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What is the importance of research within the confines of criminal justice? Give an example of a researched topic that has helped make advances in how some crimes are handled, i.e., Domestic Violen
When you have completed your rough draft, be sure to proofread it carefully to correct any errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.Type or neatly write your final draft. Before submitting your w
In an informative essay, give an overview of the history of smoking policies at the University and address the steps taken in the transition period.
Compare-Contrast Essay on the similarities and differences between a narrative essay and a descriptive essay, ending with a persuasive statement on which style of essay you believe is superior to th
In your post, identify key qualities of drama and poetry which emphasize their performative qualities. Discuss how these characteristics shape your reading response. Support your views with at l
Throughout this course we have explored the similarities and differences between the literary forms of the short story, the poem, and drama.
Imagine that you are a member of an ethics committee listening to arguments for and against altering the way in which human organs are obtained for patients in need of transplants.
The stigma associated with mental illness prevents many people with these disorders from seeking treatment. What do you think can be done to reduce the stigma associated with having a psychologic
Review the critical analysis questions in the "Conclusion and Critic's Resource" section of your textbook. Write an eight to ten page film critique of an American feature film of your choosing.
Analyze selected business situations using the predominant ethical theories, such as utilitarian, Kantian, and virtue ethics to guide ethical business decision making.
The policy should address security issues, privacy issues, and company monitoring of messages. Consider policies on appropriate message content, the consequences for using company equipment to se
Review the characterization of the officers at the beginning of chapter 2. How do these characterizations work in relation to Steinbeck's overall psychological design?
Create an example of a novel problem.Use the various techniques, found in the class text, to generate ideas and solutions to the novel problem you created.Create a brief pro and con list to one of you
Addresses and the date. Include appropriate greeting and salutation. Use bullets as needed to emphasize key points. Show appreciation and concern for the customer from the beginning and throughout
Oroonoko is often referred to as a Christ figure with his dismemberment resembling the crucifixion. Explore this topic using proof from the text to back up your argument.
How they may specifically relate to the journey you are taking this term in your quest for writing excellence. Campbell wrote that, "We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as
Select from that list the one person that you will write about in your upcoming unit 3 Project. Post a preliminary thesis about this person, indicating in one clear sentence one event in this per
Create three fictional incidents for surgury rsk/ wrong site surgury. Write about each scenario in not more than a page. Include the following information about each scenario:
Utilizing the models, phases, and ideas presented thus far, continue your organizational case study.
It requires to train employees in several different countries to use this system. List the possible cultural issues you can think of that the training program must take into account.
In Jane Austen's time marriage was the only way in which a woman could escape poverty. But in Emma's attempts to guide her friends' marriage plans, things invariably went awry. What did Emma do wro
Using a specific example from your work or life experience, describe a conflict situation that eventually turned out to be beneficial. Describe the communication processes used to resolve the con
Assume you work in the On-Time Technology Products call center in Dayton, Ohio. A customer calls in and has a complaint about the quality on a digital timer for the kitchen that she bought last ye
Describe how you would harness technology to keep your start-up costs low and provide excellent customer service as a Virtual Assistant to various businesses around the globe.
The real rate of interest is the nominal or stated rate of interest less inflation. If inflation rises, what implications does this have for the real cost of borrowing? As a manager, how would yo