• Q : Velocity of the wedge....
    Physics :

    Assuming that the collision is instantaneous and perfectly elastic, what is the velocity of the wedge after the collision?

  • Q : Spring compressed only half as far before firing....
    Physics :

    The same ball is shot straight up a second time from the same gun, but this time the spring is compressed only half as far before firing. How far up does the ball go this time? Neglect friction. As

  • Q : What was the initial speed of the car....
    Physics :

    From the skidmarks after the collision, it is deduced that the mangled wreckage, which sticks to- gether after the collision was skidding at angle 20? with respect to the initial direction of the ca

  • Q : Coefficient of kinetic friction of the bank on floor....
    Physics :

    Bonnie and Clyde are sliding 450 bank safe across the floor to their getaway car. The safe slides with a constant speed if Clyde pushes from behind with 440 of force while Bonnie pulls forward on a

  • Q : At what rate should cyclist be pedaling for froward speed....
    Physics :

    The radius of the rear wheel is 66.0 cm. At what rate should the cyclist be pedaling in order for the bicycle to have a forward speed of 10.0 m/s?

  • Q : Net force between the two current-carrying objects....
    Physics :

    Close to the wire is a square loop of copper wire that carries a 2.17 A current in the direction shown. The near side of the loop is d = 46.3 cm away from the wire. The length of each side of the sq

  • Q : Realistic car spinning in a manner....
    Physics :

    A more realistic car would cause the wheels to spin in a manner that would result in the ground pushing it forward with a constant force (in contrast to the constant power in Part A). If such a spo

  • Q : Image of the butterfly in the mirror....
    Physics :

    A butterfly at eye level is 18 cm in front of an plane mirror. You are behind the butterfly, 52 cm from the mirror. What is the distance between your eye and the image of the butterfly in the mirro

  • Q : What was the minimum acceleration of the elevator....
    Physics :

    A person in an elevator is holding a 25 kg block by a cord rated to withstand a tension of 335 N. Starting from rest, the elevator begins to move upwards at a constant acceleration and the cord hold

  • Q : Distance in the laboratory frame....
    Physics :

    In the reference frame of the pion, how far does the pion travel in a typical lifetime of 2.6 × 10^ -8 seconds? Answer in units of m. What is this distance in the laboratory's frame? Answer in

  • Q : Maximum height of a landing ramp....
    Physics :

    Two circus performers, Jack and Jill, whose total mass is 120 kg, start a swing which is 5.0 m long such that initially the rope attached to their swing makes an angle of 36 degrees with the horizo

  • Q : Draw the diagram to show the rule-the support and weight....
    Physics :

    Calculate the moment about the knife edge of the force due to mass of the rule when the rule balances on the knife.

  • Q : How far will it skid if it is traveling at 120 km/h....
    Physics :

    If a car traveling at 62 km/h will skid 26 m when its brakes lock, how far will it skid if it is traveling at 120 km/h when its brakes lock?

  • Q : Blocks at rest on a frictionless table....
    Physics :

    A 3.50 g bullet is fired horizontally at two blocks at rest on a frictionless table. The bullet passes through block 1 (mass 1.20 kg) and embeds itself in block 2 (mass 1.80 kg). The blocks end up w

  • Q : Gravitational force on a single proton....
    Physics :

    A proton has a mass of 1.67 x 10^-27 kg and a charge of 1.60 x 10^-19 C. What is the gravitational force on a single proton at Earth's surface?

  • Q : Calculate the current density due to the gravitational drift....
    Physics :

    Calculate the current density, J, due to the gravitational drift of electrons and protons, where the gravitational acceleration, g, is along the negative z-axis.

  • Q : Potential energy of the barbell....
    Physics :

    Calculate the work done in lifting a 560 N barbell 1.6 m above the floor? What is the potential energy of the barbell when it is lifted to this height?

  • Q : Person walks radially to the edge of the platform....
    Physics :

    A person of mass 72 kg stands at the center of a rotating merry-go-round platform of radius 2.8 m and moment of inertia 930 kgcdot m^2. The platform rotates without friction with angular velocity 2

  • Q : Find the magnetic force on the rod....
    Physics :

    The battery has internal resistance of 0.100 Ω, and the rod and rails have negligible resistance. A 1.96 T magnetic field is directed perpendicular to the plane of the circuit.

  • Q : What would be the magnitude of the acceleration....
    Physics :

    A 55-kg person on skis is going down a hill sloped at 30° from the horizontal. The coefficient of friction between the skis and the snow is 0.17. What would be the magnitude of the acceleration?

  • Q : Static friction between the backpack-table....
    Physics :

    A backpack full of books weighing 59.0 N rests on a table in a physics laboratory classroom. A spring with a force constant of 150 N/m is attached to the backpack and pulled horizontally, as indica

  • Q : Stationary stand and a resistive force....
    Physics :

    A bicycle wheel has a diameter of 64.1 cm and a mass of 1.81 kg. Assume that the wheel is a hoop with all of the mass concentrated on the outside radius. The bicycle is placed on a stationary stand

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the new gravitational force....
    Physics :

    The second object has its mass changed to 2m2, and the distance is changed to r/4. What is the magnitude of the new gravitational force?

  • Q : What is the constant speed with which the car moved....
    Physics :

    A car travels along a straight line at a constant speed of 45.5 mi/h for a distance d and then another distance d in the same direction at another constant speed. The average velocity for the entire

  • Q : Horizontal force to set it in motion....
    Physics :

    A 25 kg chair initially at rest on a horizontal floor requires 373 N horizontal force to set it in motion. Once the chair is in motion, a 308 N horizontal force keeps it moving at a constant velocit

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