• Q : Conduct research on the economic performance....
    Microeconomics :

    Conduct Research on the Economic Performance of ONE (1) Country over the last 10 years, applying the macroeconomic indicators of real GDP, real GDP growth rate and real GDP per capita

  • Q : Calculate marginal utility and marginal utility over price....
    Microeconomics :

    Calculate the Marginal Utility and Marginal Utility over Price (MU/P) and find Consumer Optimum. At what point should you go on the date? At what point should you hang out with your friends? Roughly

  • Q : Level of interest in economics....
    Microeconomics :

    Describe your background and level of interest in economics. Why are you taking Econ 2 at Saddleback College? Why did you pick an online class as opposed to a traditional class?

  • Q : Calculate the measure of monopoly power....
    Microeconomics :

    Suppose the banking market in Richmond area consists of five banks that each has 15 percent of the market and five more banks that each has 5 percent of the market. Calculate the measure of monopoly

  • Q : Economic and territorial expansion....
    Microeconomics :

    The decades following the War of 1812 are often depicted as an age of nationalism, democratization, egalitarianism, individualism, industrialization, and economic and territorial expansion.

  • Q : Political and economic structures of late imperial china....
    Microeconomics :

    Describe the social, political, and economic structures of late imperial China and Tokugawa Japan. In doing this you should demonstrate your knowledge of the defining characteristics of these societ

  • Q : Reference to two of the critical perspectives....
    Microeconomics :

    Analyse ONE of the following films that you have studied on this module through reference to TWO of the critical perspectives (and associated thinkers) listed below:

  • Q : Elasticity and the relationship to the elasticity of demand....
    Microeconomics :

    Explain the concept (be sure to give examples!!) of Elasticity and the relationship to the Elasticity of Demand. Include in your response: relatively elastic demand, relatively inelastic demand and

  • Q : Current distribution of income a cost to our economy....
    Microeconomics :

    In what primary way is the current Distribution of Income a COST to our economy and to our society ? Why do you think so?

  • Q : Origin of the global economy....
    Microeconomics :

    In ch. 4 and other parts of his book Spence refer to the origin of the global economy. Explain what are these origins according to Spence’s views.

  • Q : How do economic theories affect banking behaviour....
    Microeconomics :

    Question : "How do Economic theories affect banking behaviour from Macroeconomic perspective"?

  • Q : Economic impact of legalization of marijuana....
    Microeconomics :

    Develop an envisioned methodology and design for your dissertation research topic based on the research problem, purpose, and previous research courses, and then write a research paper to identify t

  • Q : Moral responsibility to tool used in economic policy....
    Microeconomics :

    The federal debt keeps rising every year and has changed from a moral responsibility to a tool used in economic policy. Government spending is used for everything from Medicare and Medicaid to buyin

  • Q : How economic growth and development measured....
    Microeconomics :

    How is economic growth and development measured? How does this country compare to other developing countries? You can use other countries from the same region, if you desire.

  • Q : Prepare a weighted scoring model....
    Microeconomics :

    Prepare a weighted scoring model using the template provided to evaluate these four projects. Develop at least four criteria, assign weights to each criterion, assign scores, and then calculate the

  • Q : Theory of property to the economic inequality we face today....
    Microeconomics :

    How might we apply a Lockean theory of property to the economic inequality we face today? Does a Lockean theory of property justify the economic inequality we face today? Why or why not?

  • Q : Multiple significant microeconomic concepts....
    Microeconomics :

    Explain multiple significant microeconomic concepts TO A PERSON WHO DOES NOT KNOW ANY ECONOMICS and apply the theory to the situation, project forward what may happen.

  • Q : Physician services specific to demand and supply....
    Microeconomics :

    In your own words, use economic concepts to describe the competition in physician services specific to demand and supply.

  • Q : State capitalism is an economic model....
    Microeconomics :

    State capitalism is an economic model which competes with the free-market model in which “the state functions as the leading economic actor and uses markets primarily for political gain”

  • Q : Economics and business forecasting....
    Microeconomics :

    You should evaluate and compare forecasts from each modelling approach with each other and conclude which is the best for each series.

  • Q : How do they affect economic performance....
    Microeconomics :

    What are institutions and how do they affect economic performance? Distinguish between political and economic institutions. Discuss the evidence that we have on the impact of institutions on economi

  • Q : Neoclassical-mainstream environmental economics....
    Microeconomics :

    Discuss the role of ethics (or ethical assumptions – implicit or explicit) in neoclassical/mainstream environmental economics AND EITHER ecological economics OR institutionalist OR Marxist ana

  • Q : Economic outcome of the single-price monopoly....
    Microeconomics :

    Describe the economic outcome of this single-price monopoly in terms of profit. Provide one (1) supporting fact to support your response.

  • Q : Investment sectors of the commercial real estate....
    Microeconomics :

    What are the main investment sectors of the commercial real estate market usually considered by institutional investors?

  • Q : Sole trading enterprise and partnership....
    Microeconomics :

    Three small business operators, Alan, Bob and Charlie, are in discussion about which business organisation is the best: sole trading enterprise, partnership or proprietary limited company.

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