• Q : Creating supportive environments....
    Other Subject :

    Read the article upon creating supportive environments, "Including Children with Special Needs: Are You and Your Early Childhood Program Ready?"

  • Q : Ideas and approaches to communication....
    Other Subject :

    Write down a statement describing your own belief about school and home communication. Critically discuss ideas and approaches to communication you might use in your own classroom

  • Q : Fairness versus equality in education....
    Other Subject :

    When creating appropriate, individualized curriculum, it is significant to remember that "fair" and "equal" aren't the same thing. In other words, if all children are given the same thing, it might

  • Q : Administering a new reading program....
    Other Subject :

    In research, you have discovered that your data may be compromised. You have been relying on your colleagues to submit actual reading test scores from their classes after administering a new reading

  • Q : Annotated bibliography of education websites....
    Other Subject :

    Make an annotated bibliography of a minimum of 15 special education websites. Research and provide two to three sentences of information for each site.  

  • Q : Different dissertations-literature reviews....
    Other Subject :

    Recognize the major themes of three different dissertations/literature reviews that involve students taught in today's society using technology. Use APA style. Also state rationale for choosing them

  • Q : Illustrate out the term occupational therapy....
    Other Subject :

    Illustrate out the term occupational therapy and how is it used when dealing with students with disabilities? Include examples of therapy that may be used.

  • Q : Explaining adhd to new teacher....
    Other Subject :

    Researchers haven't identified a primary cause of ADHD. They believe that it is probably related to a combination of biology, genetics, and the student's environment" (Powell & Driver, 2013, Sec

  • Q : Play a role in arp process....
    Other Subject :

    How will reflection play a role in (Action Research Project) ARP process? What could one see as potential challenges or limitations to completing your action research project successfully?

  • Q : Physical activity-fitness and nutrition for children....
    Other Subject :

    Write down an in-depth journal response reflecting on content presented in the course, the knowledge you've gained, and your goals for future professional positions. In your reflection, be sure to a

  • Q : Devising plan in school or district....
    Other Subject :

    Levin suggests that in order to facilitate meaningful change, stakeholder focus has to be channeled and chunked in order to sustain focus and motivation to realize/achieve the change that is necessa

  • Q : Mental modes in school organizations....
    Other Subject :

    What do you think is the genesis of these mental models (how were they developed)? Do you believe these mental models can be changed? If so, what would it take to change these mental models and if n

  • Q : Assessment for a performance gap....
    Other Subject :

    You've been asked to conduct a needs assessment to identify performance gap at a place of business or educational institution.

  • Q : Explanation of adhd phases....
    Other Subject :

    Give an explanation of phases to follow when a parent of a child without ADHD diagnosis is seeking a diagnosis (e.g. describe the checklist or rating scale you will use alongside the parent and phy

  • Q : Accommodating children with adhd in classrooms....
    Other Subject :

    A discussion of how parents can be kept involved in their child's learning once the child has been diagnosed by physician.

  • Q : Assistive technology for special education....
    Other Subject :

    Why is assistive technology important to the IEP process? What is the difference between the IEP in the State of Texas and the New York Board of Education system?

  • Q : Talking with parents about the struggles....
    Other Subject :

    Talking with parents about the struggles their child is having in class can be a difficult task for teachers and childcare professionals.

  • Q : Social-emotional-behavioral resources....
    Other Subject :

    When we think about overall well-being, it is significant to consider our children and families. For this discussion, you will explore several social, emotional, and behavioral resources which could

  • Q : Review of the literature as part of research project....
    Other Subject :

    What are some typical errors which a researcher must look for when reviewing journals? Mention three reasons why it is important to conduct a review of the literature as part of a research project.

  • Q : Law paper of educational....
    Other Subject :

    Interview the school principal, a teacher, and paraprofessional to determine their understanding of their school's or district's definition of what constitutes negligence as well as procedures for r

  • Q : Describing scientific experiments-method-scientists....
    Other Subject :

    Below is list of important scientific experiments and the scientist who conducted them. Choose one experiment and discuss how they used the scientific method to prove or disprove them as instructed

  • Q : Character-etymology of virtue....
    Other Subject :

    Examine the etymology of virtue and how that might inform your beliefs. What are the pros and cons of teaching character in schools?

  • Q : Class of instructional design learners....
    Other Subject :

    What questions may you ask a class of Instructional Design learners?

  • Q : Knowledge about learning differences....
    Other Subject :

    How has your own image of children with learning disabilities been affected througout this class? What new understandings have you considered in terms of the knowledge about learning differences?

  • Q : Meet needs of many types of learners....
    Other Subject :

    Which must come first: the media or the method? Discuss. If two media formats were shown to be equally effective for the presenting your content, what factors may cause you to select one over the ot

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