• Q : Influence of values-based decision making....
    Other Management :

    Be sure and clearly indicate which statements from among the "10 Truths" you are responding to. Consider ethical implications and the role and influence of values-based decision making.

  • Q : Concept of productive thinking....
    Other Management :

    Considering the concept of productive thinking, provide an example of unproductive thinking within an organization. Detail specific failures in the thinking process and how they could have been avoi

  • Q : Cost of grievances and lawsuits filed against the company....
    Other Management :

    The Training Director expects that supervisory training will reduce the cost of grievances and lawsuits filed against the company by 50%. The current estimate of these costs is judged to be $100,000

  • Q : Membership in particular union-prerequisite for employment....
    Other Management :

    Is it ethically permissible to make membership in a particular union a prerequisite for employment?

  • Q : Case scenario-writing memos....
    Other Management :

    A new company claims it manufactures the best dog food in the market. It employs around 250 people worldwide. After six months in business, one of the company's brands is found to contain harmful ba

  • Q : What is the definition of talent management....
    Other Management :

    What is the definition of talent management? Explain why companies are placing intense focus on attracting and retaining the best talent at all levels of an organization.

  • Q : Percentage of the test scores....
    Other Management :

    A particular employer requires job candidates to score at least 80 on the dexterity test. Approximately what percentage of the test scores during the past year exceeded 80?

  • Q : Bureaucratic management theory....
    Other Management :

    Explain both Bureaucratic Management Theory and Classical Management Theory, including background on the development of each theory. Then compare the similarities and the differences between the two

  • Q : How to implement skills and attributes of a manager....
    Other Management :

    Develop a plan for your approach to management that includes the skills and attributes a manager must possess. In this plan, explain how you would implement each function of management in your role

  • Q : Conflict between earning profit and being responsible....
    Other Management :

    There is sometimes a perceived conflict between earning profit and being responsible. What should a company do about adding violent games to their product mix?

  • Q : Implement a disciplinary process at your company....
    Other Management :

    Write a proposal on how you would implement a disciplinary process at your company. This is a general process for the whole company. What kind of disciplinary procedure will you use? How will you im

  • Q : Innovator dna-leadership model....
    Other Management :

    The Innovator's DNA is a leadership model. Research shows that one third of our innovative ability is genetic, while the other two-thirds is developed over time. True or false?

  • Q : Interesting statistics about southwest....
    Other Management :

    Consider the following web site with some interesting statistics about Southwest: It states that their retention rate after 5 years is 55% (Businessweek, 2013). Is that good, bad or average? What ar

  • Q : Functions of the governing board in modern healthcare....
    Other Management :

    Being a hospital or clinic board member these days is a great big responsibility. The membership has perhaps become a more crucial role for the community than ever before. Summarize the key function

  • Q : Social-business and geopolitical issues....
    Other Management :

    Consider the social, business and geopolitical issues involved. Develop a proposal for expanding these types of programs for greater reach and effectiveness. Be sure to address how you would use tec

  • Q : Learning styles-work behaviors-stages of group development....
    Other Management :

    Find a scholarly article for each of the following topics: a) Learning Styles (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, and Combination) b) Work Behaviors (Job Performance, Turnover, Organizational Citizenship

  • Q : Acquiring and implementing the new system....
    Other Management :

    To implement this project, a budget must be created to assess the cost of acquiring and implementing the new system. What is the purpose of creating such a budget for this type of project?

  • Q : Google corporate values and goals....
    Other Management :

    How do Google's corporate values and goals concerning employees, customers, and the business combine to create job satisfaction and motivate the people who work there?

  • Q : Importance of solid ground rules for team meetings....
    Other Management :

    Question: Discuss the importance of solid ground rules for team meetings in both physical and virtual teams.

  • Q : Retention plan to resolve high voluntary turnover rate....
    Other Management :

    There has been a high voluntary turnover rate at this company and the CEO has directed you to develop a retention plan to resolve the high voluntary turnover rate. Outline a retention plan.

  • Q : What is the significance of prototyping....
    Other Management :

    Every workplace is different and not every organization designs things like IDEO. Explain how the prototyping process demonstrated by IDEO in the first module could be implemented in a workplace.

  • Q : Subcontractors during post-contract evaluations....
    Other Management :

    It is important to review the performance of subcontractors during post-contract evaluations. This review establishes the baseline for what important process/element of the client/subcontractor rela

  • Q : What do you think about encrypted keys....
    Other Management :

    Private corporate data is often encrypted using a key, which is needed to decrypt the information. Who within the corporation should be responsible for maintaining the "keys" to private information

  • Q : Organization assess the level of maturity....
    Other Management :

    What is the benefit of the Scan It! data to Stop & Shop? What are some disadvantages, please be specific? How would you as the President of an organization assess the level of maturity of Stop &

  • Q : Planned and organized presentation....
    Other Management :

    Discuss how presentations that are well planned, organized, and effectively delivered can help a company win customers. Support your discussion with adequate and relevant research and real-life exam

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