• Q : Life of man-importance to the universe than oyster....
    Other Subject :

    David Hume once wrote that "the life of man is of no more importance to the universe than that of an oyster." How do you respond? What do you think is the meaning of your life? What gives it meaning

  • Q : Moral issues-homosexuality and abortion....
    Other Subject :

    What is your understanding at how these religious thinkers arrived at this conclusion? What implications does this have for moral issues such as homosexuality, abortion, etc.?

  • Q : Causes an effect-fast food in america and ability solution....
    Other Subject :

    Hi, I'm an international student and I study English Language so I need an outline in one page and it should include title which is (causes an effect fast food in America and ability solution), intr

  • Q : Situation of the palestinian arabs after arab-israeli war....
    Other Subject :

    Summarize the situation of the Palestinian Arabs in the immediate aftermath of the 1948-1949 Arab-Israeli war.

  • Q : Endorsement of the principle of utility....
    Other Subject :

    John stuart Mill is sometimes critized on the ground that his endorsement of the principle of UTILITY is in consistent with the endorsement of the principle of liberty.

  • Q : Bibliography written on the pollution in china....
    Other Subject :

    I need an annotated bibliography written on the pollution in china it should have five to seven references.

  • Q : Communication strategy of state farm insurance company....
    Other Subject :

    The nature of the company's communication strategy of state farm insurance company.

  • Q : Rephrase the sentences in contemporary language....
    Other Subject :

    Kindly I need to rephrase the following sentences in contemporary language to be more suitable and professional for my website.

  • Q : Ability to interpret academic texts....
    Other Subject :

    The purpose of this assignment is for students to demonstrate their ability to interpret academic texts, apply paraphrasing techniques and APA referencing style.

  • Q : Reflection of western humanities....
    Other Subject :

    This essay asks you to choose a 20th or 21st century work (this could be a work of literature, art, etc) and explain how this work is a reflection of Western Humanities and the changes that have hap

  • Q : Environmental concerns regarding climate change....
    Other Subject :

    Can the economic interests of Australia afford to cater to strong environmental concerns regarding climate change?

  • Q : Analyzing the rhetorical situation....
    Other Subject :

    2- to 3-page Profile essay written to your local community on a local person, place, or event. Your profile essay should take a specific angle that represents a significant issue, important contribu

  • Q : Juggle between personae in interaction with others....
    Other Subject :

    How do people use language to "style" themselves - to take on a particular persona or juggle between personae in interaction with others?

  • Q : Economic and logistics negotiator....
    Other Subject :

    The Multinational Corporation; economic and logistics negotiator, she represents MNC for profit, trade links, resource assessment.

  • Q : Performance and scalability....
    Other Subject :

    Write about Future of the web, in terms of scale and architecture and Architectures and approaches for highly scalable web applications

  • Q : Celebration of the major russian holidays....
    Other Subject :

    Write two extra responses on the history and practice of celebration of the major Russian holidays: Soviet holidays such as:

  • Q : Creating social network strategies....
    Other Subject :

    Utilizing the YouTube videos and the scholarly journal articles listed in your assigned readings; provide an argument that describes why building online communities and creating social network strat

  • Q : Sexual harassment at work place....
    Other Subject :

    Analytical essay, that examines, explains, explores, and expands your topic with facts, examples and evidence drawn from your sources. You should provide a thoughtful interpretation and detailed, in

  • Q : Analyze young colonel sartoris-clinical psychologist....
    Other Subject :

    Analyze Young Colonel Sartoris from barn burning by William Faulkner as you would if you are a clinical psychologist. Look at the character motivations, problems and fears through the lens of psycho

  • Q : Online social networking industry....
    Other Subject :

    How Facebook is in an online social networking industry and for the product and service it produces, you can mention how Facebook allows users to interact with others such as friends and family (for

  • Q : Strengths or weaknesses in the writing....
    Other Subject :

    How would you describe the writing? What do you see as strengths and/or weaknesses in the writing?

  • Q : Immigration status upon request....
    Other Subject :

    For instance, would he have endorsed the efforts of some states to permit state law enforcement officials (police, sheriffs, etc.) to require proof of identify and immigration status upon request?

  • Q : Liberty of thought and discussion....
    Other Subject :

    What are Mill's views regarding the liberty of thought and discussion? How do you think he would have dealt with the issue of teaching the theory of evolution and the theory of intelligent design in

  • Q : Theory of evolution and theory of intelligent design....
    Other Subject :

    What are Mill's views regarding the liberty of thought and discussion? How do you think he would have dealt with the issue of teaching the theory of evolution and the theory of intelligent design in

  • Q : Opportunity for a free exchange of ideas....
    Other Subject :

    "Good posting" or "I agree" will not suffice for this part of the assignment. This is an opportunity for a free exchange of ideas, so take advantage of the opportunity to learn from your classmates.

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