• Q : Different management methods....
    Other Management :

    Write down a 1,050 to 1,400 word paper in which you compare and contrast the different management methods used to optimize the sales personnel performance.

  • Q : Target market for the product or service....
    Other Management :

    Write down a 1,050 to 1,400 word paper in which you examine how the target market for the product or service has changed.

  • Q : Key trends influencing advertising in the future....
    Other Management :

    Write down a 1,400 to 1,750 word paper in which you recognize a minimum of three key trends which might influence advertising in the future; for illustration, regulatory, Internet and interactive me

  • Q : Focus for a project proposal....
    Other Management :

    Select an organization as the focus for a Project Proposal. The organization can be an existing company, non-profit organization, religious organization or governmental agency.

  • Q : Internal competencies to accomplish competitive benefit....
    Other Management :

    What steps or actions would an organization take to agree on whether the supply management operation has the suitable internal competencies to accomplish competitive benefit?

  • Q : Purchasing and materials management....
    Other Management :

    To a great extent, purchasing and materials management is becoming a strategic business function. Describe why this is true.

  • Q : Supplier relationship management system....
    Other Management :

    Determine the value to the company and the supplier in developing and implementing the Supplier Relationship Management (SMS) System?

  • Q : The level production strategy....
    Other Management :

    A level production strategy relies on the constant output rate and capacity while varying inventory and backlog levels to handle the fluctuating demand pattern.

  • Q : Significance of customer relationship management....
    Other Management :

    Explain the strategic significance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and describe how CRM can be used to make customer satisfaction and greater profits for the firm.

  • Q : Company to compete internationally....
    Other Management :

    Whenever making the purchasing decisions, should a corporation decrease its ethical standards in order to permit the company to compete internationally?

  • Q : Organizational behavior theories....
    Other Management :

    Recognize the evident organizational behavior theories in the organization and how they shape the purpose, positions and necessary skill requirements of management in the small business.

  • Q : Examining a business failure....
    Other Management :

    Compare and contrast how leadership, management and organizational structures contributed to the failure.

  • Q : Business setting-motivation-satisfaction and performance....
    Other Management :

    Make a plan of no more than 1,050 words which might be applied in a business setting and that would raise a group or team's motivation, satisfaction and performance.

  • Q : Strengths and weaknesses of leadership style....
    Other Management :

    Recognize strengths and weaknesses of your leadership style by applying what you learned about yourself via self-assessments.

  • Q : Iso 14001 certification process....
    Other Management :

    Make a 15 to 20 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker's notes which explains the ISO 14001 certification process. Address the given topics:

  • Q : Concept of alignment in supply chain process....
    Other Management :

    Describe the concept of alignment in the supply chain process. When transporting a product, is the supply chain alignment distinct for various products like soft drinks versus clothing?

  • Q : Logistics associates to the concept of crm....
    Other Management :

    Logistics associates to the concept of customer relationship management (CRM) to gain or maintain the consumer support.

  • Q : Introduction to value chain....
    Other Management :

    How can it be best measured in the supply chain? Explain how does increasing value in a supply chain help align supply chain operations to the business mission?

  • Q : Supply chain risk....
    Other Management :

    Research the University library to find out support for counter measures for each of the six risks you identify. Document such sources.

  • Q : Introduction to global strategy....
    Other Management :

    There are a number of companies employing a global business strategy. Recognize and research a company with a successful global business strategy and give basic background information.

  • Q : Speed to market....
    Other Management :

    How might both the manufacturer and the end- consumer be harmed employing this concept? Document your sources.

  • Q : Strategic partnerships....
    Other Management :

    Partnerships might bring added value to strategic supply relationships and have been explained by using seven factors.

  • Q : Third-party logistics sevices....
    Other Management :

    The usage and importance of third-party logistics (3PL) services has grown dramatically throughout the past two decades or so.

  • Q : Leading edge supply strategy....
    Other Management :

    What does 'leading edge' logistics mean in terms of supply chain strategy in the future?

  • Q : Management of data center personnel....
    Other Management :

    By using your textbook and course materials, research the management of data center personnel.

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