• Q : How much work does the spring do on the block....
    Physics :

    A spring with a spring constant of 32.0 N/cm has a block attached to one end and the other end is fixed. How much work does the spring do on the block if the spring is stretched from relaxed length

  • Q : Explain the effect on the magnitude....
    Physics :

    Explain the effect on the magnitude of U and D if the vaulter moves his leading hand closer to the centre of gravity of the pole while pole is still in equilibrium.

  • Q : What is the diameter of the wire....
    Physics :

    A steel wire strung between two supports is initially horizontal when there is no tension on it. When a 9.5 kg painting is hung on the wire, the wire makes a 25° angle to the horizontal, as show

  • Q : Determine amplitude at which block loses contact with spring....
    Physics :

    The block oscillates in simple harmonic motion. If the spring constant is 95.0 N/m, determine the amplitude at which the block loses contact with the spring.

  • Q : Ball is caught from the thrower....
    Physics :

    A baseball is thrown at an angle of 26? relative to the ground at a speed of 25 m/s. The ball is caught 50.2046 m from the thrower. The acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . How long is it in

  • Q : Compute the force constant of the spring....
    Physics :

    A 240 g block is attached to a horizontal spring and executes simple harmonic motion with a period of 0.150 s. If the total energy of the system is 3.00 J. Find the force constant of the spring

  • Q : Which equations relating current in circuit describe circuit....
    Physics :

    A resistor R and a capacitor C are connected in series to a battery of terminal voltage V0. Which of the following equations relating the current I in the circuit and the charge Q on the capacitor

  • Q : Determining the tension on the cables....
    Physics :

    A 24.0 loudspeaker is suspended 1.80 below the ceiling by two 4.00 long cables that angle outward at equal angles. What is the tension on each of the cables?

  • Q : Find distance-screen between first-order fringe wavelength....
    Physics :

    An interference pattern is observed on a screen which is a distance 4.60 m from the slits. What is the distance on the screen between the first-order bright fringe for each wavelength?

  • Q : Compute potential difference across the capacitor....
    Physics :

    A 2.00 cm x 2.00 cm parallel-plate capacitor has a 2.20 mm spacing. The electric field strength inside the capacitor is 5.00×10^4 V/m. What is the potential difference across the capacitor? H

  • Q : Minimum force needed to get the refrigerator....
    Physics :

    The coefficient of kinetic friction between a refrigerator (mass 91 kg) and the floor is 0.12, and the coefficient of static friction is 0.26. If you apply the minimum force needed to get the refrig

  • Q : Magnitude of the maximum radial acceleration....
    Physics :

    The athlete shown in the figure rotates a 1.00 kg discus along a circular path of radius 1.04 m. The maximum speed of the discus is 20.0 m/s. Determine the magnitude of the maximum radial accelerat

  • Q : How much force must the elbow exert....
    Physics :

    how much force must the biceps exert to hold a 1000 ball at the end of the forearm at distance = 31.0 from the elbow, with the forearm parallel to the floor? How much force must the elbow exert? Wha

  • Q : What is the emf of the battery if ammeter is negligible....
    Physics :

    The lights dim somewhat. If the internal resistance of the battery is 53 mΩ and that of the ammeter is negligible, what is the emf of the battery?

  • Q : Find the speed of the ball....
    Physics :

    The ball is then released when the cord is horizontal. At the bottom of its path, the ball strikes a 3.00 kg steel block initially at rest on a frictionless surface. The collision is elastic. Find t

  • Q : Frictionless chute to a waiting truck....
    Physics :

    A package of mass m is released from rest at a warehouse loadingdock and slides down a h = 2.8 mhigh frictionless chute to a waiting truck. Unfortunately, thetruck driver went on a break without hav

  • Q : What is the kinetic energy as flea leaves the ground....
    Physics :

    what is the kinetic energy as it leaves the ground? at its highest point, B) what fraction of the initial kinetic energy has been converted to potential energy?

  • Q : Problem related to barrel of the rifle....
    Physics :

    An 8.4 g bullet leaves the muzzle of a rifle with a speed of 621.5 m/s2. what constant force is exerted on the bullet while it is traveling down the .6 meter length of the barrel of the rifle?

  • Q : Calculate magnitude at the support point....
    Physics :

    A diving board of length 3.00 is supported at a point 1.00 from the end, and a diver weighing 470 stands at the free end . The diving board is of uniform cross section and weighs 255. What is the m

  • Q : How would that affect estimate of distance to the galaxy....
    Physics :

    Suppose that we suddenly discovered that all these years. How would that affect our estimate of the distance to the Andromeda Galaxy?

  • Q : Determine kinetic energy of the baseball at highest point....
    Physics :

    A baseball outfielder throws a 0.150 kg baseball at a speed of 45.0 m/s and an initial angle of 28.0°. What is the kinetic energy of the baseball at the highest point of its trajectory?

  • Q : What is the total electric flux due to two point charges....
    Physics :

    What is the total electric flux due to these two point charges through a spherical surface centered at the origin and with radius = 0.450

  • Q : Estimating acceleration on the rough ice....
    Physics :

    A speed skater moving across frictionless ice at 9.2 m/s hits a 5.0 m wide patch of rough ice. She slows steadily, then continues on at 5.0 m/s. What is her acceleration on the rough ice?

  • Q : Creating artificial gravity....
    Physics :

    To create artificial gravity, the space station shown in the drawing is rotating at a rate of 1.00 rpm. The radii of the cylindrically shaped chambers have the ratio rA/rB = 4.10. Each chamber A sim

  • Q : Who receives the news first by sound waves to people....
    Physics :

    By sound waves to people sitting across the newsroom, 3.0 m from the newscaster. Who receives the news first? Take he speed of sound in air to be 343 m/s.

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