• Q : What is the total magnification....
    Physics :

    Two 26.0 cm focal-length converging lenses are placed 16.5 cm apart. An object is placed 39.0 cm in front of one lens. Where will the final image formed by the second lens be located? What is the t

  • Q : Find the image position and size....
    Physics :

    An object that is 5.50 cm tall is placed 33.0 cm in front of a diverging lens. The magnitude of the focal length of the lens is 20.0 cm. Find the image position and size.

  • Q : Find new pressure of air in atm chamber after first stroke....
    Physics :

    The volume of air decreases by 50 percent with each stroke. What is the new pressure of air (in ATM) in the chamber after the first stroke, assuming no temperature change?

  • Q : Orientation of the spacecraft....
    Physics :

    Neither the spacecraft nor the gyroscope is originally rotating. The gyroscope can be powered up in a negligible period of time to an angular speed of 135 rad/s. If the orientation of the spacecraft

  • Q : How much iron was there in chunk of iron....
    Physics :

    The cup and water are initially at 17 degrees Celsius. A chunk of iron at 230 degrees is added to the calorimeter. Equilibrium occurs at 68 degrees. How much iron was there (in grams)?

  • Q : Average induced emf in the coil....
    Physics :

    A 7.4 cm diameter wire coil is initially oriented so that its plane is perpendicular to a magnetic field of 0.68 T pointing up. During the course of 0.13 s, the field is changed to one of 0.25T poi

  • Q : Magnitude of the momentum of the chimpanzee....
    Physics :

    The magnitude of the momentum of the monkey plus scooter is how many times the magnitude of the momentum of the chimpanzee plus skates?

  • Q : What is the net torque produced by the two forces....
    Physics :

    The disk at a 90 degree angle to the imaginary line at the top of the disk pulling in the left direction. What is (a.) the net torque produced by the two forces and (b.) the angular acceleration of

  • Q : Areal current density....
    Physics :

    A wire made from zinc with a cross-section of diameter 0.700 mm carries a current of 10.0 A. Calculate the "areal current density"; in other words, how many electrons per square meter per second fl

  • Q : Compute moment of inertia of particle with respect to y-axis....
    Physics :

    Three particles are located on the X-axis as follows. Calculate the moment of inertia of each particle with respect to the Y-axis. (b.) Find the total moment of inertia.

  • Q : Calculate the emf induced across the ends of the rod....
    Physics :

    A 0.8- m long rod rotates about an axis through one end and perpendicular to the rod, with an angular speed of 1.9 rev/s. The plane of rotation of the rod is perpendicular to a uniform magnetic fie

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the force generated by fourth tube....
    Physics :

    The moment of inertia of the entire unit has a constant value of 1.0 X 10^-3 kg X m^2 and that the forces are constant. What is the magnitude of the force generated by the fourth tube?

  • Q : Estimating magnitude of electric field....
    Physics :

    In a laboratory experiment, seven equal negative point charges are placed symmetrically around the circumference of a circle of radius r. Calculate the magnitude of the electric field at the center

  • Q : Find magnitude-direction of car-s acceleration as slows down....
    Physics :

    A car traveling east at 41.1 m/s passes a trooper hiding at the roadside. What is the magnitude and direction of the car's acceleration as it slows down?

  • Q : What is the angular velocity of the door....
    Physics :

    A solid wooden door has width w and height h and mass M, and is initially open and at rest. An arrow of mass m traveling with speed v is shot into the center of the door. Assume the arrow's velocit

  • Q : Compute uniform magnetic field....
    Physics :

    A stiff wire 51.0 long is bent at a right angle in the middle. One section lies along the axis and the other is along the line in the plane. A current of 22.5 flows in the wire-down the axis and ou

  • Q : Determine the snowball-s velocity as it strikes the tree....
    Physics :

    After what interval does the ball hit the tree? At what height above the ground will the snowball hit the tree? Determine the snowball's velocity as it strikes the tree.

  • Q : Find maximum force experienced by head in acceptable impact....
    Physics :

    Specifies the following for the testing of the helmet: a dummy head of mass 6.1 kg. Estimate the maximum force experienced by the head during an ‘acceptable' impact.

  • Q : Calculate the maximum current in the circuit....
    Physics :

    In a series RLC AC circuit, the resistance is , the inductance is mH, and the capacitance is μF. The maximum potential is V, and the angular frequency is rad/s. Calculate the maximum current in

  • Q : What current is in the wire....
    Physics :

    A wire that is 605 m long is perpendicular to a 0.46 T magnetic field. A 1.8 N force acts on the wire. What current is in the wire?

  • Q : First-order spectrum on a screen....
    Physics :

    White light containing wavelengths from 405 nm to 760 nm falls on a grating with 8000 lines/cm. How wide is the first-order spectrum on a screen 2.20 m away?

  • Q : Find value of radius at which r ten and r twenty are maximum....
    Physics :

    Find the value of the radius at which R10 and R20 are maximum, and compare these values with < r > for each state.

  • Q : Compute expected value of for a uniform earth....
    Physics :

    The center of a 1.50 diameter spherical pocket of oil is 1.00 beneath the Earth's surface.Estimate by what percentage directly above the pocket of oil would differ from the expected value of for a u

  • Q : Find rate of change of the depth of the water in cylinder....
    Physics :

    The cylinder is standing vertically and it has a radius of 1.76 metres. Use the calculus principles of related changes to find the rate of change of the depth of the water in the cylinder.

  • Q : Determine the distance-direction from lake....
    Physics :

    A plane flies from base camp to Lake A, 270 km away in the direction 20.0° north of east. After dropping off supplies it flies to Lake B, which is 260 km at 30.0° west of north from Lake A.

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