• Q : Determining short run marginal cost....
    Microeconomics :

    The short-run marginal cost of the Ohio Bag Company is 2Q. Price is $100. The company operates in competitive industry. Currently, the company is producing 40 units per period.

  • Q : Determining monopolist cost and demand functions....
    Microeconomics :

    A monopolist produces a single homogeneous good, which she sells in two distinct markets between which price discrimination is possible. Her total cost function is:

  • Q : Maximizing profit price discrimination....
    Microeconomics :

    Identify Consolidated's total profit function. Supposing  that Consolidated is effectively capable to charge different prices in the two markets, what are the profit-maximizing price and output

  • Q : Examining monopolist demand and cost functions....
    Microeconomics :

    A monopolist produces a single homogeneous good, which he sells in two markets between which discrimination is possible. His total cost function is:

  • Q : Finding minimum avc and mc....
    Microeconomics :

    Determine the output level where marginal cost is at minimum? Determine output level where average variable cost is a minimum?

  • Q : Information about total revenue....
    Microeconomics :

    Firm is practicing first degree price-discriminaiton. The demand for the firm's product is defined as QD = 20-2P.

  • Q : Information about prisoners dilemma....
    Microeconomics :

    Which of the following is example of prisoners' dilemma? Firms in an industry increase their advertising expenditures, causing profits to rise.

  • Q : Demand function-total cost function....
    Microeconomics :

    A firm has a demand function and a total cost function as follows: P=$5,000-$3QCompute the optimal output and price. Assuming:

  • Q : Theory of diminishing returns....
    Microeconomics :

    Indicate whether each of following statements is true or false and provide the reason. (a) A firm should stop expanding output after reaching diminishing returns

  • Q : Description of net cash flow....
    Microeconomics :

    Evaluate the firm's annual net cash flows (NCF) for capital budgeting purposes for next 10 years, supposing that the new processing unit is purchased.

  • Q : Explaining law of diminishing marginal productivity....
    Microeconomics :

    Illustrate out the law of diminishing marginal productivity? Give an example from your workplace/household of the law of diminishing marginal productivity?

  • Q : Profit maximization-price discrimination....
    Microeconomics :

    Calculate the profit-maximizing level of output and price if the company sells all of its tickets at one price. Calculate the profit-maximizing level of output and price if it charges different prices

  • Q : Profit maximizing output for sugar farmer....
    Microeconomics :

    Assume the market price of sugar is 22 cents per pound. If sugar farmer produces 100,000 pounds, the marginal cost of sugar is 30 cents per pound.

  • Q : Determination of price and output....
    Microeconomics :

    Why is advertising prevalent in many oligopolies, especially when industry demand is inelastic? Describe your answer by supposing that with advertising, a firm's demand curve has price elasticity

  • Q : Calculating for utility and marginality....
    Microeconomics :

    Critically discuss two factors that would increase demand for labor. (Hint: Recall that the demand for factors of production or resources is called a derived demand)

  • Q : Housing bubble-flood insurance subsidy....
    Microeconomics :

    Due to the housing bubble, many houses are now selling for much less than their selling price just two or three years ago. There is evidence that homeowners with virtually identical houses tend to a

  • Q : Effect of short and long-run price elasticity of demand....
    Microeconomics :

    Critically illustrate outthe difference between the effect of short- and long-run price elasticity of demand to consumer's purchasing decision?

  • Q : Shape of corresponding marginal product....
    Microeconomics :

    Assume the short-run total product curve (TPL) is  the linear function of variable input over some range of values. Find out the shape of the corresponding marginal product (MPL) and average pr

  • Q : Economic characteristics of different market structures....
    Microeconomics :

    Illustrate out the term economic characteristics of the many different Market Structures in existence? (i.e. Oligopoly, Monopolistic, Perfectly Competitive, etc...)

  • Q : Short and long run costs-concept of diminishing returns....
    Microeconomics :

    Describe in detail what are the differences between short and long run costs? For the short run, describe what the relationship is between Cost Theory and Production Theory and the Concept of Diminis

  • Q : Social benefits of merger....
    Microeconomics :

    Assume that Panasonic Electronics (maker of phones) and MCI (long distance telephone services) decide to merge. What argument would tell the United States Justice Department that it might be sociall

  • Q : Value of marginal productivity....
    Microeconomics :

    Suppose a firm employs 10 workers and pays each $15 per hour. Further suppose that the MP of the 10th worker is 5 unit of output and that the price of the output is $4. In the short run should the f

  • Q : Case study movie theatre....
    Microeconomics :

    A case study states that the concession stand accounts for well over half profits at most theaters. Given this, what are the benefits of staggered movie times allowed by multiple screens?

  • Q : Short-run demand-cost schedule....
    Microeconomics :

    Determine the total profit/loss this firm would make and assume in the long-run, the demand shifted to: Q = 100 - 5P, What should the firm do? Explain

  • Q : Traditional and new keynesian theory....
    Microeconomics :

    Both traditional and new Keynesian theory indicate that the short run aggregate supply is horizontal.

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