• Q : Concepts of the kind of leader....
    Other Subject :

    To help formulate your concepts of the kind of leader you want to become, examine your choice of current business periodicals. Locate at least one article exemplifying individual leadership and anal

  • Q : Definition of the leadership role or roles....
    Other Subject :

    Describe what you would expect of yourself as a leader. What traits should you possess? What skills should you own? What tactics should you employ? Describe why these are necessary for you as a lead

  • Q : Articles on health insurance and managed care....
    Other Subject :

    By using the Scholarly library or the Internet, search for articles on health insurance and managed care. Based on your research, summarize your findings and answer the given questions:

  • Q : Explain the female pop music groups....
    Other Subject :

    During the 1950's and 1960's, female pop music groups became wildly popular with American teenagers. How did the music of "girl groups" help to support feminism for young women of the time?

  • Q : What role do audiences play in creating popular culture....
    Other Subject :

    What role do audiences play in creating popular culture? Explain how Hollywood both manipulated and reflected the popular culture of the 1950's and 60's. Analyze a popular film of the time.

  • Q : Communicate information to employees....
    Other Subject :

    You are an HR leader in a newly formed organization with 150 employees. Management has asked you to provide them with a proposal that describes two to three retirement plans that could be offered

  • Q : Finding the nutritional information online....
    Other Subject :

    Supersize Me is an award winning documentary film released in 2004 that followed the filmmaker, Morgan Spurlock, as he ate nothing but McDonald's ® food for a month.

  • Q : Important issue facing african americans....
    Other Subject :

    What is the most significant issue facing African Americans in the 21st century? Explain why? How have debates around this issue transformed over time? How do you see this issue impacting African Am

  • Q : The credibility of the political internet sites....
    Other Subject :

    You are a rookie news journalist, and you just completed your first major assignment covering a political campaign, including extensive research of websites to provide the political background of yo

  • Q : Communication campaign in an organization....
    Other Subject :

    Think of a communication campaign in an organization and recognize the various audiences, messages, vehicles and length of the campaign.

  • Q : Effectiveness of the communication strategy....
    Other Subject :

    Next, evaluate the effectiveness of the communication strategy in that organization and what should be enhanced and how?

  • Q : What does teacher do when a child misbehaves....
    Other Subject :

    Interview questions-Tell me about your classroom.Tell me about your teacher. Do you think that your teacher enjoys teaching and working with children? How do you know?

  • Q : Formal and informal communication....
    Other Subject :

    What formal and informal communication activities and ICT tools or methods are used by the leaders in each of the four styles: traditional, transactional, transformational and network?

  • Q : Determined what modifications were necessary....
    Other Subject :

    Describe the student's response to a lesson and the reason you felt the student's response warranted a modification to the lesson. The reason can be academic or behavioral. Remember a behavior probl

  • Q : Participative decision making....
    Other Subject :

    What is your experience with PDM (participative decision making)?

  • Q : Create a plan identifies the information....
    Other Subject :

    Create a plan that identifies what information you will need to prepare a justification report making a recommendation to an organization to implement a particular product, service, or program. Th

  • Q : Explain active-passive and voluntary-involuntary euthanasia....
    Other Subject :

    Deal with distinctions between active/passive and voluntary/involuntary euthanasia, and distinguish them form both doctor-assisted suicide and refusal of life-sustaining treatment.

  • Q : What are some strategic goals....
    Other Subject :

    Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future d

  • Q : What role does ethics play in informative speaking....
    Other Subject :

    How does speaker intent differentiate informative, persuasive, and special-occasion speaking?How do the three types of informative speeches differ?

  • Q : What are the dimensions of credibility....
    Other Subject :

    What are the dimensions of credibility, and how important is credibility to the overall effectiveness of a persuasive speech? What strategies can improve low credibility?

  • Q : Choose to communicate with employees....
    Other Subject :

    There are literally hundreds of ways leaders can select to communicate with employees. These are termed as communication vehicles.

  • Q : Explain how and why communication can be affected....
    Other Subject :

    The following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce you

  • Q : What about image and respect for medical professions....
    Other Subject :

    What about image and respect for medical professions?  Will they suffer as they continue to carry out legal abortions? Provide reasons for holding your view.

  • Q : Communication effective in traditional organizations....
    Other Subject :

    Most of us have experience in traditional organizations. Based on your experience and the text, answer the given questions: What makes organizational communication efficient in traditional organizat

  • Q : Defining and understanding the elements of a group culture....
    Other Subject :

    Defining and understanding the elements of a group culture is essential to forging a professional identity either online or in person.These elements are important because they reflect how profession

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