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problems 233 commands and functions fzero a function function that accepts a function handle or function defi
problems 195problemstwo-dimensional x-y plots51create plots of the following functions from x 0 to 10ay exby
142chapter 4manipulating matlabreg matricesmatlabreg summarythe following matlabreg summary lists and briefly describes
114chapter 3built-in matlabreg functionsproblemselementary math functions31find the cube root of - 5 both by using the
matlab1 introduction a explain what your over-arching topic is and the questions that will be addressed through your
matlabgiven a hall-petch equation sigma sigmaokd-12 and the data given k9600 psi sqrt mm sigmao 12000 psi we would
the assignment should be included simulation and verificationcould anyone in your staffexpert design a model for
developed a matlab code for multiobjective optimization checking if the developed results are good and optimumwrite up
machine vision amp imaging techniques in mechanical engineeringwrite a matlab code to detect the number of vehicles in
1compare liquids and gases with regard to theirbullshapebullvolume
1 write a matlab function that will use load ratings for 6300 series ball bearings and the afbma equivalent load
use matlab and the symbolic math toolbox to find the laplace transform of the following time functionsa ft 8t 2cos 3t
1 we have discussed dijkstras algorithm in class for computing the shortest paths from any source node to all other
question 1 write a program that imports the data from the first excel sheet and plot each data set on the same plot
write matlab commands to solve the following system of equations 7x-14y95 -5x9z-50
process with the process that bertier used to resolve the situationstate how gerry bertier used each of the following
computing project properties of areasthe computing project properties of areas concerns the computation of various
computing projectaxial barthe computing project axial bar concerns the solution of the problem of a prismatic bar in a
matlab assignment- the system consists of a single mass of m 1 kg having a spring constant k 10 nm with a damping
write a matlab program to obtain the given transfer functionysus 25s 5s3 5s2 25s
exercisesinstructionsyou will need to record the results of your matlab session to generate your lab report create a
theme random processes note look for pr4fileszip and m files for this project functions write using matlab1x singen
1goalsto write code to-parse and load data files and deal with missing data-implement a more complex program involving
multimediayou need to write the code yourself in matlabuse of publically available code eg from online sources is not