• Q : How long does it take julie to complete trip to house....
    Physics :

    On her return trip, she drives half the time at 35 and half the time at 55. How long does it take Julie to complete the trip to Grandmother's house?

  • Q : What is the ratio of the men kinetic energy....
    Physics :

    A man weighing 720 and a woman weighing 400 have the same momentum. What is the ratio of the man's kinetic energy to that of the woman ?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the maximum gravitational force....
    Physics :

    A bowling ball (mass = 5.0 kg, radius = 0.11 m) and a billiard ball (mass = 0.40 kg, radius = 0.028 m) may each be treated as uniform spheres. What is the magnitude of the maximum gravitational forc

  • Q : Find the slit width....
    Physics :

    Light with a wavelength of 633 nm illuminates a single slit and a diffraction pattern of light is viewed on a screen that is 1.50 m behind the hole. The distance between the m = 1 and m = 2 minima i

  • Q : Find minimal magnitude and velocity of water leaving hose....
    Physics :

    The water is fired from the hose at a height of 3.0 meters to a height of 30.0 meters. What is the minimal magnitude and velocity of the water leaving the hose in order to reach the fire?

  • Q : Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction between slide....
    Physics :

    A child slides down a slide with a 31 incline, and at the bottom her speed is precisely one third what it would have been if the slide had been frictionless. Calculate the coefficient of kinetic fri

  • Q : Bottom of the spring oscillates....
    Physics :

    A vertical scale on a spring balance reads from 0 to 245 rm{N}. The scale has a length of 11.0 rm{cm} from the 0 to 245 rm{N} reading. A fish hanging from the bottom of the spring oscillates vertica

  • Q : How much steam is produced....
    Physics :

    by accident, 20g of aluminum at 275 degree celcius is dropped to a 25g of water at 80 degree celsius. how much steam is produced?

  • Q : Horizontal component of the force exerted by the table....
    Physics :

    You drag a block across a table while a friend presses down on the block. The coefficient of friction between this table and this block is 0.4. The vertical component of the force exerted by the ta

  • Q : Wire in the potentiometric method....
    Physics :

    Even though we measured it, why isn't it necessary to know the exact voltage across the full length of the wire in the potentiometric method

  • Q : What will be the beat frequency heard....
    Physics :

    Two violin strings are tuned to the same frequency, 294 Hz. The tension in one string is then decreased by 1.5 %. What will be the beat frequency heard when the two strings are played together?

  • Q : Output piston of a hydraulic lever....
    Physics :

    A spring of spring constant 3.00 X 10^4 N/m is between a rigid beam and the output piston of a hydraulic lever. An empty container with negligable mass sits on the input piston.

  • Q : Find the final speed of the small sphere....
    Physics :

    A sphere of mass 2 kg and diameter of 10 cm is fired with the initial speed of 8 micrometres per second directly toward the center of a second sphere with mass of 500 kg and diameter of 1 m, which i

  • Q : How many containers are thrown away or recycled each year....
    Physics :

    Soft drinks are commonly sold in aluminum containers. to an order of magnitude, how many such containers are thrown away or recycled each year by U.S. consummers?

  • Q : Temperature returns to its initial value....
    Physics :

    An ideal gas is confined within a closed cylinder at a pressure of 2.026 × 105 Pa by a piston. The piston moves until the volume of the gas is reduced to one-ninth of the initial volume. What

  • Q : How long is the string....
    Physics :

    a 200 g ball is tied to a string. it is pulled to an angle of 8 degrees and released to swing as a pendulum. a student with a stopwatch finds that 10 oscillations take 12 s. how long is the string?

  • Q : What is the emf induced in the coil....
    Physics :

    A closely wound rectangular coil of 80 turns has dimensions of 25 cm by 40 cm. The plane of the coil is rotated from a position where it makes an angle of 37 degrees with a magnetic field of 1.10 T

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the electric force of attraction....
    Physics :

    What is the magnitude of the electric force of attraction between an iron nucleus ({q = + 26e}) and its innermost electron if the distance between them is 1.5 times 10^{ - 12} ,{rm{m}}?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the magnetic field....
    Physics :

    An electron accelerated from rest through a voltage of 460 V enters a region of constant magnetic field. If the electron follows a circular path with a radius of 30 cm, what is the magnitude of the

  • Q : Problem on major league pitcher....
    Physics :

    A major league pitcher can throw a baseball in excess of 46.5 m/s. if a ball is thrown horizontally at this speed, how much will it drop by the time it reaches the catcher who is 17.0 m away from t

  • Q : What direction must second cyclist head during last trip....
    Physics :

    At the turning point how far is the second cyclist from the campground? What direction must the second cyclist head during the last part of the trip?

  • Q : Magnitude of the earth''s magnetic field....
    Physics :

    A 13 turn circular loop of wire has a diameter of 0.66 m. The plane of the circular loop makes an angle of 63 to the Earth's magnetic field. In 0.157 s the coil is flipped at a location where the

  • Q : Find the time required for the pulse to reach the other end....
    Physics :

    One end of a 15.0-m-long rubber tube, with a total mass of 1.00kg, is fastened to a fixed support. A cord attached to the other end passes over a pulley and supports an object with a mass of 5.00 kg

  • Q : Coefficient of friction between the object and the surface....
    Physics :

    An object, mass 2.96 kg, moves in a horizontal circle with a radius of 3.80 m. The object has an intial velocity of 32.6 m s-1. If the kinetic coefficient of friction between the object and the surf

  • Q : What was the speed of the bullet at impact with the block....
    Physics :

    A 11.0 g bullet is fired horizontally into a 108 g wooden block that is initially at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface and connected to a spring of constant 151 N/m. The bullet becomes embed

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