• Q : Determine the initial speed of the ball....
    Physics :

    Hakeem throws a 9.0 g ball straight down from a height of 2.0 m. The ball strikes the floor at a speed of 7.8 m/s. What was the initial speed of the ball? Assume that air resistance is negligible.

  • Q : Determine minimum value of the acceleration....
    Physics :

    An airplane must reach a speed of 186 mi/h to take off. If the runway is 488 m long, what is the minimum value of the acceleration that will allow the airplane to take off successfully?

  • Q : What speed will the string break....
    Physics :

    A boy uses this string to whirl a 10kg stone in a horizontal circle of radius 10m. The boy continuously increases the speed of the stone. At approximately what speed will the string break?

  • Q : Magnitude of the larger of the two individual forces....
    Physics :

    Draw a free body diagram for each situation and find the magnitude of the larger of the two individual forces in units of N.

  • Q : Tangential acceleration of the reference dot....
    Physics :

    A computer disk is 8.0 in diameter. A reference dot on the edge of the disk is initially located at The disk accelerates steadily for 0.50 , reaching 2000 , then coasts at steady angular velocity fo

  • Q : What is the acceleration of the center of mass of the ball....
    Physics :

    A bowling ball rolls without slipping up a ramp that slopes upward at an angle B to the horizontal. Treat the ball as a uniform, solid sphere, ignoring the finger holes. What is the acceleration of

  • Q : Magnetic force on the airplane....
    Physics :

    Due to friction with the air, an airplane has acquired a net charge of 1.70 10-5 C. The plane moves with a speed of 2.90 102 m/s at an angle θ with respect to the earth's magnetic field, the m

  • Q : How many cubic meters of gas burned to maintain temperature....
    Physics :

    How many cubic meters of gas must be burned each day to maintain an inside temperature of 24.5°C if the outside temperature is 0.0°C? Disregard radiation and energy loss by heat through the

  • Q : Ball on a porch rolls....
    Physics :

    A ball on a porch rolls 60 {rm cm} to the porch's edge, drops 40 {rm cm}, continues rolling on the grass, and eventually stops 80 {rm cm} from the porch's edge.

  • Q : Sound intensity level beta....
    Physics :

    If a speaker gives a sound intensity of 10^{-6} W/m^2 at a certain point, what is the sound intensity level beta at that point?

  • Q : How high does the top of the ice block float....
    Physics :

    A rectangular block of ice 11 m on each side and 1.8 m thick floats in sea water. The density of the sea water is 1025 kg/m3. The density of ice is 917 kg/m3. a) How high does the top of the ice blo

  • Q : What is the electric potential energy u of the system....
    Physics :

    Three equal point charges, each with charge 1.35 mu C, are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose sides are of length 0.600 m. What is the electric potential energy U of the system?

  • Q : Find the time for the bullet-block system to come to rest....
    Physics :

    A 2.10g bullet embeds itself in a 1.60kg block, which is attached to a spring of force constant 770 N/m. Find the time for the bullet-block system to come to rest.

  • Q : Calculate the resolving power....
    Physics :

    Calculate what resolving power is needed to measure with a spectrograph the natural line width of the alpha particles from Po-212 (use the uncertainty principle).

  • Q : Use work-energy theorem to compute minimum stopping distance....
    Physics :

    Use the Work-Energy Theorem to calculate the minimum stopping distance of the car in terms of vo , g and μk, the coefficient of kinetic friction between the sliding tires and the road.

  • Q : Find the mass of a projectile....
    Physics :

    Find the mass of a projectile moving at 275 m/s if it has the same momentum as a 145 g projectile moving at 325 m/s.

  • Q : Derive the expression for potential of the charged sphere....
    Physics :

    Consider a protein sphere with a radius of 18 Angstroms and charge Q= -10e in an aqueous solution of c(infinity) = 0.05M Nacl at 25 degree centigrade.we assume that small ions as point charges and

  • Q : Round-trip time for the light....
    Physics :

    Consider a pulse of laser light aimed at the Moon that bounces back to Earth. The distance between Earth and the Moon is 3.8 * 108m. Show that the round-trip time for the light is 2.5 s.

  • Q : Find the moment of inertia of the system....
    Physics :

    Four particles, one at each of the four corners of a square with 2-m-long edges, are connected by massless rods. The masses of the particles are m1 = m4 = 3.0 kg and m2 = m3 = 4.0 kg. Find the mome

  • Q : What would be the centripetal acceleration of a point....
    Physics :

    What would the diameter of such a disk need to be if it is to store an amount of kinetic energy of E when spinning at an angular velocity of omega (w) about an axis perpendicular to the disk at its

  • Q : How many electrons are transferred....
    Physics :

    A strong lightning bolt transfers and electric charge of about 11 C to Earth (or visa versa). How many electrons are transferred? Avogadro's number is 6.02214E23/mol.

  • Q : Find minimum elevation of bag so that plasma flows into vein....
    Physics :

    The specific gravity of blood plasma at 37°C is 1.03. What is the minimum elevation of the bag so that the plasma flows into the vein?

  • Q : How many photons per second would have to be emitted....
    Physics :

    How many photons per second would have to be emitted by a laser that fires a beam of cross sectional area 2 mm2 perpendicularly at the wall in order to exert a pressure of 1 atm on the wall? Assume

  • Q : Speed reaches and encounters a spring....
    Physics :

    An object of mass is traveling on a horizontal surface. There is a coefficient of kinetic friction between the object and the surface. The object has speed when it reaches and encounters a spring.

  • Q : What is the speed of the liquid flowing through the opening....
    Physics :

    What is the speed of the liquid flowing through the opening if the gauge pressure in the air space above the liquid is (a) zero and (b) 0.438 atm?

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