• Q : Designing for a water treatment plant....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Design for a water treatment plant taking 15MLD of water from a lake at 750mAOD, passing it via settlement tanks on to pressure sand filters, and from there into a chlorine contact tank to TR60 of 3

  • Q : Ball of a trailer hitch....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    The ball of a trailer hitch is subjected to a force F. If failure takes place when the moment of F about point A reaches 11250 in lb, find out the largest value F

  • Q : Calculating velocity-shear stress distribution of the pipe....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    An incompressible, isothermal power law fluid is driven down a pipe of radius R and length L by an applied pressure gradient ∂P/∂z (a known negative value). Assume the flow is axisymmetric

  • Q : Computing the probable wall thickness of the tank....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    The tank failed catastrophically creating a tidal wave of oil which sent nearly 4,000,000 gallons of diesel fuel into the Monongahela River causing a major environmental problem. "A small, uncemente

  • Q : Applied aerodynamics incompressible flow....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A pressurized water tank is used as a source of water for a fire hose. The pressure of the air in the top of the tank  is 20 atm (gauge).

  • Q : Finding out velocity of bullet....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    he angle through which the wires supporting the block rotate as a result of the impact is measured and determined to be 7 degrees. What is bullet’s velocity.

  • Q : Explaining h-enrichment mesh refinement and flow stress....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Mesh refinement techniques need to estimate the local error for the techniques to be able update the mesh. What are some of the common error indicators used in mesh refinement? Explain H-enrichment

  • Q : Defining engineering business functions....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Define engineering business functionsoutline the inter-relationships between the different processes and functions of an engineering organisation.

  • Q : Fem mode-fem software....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Data used to confirm FEM results. These can be any combination of experimental and theoretical information.

  • Q : Hexagonal cross-section....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    An aluminium alloy strut has the hollow regular hexagonal cross-section with side 50 mm each, and a constant thickness 2.5 mm all round along its length, see figure below.

  • Q : Analyzing design of the digital -still-camera....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    In the introduction, we stated that design is driven by change and need. Some of these drivers are the requirement for safety, efficiency, energy etc. You need to undertake a design analysis on the

  • Q : Hydrostatic pressure-buoyancy-rigid body....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A shark tank in the aquarium has a hemispherical glass viewing “bubble” jutting into the water from the side wall. The radius of the bubble is 1m, starting 2m below the water surface. Wh

  • Q : Designing heat exchanger for waste heat recovery system-cars....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Imagine you are the part of a product development team which is developing a novel waste heat recovery system to make cars more efficient. You require choosing or designing a heat exchanger for a wa

  • Q : Square cavity flow....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    The figure shows a “square cavity flow”. In this flow the cavity is filled with a fluid and the lid of the cavity moves with a constant velocity.

  • Q : Finite element analysis to determine stress distributions....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Carry out a finite element analysis to determine the stress distributions across the cylinder wall when the internal pressure reaches a value that will cause the material to start yielding according

  • Q : Explaining the time obtained by goal seek function....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Explain each graph and data table. In the text, refer to each graph and table using appropriate labels.Explain the number (time) obtained by using the “Goal Seek” function.

  • Q : Rate of heat loss via the wall by convection....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Throughout a warmer winter or early spring day, wind at 40 deg.F is blowing at a speed of 40 mph parallel to the 12 foot high by 30 foot long wall of a house. Supposing the interior wall surface is

  • Q : Analysis of the system response....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Design a compensator such that the step response of the system yields the following changes.

  • Q : Minimum critical euler axial compression....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Calculate the minimum critical Euler axial compression force, σcr and the minimum critical Euler axial compression stress, σcr, for the column below which is pinned at the top and bottom e

  • Q : Determining the angular acceleration of the plate....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Determine the angular acceleration of the plate at the instant it is released. What is the angular acceleration if the plate was rotating in horizontal plane?

  • Q : Essential condition for heat transfer process....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    What the essential condition for a heat transfer process to occur.

  • Q : Direction and magnitude of maximum principal stress....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Compute the direction and magnitude of the maximum principal stress.

  • Q : Proposing a feasible design of a microscale device....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    The objective of Part I is to propose a feasible design of a microscale device (“microdevice”) that allows tensile tests to be performed on specimens only several hundred nanometers in d

  • Q : Dynamics of machines....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Wind turbines are becoming more and more common as a method of energy production, wind turbines by their very nature are dynamic and are subject to and create their own internal and external kinetic

  • Q : Solving the dynamics of the pendulum....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Assume that a simple pendulum is attached to our spring-damper-mass system. Solve for the dynamics of the resulting system for 20 seconds of real time using midpoint method. Choose your step size so

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