work done by the gas and (b) the change in internal energy of the gas.

  • Q : Chair slides along the floor....
    Physics :

    A chair of weight 75.0 N lies atop a horizontal floor; the floor is not frictionless. You push on the chair with a force of F = 45.0 N directed at an angle of 41.0^circ below the horizontal and the

  • Q : Determining the acceleration due to gravity....
    Physics :

    Astronauts on a distant planet set up a simple pendulum of length 1.5 m. The pendulum executes simple harmonic motion and makes 107 complete vibrations in 398 s. What is the acceleration due to gra

  • Q : What is the length of the longest and thinnest string....
    Physics :

    A cylindrical guitar string is to be made out of a quantity of steel with a mass of 3.50. What is the length of the longest and thinnest string that can be placed under a tension of 860 without brea

  • Q : Calculate the mass of calcium oxide....
    Physics :

    An industrial process makes calcium oxide by decomposing calcium carbonate. Which of the following is NOT needed to calculate the mass of calcium oxide that can be produced from 4.7 kg of calcium c

  • Q : Vertical component of the velocity....
    Physics :

    A projectile is fired horizontally from a gun that is 50.0 m above flat ground, emerging from the gun with a speed of 140 m/s. (a) How long does the projectile remain in the air? (b) At what horizo

  • Q : Write first- order differential equation-vertical velocity....
    Physics :

    A small rocket, of the sort that the high school boys built in the 1998 movie ''October Sky'', has a mass, M. From Newton's Second Law, write a first- order differential equation for the vertical velo

  • Q : Angular acceleration of the pulley....
    Physics :

    A 3.28-kg bucket is attached to a disk-shaped pulley of radius 0.108 m and mass 0.727 kg. If the bucket is allowed to fall, what is its linear acceleration? What is the angular acceleration of the pul

  • Q : What is the net force on the block....
    Physics :

    You pull with a force of 275 N on a rope that is attached to a block of mass 28 kg, and the block slides across the floor at a constant speed of 1.7 m/s. The rope makes an angle of 30 degrees with

  • Q : Bright fringe in radians....
    Physics :

    Two narrow slits are 20 wavelengths apart are illuminated with light of wavelength lambda. What is the angle of the bright fringe in radians between the central maximum and the m=1 and m=-1 bright

  • Q : Magnitude of the acceleration related problem....
    Physics :

    Consider a supertanker, with a mass of 7.0×10(8) {rm kg}. If it is pushed by a rocket motor (force 4.0×10(8 {rm N}) and is subject to no other forces, what will be the magnitude of its a

  • Q : Calculate the tension in the rope....
    Physics :

    Calculate the tension in the rope if the gymnast climbs up the rope with an upward acceleration of magnitude 1.30. Calculate the tension in the rope if the gymnast slides down the rope with a downward

  • Q : What is the force of gravity on the satellite now....
    Physics :

    We now place it in a circular orbit, such that the radius of the orbit is 5.0 times the radius of the earth. What is the force of gravity on the satellite now?

  • Q : How long does the stone take to reach it-s highest point....
    Physics :

    A stone thrown upward from the top of a 108 ft cliff at 132 ft/sec eventually falls to the beach below. How long does the stone take to reach it's highest point?

  • Q : Magnitude of door angular acceleration....
    Physics :

    The mass of each section is 80 kg. A person pushes on the outer edge of one section with a force of F = 72 N that is directed perpendicular to the section. Determine the magnitude of the door's angu

  • Q : How much time does wave take to travel from one end to other....
    Physics :

    If the string is 9.5 {rm m} long, has a mass of 35 g and is pulled taut with a tension of 7.0 N, how much time does it take for a wave to travel from one end of the string to the other?

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