• Q : Communications....
    Other Management :

    Communications, Read: A Business Proposal – Customer Records Management Replacement System for the fictional organisation Tangle Corp that is presented in this subject. This document will be made avai

  • Q : Organisational behaviour....
    Other Management :

    Organisational behaviour, only 2000 words, don't need too perfessionalDescription: Individual attributes and their effects on job performance. Modern organisations are dealing with key issues that mu

  • Q : Working capital manegement....
    Other Management :

    Working capital manegement, how can an investor earn riskless arbitrage can the arbitrage exit forever in the market gghhhhghhhh

  • Q : Entrepreneurship and new venture management....
    Other Management :

    Entrepreneurship and new venture management, Hi there, I attached a new research paper, which counts 6000 words (Maximum), please stick to the attached paper guidelines, also stick to the same refe

  • Q : Role of doctoral education in knowledge economy....
    Other Management :

    Role of doctoral education in knowledge economy, Hi, I want you to prepare one of the below projects: Role of Doctoral Education in Knowledge Economy Evidence from UAE OR Role of Doctoral Ed

  • Q : Determine proper unstretched length of cord to do stunt....
    Other Management :

    They wish to just reach teh surface of the river, when A, attached to the cord, will let go of B at the instant they touch the water. Determine the proper unstretched length of the cord to do the s

  • Q : Derive expression for buoyant force on a spherical balloon....
    Other Management :

    Derive an expression for the buoyant force on a spherical balloon as it is submerged in water as a function of the depth below the surface, the volume of the balloon at the surface

  • Q : Find ratio of duct exit pressure to duct inlet stagnation....
    Other Management :

    Determine the ratio of duct exit pressure to duct inlet stagnation pressure that will result in a standing normal shock at x = + 0.3 m.

  • Q : Find approximate tool life using appropriate taylor equation....
    Other Management :

    The cost per tool is $50. Use the appropriate Taylor equation/tabulated data in text to determine the approximate tool life.

  • Q : Estimate pressure at the flange when the faucet is closed....
    Other Management :

    Estimate the magnitude and location of the resultant force on the water tower patch. Estimate the pressure at the flange when the faucet is CLOSED.

  • Q : Determine heat transfer required in boiler....
    Other Management :

    If the net power generated by the cycle is 100 MW, determine (a) thermal efficiency of the system, (b) mass flow rate of steam and (c) the heat transfer required in the boiler.

  • Q : How big tank need to store enough oil to heat home for week....
    Other Management :

    How big a tank do you need to store enough oil to heat your home for a week? The energy content of the oil is 46.2MJ/kg and its density is 0.85g/cm3?

  • Q : What are the final temperature and the quality of the water....
    Other Management :

    Saturated water vapor at 1MPA is expanded to 0.1MPA during an isentropic process. What are the final temperature and the quality of the water?

  • Q : Find theoretical air-fuel ratio and percent excess air....
    Other Management :

    Take into account that some of the oxygen is lost to the surface wall material of the furnace. Find the actual air-fuel ratio, the theoretical air-fuel ratio, and the percent excess air.

  • Q : Determine amount of heat transfer-mass of vapor that escapes....
    Other Management :

    Heating continues until no liquid remains in the tank. Neglecting kinetic and potential energy effects, determine: A) the amount of heat transfer, in kJ. B) the mass of vapor that escapes, in kg.

  • Q : Determine rate of energy transfer between gass and vapor....
    Other Management :

    Determine: A) the mass flow rate of combustion gases in kg/s. B) the rate of energy transfer between the gass and vapor streams in the steam generator in kJ/s.

  • Q : Explain hen managentment strategy to maximize profit....
    Other Management :

    Assume that there are no eggs available for hatching in the first week. Suggest a hen managentment strategy that will maximize profit for this operation.

  • Q : Corporate social responsibility (csr)....
    Other Management :

    Corporate social responsibility (csr), The ability to read, understand, critique, and integrate research studies and to design a study to address a gap in the research literature is a vital tool for a

  • Q : Hybrid and improvised models of management....
    Other Management :

    Hybrid and improvised models of management, why it is important for organisations in India to search for hybrid,improvised models of management ?

  • Q : Bad news....
    Other Management :

    Bad news, due in 12 hours, please read the instructors file attached. and use page 4-5 as the instructions says.

  • Q : Risk management and insurance....
    Other Management :

    Risk management and insurance, Answer each questions in 150 words: 1. Explain how the “declining problem of premature death” – while great for you – can be a serious problem for a life insurer.

  • Q : Set up a recurrence relation for the salary....
    Other Management :

    An employee joined a company in 2009 with a starting salary of $50,000. Every year this employee receives a raise of $1000 plus 5% of the salary of the previous year. Set up a recurrence relation fo

  • Q : What is opportunity cost....
    Other Management :

    What is opportunity cost? how is this concept used in TVM analysis, and where is it shown on a time line? Is a single number used in all situations? Explain.

  • Q : How to use spectroscopic techniques- h nmr-ir and ms....
    Other Management :

    How could you use spectroscopic techniques- H NMR, IR and MS to determine which ester is formed A or B? ester (A) ch3O-C=0-C(CH3)3 OR ester (B) ch3-C=O-OC(CH3)3

  • Q : Explain how to use current leadership skill for change....
    Other Management :

    Discuss how you will use your current leadership skill set to advocate for change in your workplace. Identify one personal goal for your leadership growth and discuss your implementation plan to achie

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