• Q : Four contexts of predatory crime....
    Other Subject :

    Mention a minimum of four contexts of predatory crime and develop a brief description of what is involved in each. Discuss in detail how the different contexts of predatory crime might be preventabl

  • Q : Victims of political or identity status....
    Other Subject :

    Critically dislcuss in detail how the context of domestic violence may be preventable from the perspective of the victim or potential victim and how that might be accomplished.

  • Q : Victims in organizational contexts....
    Other Subject :

    As a criminal justice professional, what do you feel is most significant when studying victims of prison violence, school violence, campus violence, and workplace violence?

  • Q : Victimless crimes-respones to victimization....
    Other Subject :

    Compare and contrast the merits of a Victims Rights Amendment to the US Constitution. Legitimate arguments have been waged on both sides of this issue conduct research

  • Q : Context of victimless-crime....
    Other Subject :

    What specific criminal act described within the context of victimless-crime do you feel comes closest to fitting the definition of being truly victimless? Why?

  • Q : Types of management styles....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss these three types of management styles (Scientific Management, Human Relations Management, and Systems Management).

  • Q : Criminal justice system as framework....
    Other Subject :

    You're a Special Agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration. You've been asked by your supervisor to prepare an informational summary that will be included in Congressional record during hearing

  • Q : Sixth amendment of us constitution....
    Other Subject :

    The Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the accused the right to a speedy and public trial. What factors should a judge consider when deciding how to make sure the accused person's r

  • Q : Criminal cases and different phases....
    Other Subject :

    Throughout the criminal case presentation phase of a trial, this phase usually begins with opening statements and concludes with closing statements.

  • Q : Historical description of victims rights....
    Other Subject :

    Give a historical description of Victims' Rights and explain how Victims' Rights are considered today? What organizations helped facilitate the U.S. Legislature and President to move on improving righ

  • Q : Psychological theories and sociological theories....
    Other Subject :

    Perform two psychological theories and two sociological theories to each of the following three delinquent acts:

  • Q : Contemporary criminal justice system....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss the major differences between the contemporary criminal(adult) justice system and the juvenile justice system? Are the major differences appropriate, given the differences between

  • Q : Determine juvenile and adult justice systems....
    Other Subject :

    Should there be a separate justice system for juveniles or should all juveniles be dealt with in the adult system. What factors do you consider to be most important in the creation of juvenile sentenc

  • Q : Discuss the juvenile court process....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss the juvenile court process and explain it to a juvenile offender and his or her family on these topics:

  • Q : Job description of juvenile probation officer....
    Other Subject :

    Job description for juvenile probation officer Include a description of required job duties, and how probation fits into the juvenile justice system in general.

  • Q : Delinquency prevention measure....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss a delinquency prevention measure from each of the three levels of prevention: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary. Prevention measures may be corrective, punitive, or mechanical.

  • Q : Maryland state board of cosmetology....
    Other Subject :

    The Maryland State Board of Cosmetology inspected the equipment of the Dawn's Beauty College and found it to be in satisfactory condition.

  • Q : Indeterminate sentence and parole....
    Other Subject :

    What were some of the major criticisms that led some states to abandon the indeterminate sentence and parole? Do you support abolition of indeterminate sentence and parole?

  • Q : Chief of police and sheriff....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss the difference between a Chief of Police and a Sheriff. What are the roles of each? Illustrate out the differences in their backgrounds and their roles?

  • Q : Bank secrecy act of 1970....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970? How has the advent of computer technologies created ways around this Act? What are urban legends? How have these "legends" changed over the course of t

  • Q : Conflict of interest representing opposing parties....
    Other Subject :

    Bob and Patricia are separated, and they both want divorce. They would like to have joint custody arrangement in which their son would spend time with each parent throughout the year.

  • Q : Regulatory agencies-business ethics....
    Other Subject :

    How do regulatory agencies like the FDA fit in the body of law? Are they superior to courts? Are they inferior to Statutes? What about state law?

  • Q : Types of computer crimes....
    Other Subject :

    Recognize and explain the biggest problems facing the criminal justice system in the area of computer crime. Determine and explain the types of computer crimes you believe are going to become more p

  • Q : Background checks....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss different ways that background checks can be performed on potential employees. Your discussion should focus on issues like cost, time requirements, and resource requirements.

  • Q : Components and operations of criminal justice system....
    Other Subject :

    Characterize the role of modern law enforcement at federal, state, and local level. Discuss the role of courts and their relationship to law enforcement and the effects of court decisions on law enf

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