• Q : Constant tangential acceleration....
    Physics :

    A particle revolves in a horizontal circle of radius 3.40m . At a particular instant, its acceleration is 1.50m/s^2 , in a direction that makes an angle of 35.0 degrees to its direction of motion. D

  • Q : Constant tangential acceleration....
    Physics :

    A particle revolves in a horizontal circle of radius 3.40m . At a particular instant, its acceleration is 1.50m/s^2 , in a direction that makes an angle of 35.0 degrees to its direction of motion. D

  • Q : What is the final speed of the probe....
    Physics :

    A 6.5 × 104 kg space probe is traveling at a speed of 28400 m/s through deep space. Retrorockets are fired along the line of motion to reduce the probe's speed. The retrorockets generate a for

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of the force the pitcher....
    Physics :

    What are the magnitude and direction of the force the pitcher exerts on the ball?

  • Q : Center of the spheres....
    Physics :

    The problem statement, all variables and given known data. A metal sphere with radius r_a is supported on an insulating stand at the center of a hollow, metal spherical shell with radius r_b. There

  • Q : Find the change in kinetic energy of the object....
    Physics :

    Find the change in kinetic energy of the object it its velocity changes so that its new x-component is 8.50 m/s and its new y-component is 5.00

  • Q : Uniform circular motion in a circle with radius and speed....
    Physics :

    A block with mass m1 slides on a frictionless horizontal table. It's connected to a block with mass m2 by a light cord that passes through a hole in the table, with m2 hanging vertically. What shoul

  • Q : Problm related to train moving at a constant speed....
    Physics :

    A freight train consists of an engine and several identical cars on level ground. Determine whether each of the statements are true or false then explain. A) if the train is moving at a constant spe

  • Q : What is the rockets maximum altitude....
    Physics :

    A 200 weather rocket is loaded with 100 of fuel and fired straight up. It accelerates upward at 30m/s^2 for 33s , then runs out of fuel. Ignore any air resistance effects.....what is the rocket's ma

  • Q : Magnitude of the normal force that floor exerts on chair....
    Physics :

    A chair of weight 110 N lies atop a horizontal floor; the floor is not frictionless. You push on the chair with a force of F = 45.0 N directed at an angle of 34.0 degrees celsius below the horizonta

  • Q : Magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity....
    Physics :

    A loudspeaker of mass 16.0 is suspended a distance of = 2.00m below the ceiling by two cables that make equal angles with the ceiling. Each cable has a length of = 2.70 . What is the tension in each

  • Q : Difference between the input piston and output plunger....
    Physics :

    In the hydraulic press used in a trash compactor, the radii of the input piston and the output plunger are 5.5 10-3 m and 5.5 10-2, respectively. If the height difference between the input piston an

  • Q : Child speed at the lowest position....
    Physics :

    A 21.0 kg child on a 3.00 m long swing is released from rest when the ropes of the swing make an angle of 32.0° with the vertical. (a) Neglecting friction, find the child's speed at the lowest p

  • Q : What horizontal force must a worker exert....
    Physics :

    If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the 40 kg crate and the floor is 0.680, what horizontal force must a worker exert to just start the motion of the crate?

  • Q : Determining the terminal speed....
    Physics :

    A wooden sphere of radius 7.00 cm and density 0.810 g/cm3 is falling through the air. A. Determine its terminal speed.

  • Q : Determine the speed of the bullet at impact with block....
    Physics :

    If the bullet-block system compresses the spring by a maximum of 74.0 cm, what was the speed of the bullet at impact with the block?

  • Q : How much tension is exerted in the strand....
    Physics :

    When a 115 N bag of nails hangs motionless from a single vertical strand of rope, how much tension is exerted in the strand?

  • Q : Speed in the absence of air resistance....
    Physics :

    From what height would a freely falling object reach this speed in the absence of air resistance?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of an electric field....
    Physics :

    What is the magnitude of an electric field in which the electric force on a proton is equal in magnitude to its weight?

  • Q : Sail to reach the original destination....
    Physics :

    A ship sets out to sail to a point 154 km due north. An unexpected storm blows the ship to a point 74 km due east of its starting point. In what direction must it now sail to reach its original dest

  • Q : Long barrel of the gun....
    Physics :

    A 5.0 kg bullet leaves the muzzle of a gun with a speed of 320 m/s. What force (assumed to be constant) is exerted on the bullet while it travels down the .82 m long barrel of the gun?

  • Q : Ratio of the secondary to primary turns of the transformer....
    Physics :

    to operate from a 240V line what must be the ratio of the secondary to primary turns of the transformer?

  • Q : Determine the speed of the third fragment....
    Physics :

    A second fragment, whose mass is 2.6 kg, moves away from the point of explosion with a speed of 450 m/s along the negative x axis. Ignoring the effects of gravity, what is the speed of the third fra

  • Q : With what velocity does the package strike the ground....
    Physics :

    How far away in the horizontal direction should the plane release the supplies in order for the supplies to reach the people exactly? With what velocity (magnitude and direction) does the package st

  • Q : Space vehicle moving at constant velocity....
    Physics :

    What is the magnitude of the apparent weight of a 83 kg astronaut 5200 km from the center of the Earth's Moon in a space vehicle moving at constant velocity?

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