• Q : Merging the organizational cultures of delta air lines....
    Other Management :

    What have been some of the issues associated with combining/merging the organizational cultures of Delta Air Lines and Northwest Air Lines?

  • Q : Company that manufactures travel luggage....
    Other Management :

    If you were the manufacturing manager for a company that manufactures travel luggage, how would you describe the concept of "explosion" and what would you include in your description?

  • Q : Movie rental industry changing....
    Other Management :

    The movie rental industry changing. What is changing about where and how we get our movie rentals? What are the movie rental industry's driving forces of change and how are they changing the industr

  • Q : Impact on person-biological predisposition....
    Other Management :

    What does this means: Studies have shown that socialization has far more impact on a person than biological predisposition.

  • Q : Developing criteria for assessing a management theory....
    Other Management :

    I want assistance in developing criteria for assessing a management theory and systems thinking theory. Here are the guidelines:

  • Q : Progressive approach to discipline....
    Other Management :

    Discuss what the Progressive Approach to discipline, the Positive Approach to discipline, and the GAP approach are all about. What do you see as the essential elements (commonalities) of these appro

  • Q : Elements of a good health and safety....
    Other Management :

    Discuss how the elements of a good health, safety, and wellness program might relate to workforce productivity. Are there any studies relating to this topic, and what do they show?

  • Q : Effective methods for new employee socialization....
    Other Management :

    Discuss effective methods for new employee socialization. Describe methods of new employee socialization you have experienced or observed. Comment on what worked and what did not work.

  • Q : Media depictions of violence promote violence....
    Other Management :

    What is your opinion regarding whether or not media depictions of violence promote violence? To what extent you think varying degrees of depicted violence have an equal or unequal influence on viewe

  • Q : Which pmlc does your organization use the most....
    Other Management :

    Which PMLC does your organization use the most? Why do you think they use this module?

  • Q : The great paradox of being able to prepare for the future....
    Other Management :

    Problem: On page 117, Wheatley discusses "The Great Paradox" of being able to prepare for the future without knowing what that future will be.

  • Q : Organizational performance scorecard....
    Other Management :

    BSC is more of an "organizational performance" scorecard rather than an employee performance assessment. What I want to know is how can we build-in customer preference into employee assessment syste

  • Q : Why to hire woman in the business world....
    Other Management :

    "Why to Hire Woman in the Business World". I have been asked to prepare a basic research paper outline c.a. 1 1/2 pages in order to provides me with an opportunity to organize thoughts into an outl

  • Q : Outline on the vietnam war....
    Other Management :

    I need help in my outline on the Vietnam War. The areas I should develop and include are: - brief summary of events leading to the battle, its outcome and thesis statement that ties mission command to

  • Q : Analysis of the state of the field of sustainability....
    Other Management :

    - What is your analysis of the state of the field of sustainability? - Describe important issues or current dilemmas in the field.

  • Q : Why do leaders avoid delegating to their followers....
    Other Management :

    Question: Why do leaders avoid delegating to their followers? Are any of the reasons that leaders give for avoiding delegation valid?

  • Q : Organizations or individuals vulnerability....
    Other Management :

    Identify a crisis event that is being discussed in the media. It can relate to an individual (ex. Tiger Woods) or an organization (Toyota). Analyze the organization's or individual's vulnerability a

  • Q : Community event or charitable cause paper....
    Other Management :

    Select a community event or charitable cause and explain how you would produce such an event. The paper should include the following: 1. Select and event format and explain why you have chosen that f

  • Q : Components of the congruence model....
    Other Management :

    Discuss the three input components of the Congruence Model as they apply to success of IKEA.

  • Q : How does fmla relate to managers duties....
    Other Management :

    What employers are and are not covered by the FMLA, e.g., what employees are exempt from coverage, how does FMLA relate to a manager's duties, e.g., scheduling?

  • Q : Developing a plan for emergency evacuations....
    Other Management :

    Question 1. When management is developing a plan for emergency evacuations, what things need to be considered? Question 2. What are the legal implications that accompany the arrest of a shoplifter?

  • Q : Hypothesis testing be used to support policy arguments....
    Other Management :

    Question: With inferential statistics, how might hypothesis testing be used to support policy arguments? Provide an example.

  • Q : Sources regarding the affordable care act....
    Other Management :

    Review three recent articles from credible sources regarding the Affordable Care Act. Consider using sources such as, but not limited to, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and others.

  • Q : Social and global economic impacts on health care....
    Other Management :

    What are the social and global economic impacts on health care in the present day relating to budgetary cuts from the various levels of government (local, state, and federal)?

  • Q : Medical experiments and drug testing in the 21st century....
    Other Management :

    Do you know what protections are in place for participants? Describe some of the restrictions that are placed on medical experiments and drug testing in the 21st century. Evaluate the advantages and

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