• Q : Comparative analysis of public elementary....
    Other Subject :

    Create a chart that identifies the differences between local, state and federal roles in public elementary and secondary education.

  • Q : Question on bilingual education....
    Other Subject :

    Suppose you're writing to educational editor of NY Times. pretend you're a teacher looking to make changes you're not satisfied as a teacher in ny public schools with the way they handle or teaching

  • Q : Effective tools for program evaluation....
    Other Subject :

    In using the standard evaluation procedure for department or program performance in work place, what method or tool can be used to decide if it is running effectively?

  • Q : Instructional design concepts....
    Other Subject :

    What is the human performance technology model or (HPT) and how does if align with instructional design concepts? How can the model be implemented and then evaluated?

  • Q : Contrasting learning theory approaches....
    Other Subject :

    The first cognitive approach indicates that Kermit has a desire to play the key board but due to several mistakes he tends to give up upon each mistake and then loses interest in particular pieces u

  • Q : Hpt assessment....
    Other Subject :

    Compare and contrast the HPT model against the ADDIE Model and Gagnes Model. Determine how these models might work together for identifying performance gaps and designing solutions.

  • Q : Infographic or graphic organizer....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss how technology influences self-directed learning. Make an infographic or graphic organizer to reflect the following:

  • Q : Standardized tests and idiosyncratic literacy....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss how standardized tests can be unfair and unreliable in assessing children's capability to read, especially for children from diverse cultures.

  • Q : Article on critical issue related to standardized assessment....
    Other Subject :

    Conduct an Internet search for an article on critical issue related to standardized assessment. Please prepare the summary of article.

  • Q : Periodic large-scale standardized....
    Other Subject :

    What role must periodic large-scale standardized tests play in communicating regarding student achievement? What are your thoughts about bias in standardized testing? Support your claims with experie

  • Q : Foundation for effective instruction....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss the pros the cons of each form of assessment. Why is it important to use all three forms of assessment?

  • Q : Standard testing-high-stakes testing....
    Other Subject :

    Illustrate out some of the effects of this trend toward standard setting and high-stakes testing?

  • Q : Purpose of teacher work sample....
    Other Subject :

    What is the purpose of a Teacher Work Sample? What are the major elements of a Teacher Work Sample? How is the teacher work sample used in the classroom? What are some questions and concerns about t

  • Q : Effects of state curriculum standards on education....
    Other Subject :

    From your readings and experiences with standards, do you think standards will enhance education, have little impact--negative or positive on education or produce basically negative results?

  • Q : History of state standards in education....
    Other Subject :

    What was the field of education like prior to the implementation of academic standards? In what manner have standards changed curriculum, assessment, and instruction?

  • Q : Critical reflection and assessment....
    Other Subject :

    Explain how assessment can be used for both individual learner mastery and continuous quality improvement of the instruction. Give some thoughts on how critical reflection is essential in the assess

  • Q : Implementing effective feedback with students....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss the significance of implementing effective feedback which relate student performance to standards, progress and even corrective procedures.

  • Q : Early learning standards in education....
    Other Subject :

    Are there barriers presented by early learning standards in early childhood education program? How do you see yourself using early learning standards in the curriculum planning?

  • Q : Standards of mathematics learning....
    Other Subject :

    Children show interest and curiosity in counting and grouping objects as well as numbers. Critically discuss how preschool learning areas can support mathematical learning standards.

  • Q : Standards of physical development....
    Other Subject :

    For this discussion, please choose either focus on fostering fine motor or gross motor skill development. Make a curriculum or activity plan designed to foster either fine motor or gross motor devel

  • Q : Value of learning standards....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss how children, teachers, programs and parents benefit from Learning Standards. Include your own insights on how Learning Standards contribute to your curriculum/activity planning process and

  • Q : Social studies curriculum comparison matrix....
    Other Subject :

    Using the matrix or chart, compare and contrast the pros and cons of the following: Reflect on your findings and the implication on curriculum design and social studies instruction in meeting today's

  • Q : Positive reinforcement-negative reinforcement by manager....
    Other Subject :

    Why is it significant for managers to always try to employ positive reinforcement instead of negative reinforcement? How may using negative reinforcement affect working relationship or workplace envir

  • Q : Social loafing in workplace....
    Other Subject :

    Illustrate out the term social loafing in workplace. What would be the obvious issues in this condition that the manager would've to try to prevent?

  • Q : Examples on summative assessment....
    Other Subject :

    Illustrate out some examples of traditional performance-based summative assessments? What is the significance of varying your assessment modalities?

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