• Q : Impacts of discharging effluents....
    Other Subject :

    Describe why biological processes are preferred to physico-chemical processes for removal of nitrogen in waste water. Explain the impacts of discharging effluents having high nitrogen content in envir

  • Q : Implications of improper management of waste water....
    Other Subject :

    Mauritius prepared its Sewerage Master Plan in early nineties for the good control and management of liquid waste, whether domestic and industrial. Explain the implications of improper management of

  • Q : Four stages of environmental risk assessment....
    Other Subject :

    Explain the four stages of Environmental Risk Assessment. Explain the difficulties faced by developing countries in implementing EIA as legal requirement. Explain the significance of an Environmental

  • Q : Fundamental elements of audit process....
    Other Subject :

    Explain what an EMS audit is and explain its significance to the organization? Describe the fundamental elements of the audit process. State at least five items which should be covered in EMS audit pr

  • Q : International organization for standardization....
    Other Subject :

    The International Organization for the Standardization (ISO), were asked prior to the Earth Summit in 1992, to participate and make international environmental standard. Describe why do we require

  • Q : Significance of environmental impact assessment....
    Other Subject :

    Explain the significance of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Describe the areas to be considered in EIA?

  • Q : Sustainable development actions....
    Other Subject :

    What are the Sustainable Development actions which can be executed to sustain the Government’s policy, and thereby broaden the concept of Maurice Ile Durable?

  • Q : Guiding principles of national environment policy....
    Other Subject :

    Explain the guiding principles on which National Environment Policy is based. Mention the elements which should be considered while developing the environmental policy for the organization.

  • Q : Mandate of environment coordination committee....
    Other Subject :

    Briefly explain the mandate of Environment coordination committee set up under Environment Protection Act. What should be content of preliminary Environmental report as per Environment Protection Act?

  • Q : Solving reasononing questions....
    Other Subject :

    ‘Medicine’ is related to ‘Patient’ in a same way as ‘Education’ is related to: Teacher, School, Student or Tuition.

  • Q : Background of abnormal psychology....
    Other Subject :

    Write about various Psychosomatic disorders in Abnormal Psychology.

  • Q : Sigmund freuds psycho-sexual development theory....
    Other Subject :

    Explain Sigmund Freud’s psycho-sexual development theory.

  • Q : Basic principles of development....
    Other Subject :

    What are the basic principles of development? Describe the Hazards of Infancy.

  • Q : Describe classical conditioning....
    Other Subject :

    Define the term learning. In brief describe about classical conditioning. How it is helpful in day-today life.

  • Q : Functions of language in society....
    Other Subject :

    Language functions in numerous different ways. Determine and explain the functions of language in society. Support your answer with relevant examples.

  • Q : Introduction of kreol....
    Other Subject :

    ‘Customer relations management is a generally recognized, widely-executed strategy for managing and nurturing the company’s interactions with the clients, customers or sales prospects. &

  • Q : Academic libraries....
    Other Subject :

    Differentiate the conventional kinds of Libraries; examine the services, sources and facilities available in University Libraries.

  • Q : Introduction to library information science....
    Other Subject :

    Describe the Need and Purpose of Library Research? Examine the significance of kinds of Hypothesis.

  • Q : Merits of internet on global communication....
    Other Subject :

    Based on the above resume, describe the term Global Communication. As a communication manager of the international organisation, describe any one strategy you would devise to safeguard your global co

  • Q : Information processing and retrieval....
    Other Subject :

    What do you mean by ISBD? Differentiate the Bibliographe Description of Print and Non-Print Materials.

  • Q : Attributes accountable for underdevelopment....
    Other Subject :

    How are these attributes accountable for underdevelopment in your country or community? Development journalism could make the positive contribution to development in the free society such as Mauritius

  • Q : Information communication and society....
    Other Subject :

    Describe the meaning and definition of Information Transfer Media and differentiate Conventional and Non-conventional Transfer Media.

  • Q : Attributes of a traditional society....
    Other Subject :

    Mention and explain the attributes of a traditional society that prevent development. Mention and explain the attributes of a modern society. Give examples for each attribute.

  • Q : Evaluation of the television programme....
    Other Subject :

    What is the differentiation between 'quantitative' and 'quantitative' approach for the evaluation of the Television programme?

  • Q : Plan for documentary production....
    Other Subject :

    Mention the audiovisual components you would use to explain a video sequence and describe how each component communicates with viewer. You might refer to a Film or TV programme you have watched.

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