• Q : Find the elapsed time to vaporize the propane....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Find the elapsed time to vaporize the propane and total work produced. Also find theoretically maximum possible total work output for the given QCOLD, WREV,MAX.

  • Q : Find the actual cycle coefficient of performance....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Find the actual cycle coefficient of performance, the rate of waste heat rejection (kJ/hr) and electrical cost per hour. Repeat/Compare results for COP, waste heat rate (kJ/hr) and operating cost.

  • Q : Calculate the power required by the pump....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A pump steadily draws water through a pipe from a reservoir at a volumetric flow rate of 22 gallons per minute. At the pipe inlet, the pressure is 14.7 psi, the temperature is 68 °F, and the vel

  • Q : Calculate the necessary power in kw to the compressor....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Air at 110 kPa and 250 K is compressed steadily to 570 kPa and 400 K. The mass flow rate of air through the compressor is 0.03 kg/s. A heat loss of 16 kJ/kg occurs during the process.

  • Q : Determine temperature of the intermediate reservoir....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Consider two reversible refrigerators operating in series. Determine the temperature (°C) of the intermediate reservoir.

  • Q : What should be its width w if structure is being designed....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Link BC is 6 mm thick and is made of a steel with a 450-MPa ultimate strength in tension. What should be its width w if the structure is being designed to support a 20-kN load P with a factor safet

  • Q : What concentration of ozone....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    It is found that ozone reaction in water nearly follows first-order kinetics in ozone concentration decreases by 50% in 12 minutes (t1/2 = 12 min).

  • Q : Find maximum outlet pressure for isentropic compressor....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A compressor is used to pressurize pure oxygen for respiratory assistance applications. Determine the maximum outlet pressure assuming isentropic compressor

  • Q : How much work must be done by a carnot refrigerator....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    How much work must be done by a Carnot refrigerator to transfer 1.0 J as heat (a) from a reservoir at 1.1°C to one at 28°C, (b) from a reservoir at -74°C to one at 28°C, (c) from a

  • Q : How to calculate the rate of heat transfer....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    An electric motor draws a current of 10 amp with a voltage of 110V. The output shaft develops a torque of 10.2 N-m and a rotational speed of 1000 rpm. For steady-state operation, determine the rate

  • Q : Determine the input power of the pump....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A pump accepts liquid water at 60 °F and 14 psia and compresses it to a pressure of 100 psia. Determine the input power of the pump (hp).

  • Q : How much work is done in filling the balloon....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A Balloon is to be filled from a helium tank. The tank is large and the tank pressure remains effectively constant while the balloon is filled. A valve between the tank and the balloon controls the

  • Q : Evaluate the work and the heat transfer....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Water contained in a piston-cylinder assembly, initially at 1.5 bar and a quality of 20% is heated at constant pressure until the piston hits the stops.

  • Q : Compute the torque required to fully brake thed bar....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A .5 inch solid bar is to be tested for its strength by applying a torsional force until the bar completely brakes in half (goes beyond its ultimate shearing stress).

  • Q : Determine the volume occupied by the ammonia....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A cylinder fitted with a piston is filled with 600 lb of saturated liquid ammonia at 45°F. The piston weighs 1 ton and has a diameter of 2.5 ft. What is the volume occupied by the ammonia, in ft

  • Q : Find the amplitude of the excitation provided to machine....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    The machine's steady state amplitude is measured as 1.5 mm. What is the amplitude of the excitation provided to the machine? Damping is assumed being not present.

  • Q : Determine the enthalpy of the air per unit mass of dry air....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A room with 42 kg of dry air has 1 kg of water vapor. If the enthalpy of the water vapor at 31 deg Celcius is 3,406 kJ/kg, determine the enthalpy of the air per unit mass of dry air in kJ/kg dry air

  • Q : Explain the temperature in the middle of the bar....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Assume ends of bar in 5-7 have been kept constanst at 100 degrees C for a long time. Then at some instant t=0 the temperature at x=L is suddenly changed to 0 degree C and kept there.

  • Q : Determine the boundary work done during the process....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A piston-cylinder device initially contains 0.07 m3 of nitrogen gas at 130 kPa and 120 oC. The nitrogen is now expanded polytropically to a state of 100 kPa and 100 oC.

  • Q : Calculate the final equilibrium temperature....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A 30-kg aluminum block initially at 140 C is brought into contact with a 40-kg block of iron at 60 C in an insulated enclosure. Determine the final equilibrium temperature and the total entropy cha

  • Q : Find power output from turbine-cross-section area of exit....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Ignoring the heat transfer, changes in potential energy, and the kinetic energy in inlet, calculate (a) The power output from this turbine, in kW. (b) The cross-section area of the exit, in m2.

  • Q : What is the least amount of work done without restrictions....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Consider the isothermal expansion of 4.50 mol of an ideal gas at 450 K from an initial pressure of 12.0 bar to a final pressure of 2.75 bar.

  • Q : Determine the specific volume at the state....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    In each case locate the state on sketches of the T-v and p-v diagrams.(a) Four kg of water at 100C fill a closed container having a volume of 1m^3. If the water at this state is a vapor, determine t

  • Q : What would be the energy absorbed....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    What would be the energy absorbed if a 60-lb, 31.5-in pendelum was released from an angle of 50 degrees hit a test bar, then rose to an angle of 20 degrees after impact?

  • Q : Find force components at flange required to hold bend....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    This bend discharges water (1000 kg/m^3) into the atmosphere. Determine the force components at the flange required to hold the bend in place. The bend lies in a horizontal plane.

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