• Q : Percentage-point change in unemployment rate....
    Microeconomics :

    In your graph, put the percentage-point change in unemployment rate on the horizontal axis and the GDP growth rate on the vertical axis, using Scatter Plot to plot the two series on a graph, and ins

  • Q : Decisions differ between capitalist and socialist systems....
    Microeconomics :

    Who decides whether these particular products should continue to be produced and offered for sale? How do these decisions differ between capitalist and socialist systems?

  • Q : Cost curves and revenue curves....
    Microeconomics :

    How might we interpret this statement in terms of cost curves and revenue curves?

  • Q : Mergers between firms in europe....
    Microeconomics :

    As trade barriers have fallen in the EU, many experts expect to see more mergers between firms in Europe. What effect if any will this have on competition with Canadian and US firms? To what extent

  • Q : Various forms of regional economic integration....
    Microeconomics :

    Problem: Discuss the distinguishing features of various forms of regional economic integration, including their benefits and costs. Give recent examples including both developing and more industrial

  • Q : Selling the mobility product in the united states....
    Microeconomics :

    Discuss the cultural (including religion, ethical business behavior, social responsibility, language, etc.), political, economic, legal and technology issues you, as Vice-President of International

  • Q : Couple of economic principles apply to nafta....
    Microeconomics :

    You need to back them up with some more specific hard facts and a couple of economic principles that apply to NAFTA. These facts and economic principles have the same implications for free trade in

  • Q : What does sustainable growth rate mean....
    Microeconomics :

    What does the term "Sustainable Growth Rate" mean? Would the amounts you have calculated in parts b. to d. equal the Sustainable Growth Rate for the firm? (My thoughts: I don't have a clue)

  • Q : Economic freedom and economic growth....
    Microeconomics :

    Be sure to read the executive summary and pay particular attention to the graph labeled Economic Freedom and Poverty and the graph labeled Economic Freedom and Economic Growth before you leave the w

  • Q : Implication of a government budget surplus....
    Microeconomics :

    Problem: Assess the implication of a government budget surplus on the following:

  • Q : Consequence for business investment-production-employment....
    Microeconomics :

    What is your interpretation as to whether or not capital gains taxes should be raised or lowered? Should general income taxes be raised or lowered? In either case, what is the likely consequence for

  • Q : Trade balance between economies of china-united states....
    Microeconomics :

    Please include an analysis of the effect of such trade balance between the economies of China and the U.S., both individually and comparatively. Justify your analysis by using appropriate examples a

  • Q : Relative composition of m1....
    Microeconomics :

    How has the relative composition of M1 changed since 1965? Do your best to explain why this change has occurred.

  • Q : Describe the so-called fiscal cliff....
    Microeconomics :

    Describe the so-called fiscal cliff and the expected impact for the State of Mississippi and the Mississippi Delta and for the firms herein using the key words you may have learned.

  • Q : Periods of economic decline....
    Microeconomics :

    This site is part of the Bureau of Economic Analysis website. Look at the inflation adjusted data and identify the periods of negative real economic growth. What might have caused each of these peri

  • Q : Economists usually favor free trade....
    Microeconomics :

    Economists usually favor free trade because without it, aggregate output suffers and international trade wars can take place and competition among nations is reduced. Please explain.

  • Q : Limiting resources in our economy....
    Microeconomics :

    One of the limiting resources in our economy is time. As a society, we make choices about the allocation of time between work and other pursuits. In the US, most workers are eligible for overtime pa

  • Q : Outline economic principles-macroeconomic indices....
    Microeconomics :

    Submit an outline that provides information on your article and the three general economic principles and the three to five macroeconomic indices you will be discussing in your project.

  • Q : General economic principles-macroeconomic indices....
    Microeconomics :

    I. The three General Economic Principles a.) All choice involve costs b.) People Respond to Incentives in Predictable Ways c.) The Consequences of Choices Lie in the Future.

  • Q : Models for strategic planning formulation....
    Microeconomics :

    Write a report applying two models for strategic planning formulation. You may choose to report on the feasibility of a business you want to start, or you may choose to report on applying the models

  • Q : How development of internet changed the market structure....
    Microeconomics :

    Discuss how the development of the Internet has changed the market structure in which companies operate. Remember that, we are assuming most firms can be categorized as being in perfect competition,

  • Q : Period of slow growth and high unemployment....
    Microeconomics :

    The U. S. and the World economy is still in a period of slow growth and high unemployment. Since we in the U. S. are already in an election year, does the Political Business Cycle still exist?

  • Q : Relationships between gdp and brazil economy....
    Microeconomics :

    While working for the World Bank, you have been asked to research Gross Domestic Product in Brazil and write a report on your findings. Research data sets for the Brazil economic Gross Domestic Prod

  • Q : How will pricing relate to elasticity of your product....
    Microeconomics :

    How will pricing relate to elasticity of your product? The fact that the smart shoe is an elastic product, producers will be very price conscious in order to maximize profit (of course) but also to

  • Q : Supply factor-demand factor-efficiency factor....
    Microeconomics :

    Problem: Please help explain the ingredients of growth (supply factor, demand factor, efficiency factor).

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