• Q : Marginal revenue product....
    Mathematics :

    Compute the marginal revenue product at each level of labor input if output sells for $4 per unit. If wage rate is $15 per hour, how much labor will be hired?

  • Q : How large sample of heart failure patients-measurement error....
    Mathematics :

    How large sample of heart failure patients being followed by institution would you have to look at to confirm 25% rate with measurement error (ME) of 0.05?

  • Q : Find slope-intercept form and standard form of line....
    Mathematics :

    Give the classmates with two points so they can find (a) Slope-intercept form of line and (b) Standard Form of line which passes through these two points.  Ensure to check back and verify classm

  • Q : Four steps for solving an equation....
    Mathematics :

    Explain the four steps for solving equation? Should any other factors be accounted for when solving an equation? Should any factors be accounted for when explaining how to solve equation?

  • Q : Distinguish expressions-equations and functions....
    Mathematics :

    What down the differences among expressions, equations, and functions? Give examples of each. Give the concept of modeling.

  • Q : Dreams of high interest rates....
    Mathematics :

    While everyone dreams of high interest rates for investments, usually high interest rates come with other disadvantages. Using interest or other sources, research and write down an essay on advantag

  • Q : How much more will one earn annually in new position....
    Mathematics :

    Previously she earned 10.50 per hour for standard 40-hour week. She will now be paid biweekly salary of 1,100. How much more will Linda earn annually in new position?

  • Q : Write function and state its domain....
    Mathematics :

    Let x represent length of sides of the squares, in inches, that are cut out. Write volume of boz as function of x. Write function and state its domain.

  • Q : Find probability to need surgical intervention....
    Mathematics :

    Find probability that he will see 50 patients or more out of 60 who will need surgical intervention? Find the probability that he will see 15 or fewer patients who will need surgical intervention

  • Q : Fraction of two polynomials....
    Mathematics :

    A rational expression is a fraction of two polynomials. If you need to add or subtract two rational expressions, how would you do it? Explain, in your own words, the process for finding Least Common

  • Q : Different sampling methods....
    Mathematics :

    Explain the different sampling methods? Research Internet to find applications of 2 of sampling techniques in IT fields.

  • Q : Accuracy of self-reported smoking status....
    Mathematics :

    As part of study, investigators wanted to evaluate the accuracy of self-reported smoking status. Participants are asked whether they currently smoke or not.

  • Q : Find amount of final price adjustment due defective pricing....
    Mathematics :

    Compute amount of final price adjustment because of defective pricing. Labor was overpriced by $15,000. Material was underpriced by $10,000.

  • Q : How much more lumber would require to fill the order....
    Mathematics :

    Will Ozark Furniture be able to fill order with current lumber on hand? If yes, how much lumber will they have left? If no, how much more lumber would they require to fill the order?

  • Q : How many movies of each kind did one rent....
    Mathematics :

    If Robby rented 19 movies total with same number of dramas, twice as many comedies, and twice as many documentaries as Gina, how many movies of each kind did Gina rent?

  • Q : Complementary event....
    Mathematics :

    At a convenience store there is a 25% chance a customer enters the store within one minute of closing time. Describe the complementary event and find its probability.

  • Q : How many tiles should buy for cost be same at both stores....
    Mathematics :

    At another store she can borrow tile saw for free if she buys the tile at $1.49 per tile. How many tiles should she buy for cost be same at both stores?

  • Q : Question regarding poisson distribution....
    Mathematics :

    In analyzing hits by V-1 buzz bombs in World War II, South London was subdivided into regions, each with an area of 0.25km squared. Shown below is a table of actual frequencies of hits and the frequ

  • Q : Denominator of the f ratio....
    Mathematics :

    One advantage of repeated measures ANOVA is that it eliminates "individual differences" as the source of variability. Discuss why there're no individual differences in numerator and in denominator of

  • Q : Find number of production runs to minimize company expenses....
    Mathematics :

    If company expects to sell 1,600 microscopes at fairly uniform rate throughout year, find out number of production runs which will minimize company's overall expenses.

  • Q : Predicting the dependent variable....
    Mathematics :

    Given that X2 is in the model, does X1 contribute to predicting the dependent variable at the .05 significance level? Given that X1 is in the model, does X2 contribute to predicting the dependent vari

  • Q : Regression coefficients....
    Mathematics :

    Test the hypothesis that at least one of the regression coefficients isn't equal to zero. Use a .05 significance level. Test Ho: β1 = 0 versus Ha: β1 0. Use a .05 significance level.

  • Q : Prediction equation for the price....
    Mathematics :

    Determine the prediction equation for the price of laptop using rating and features. Compute the value of the residual standard deviation?

  • Q : Find economic order quantity which minimizes inventory cost....
    Mathematics :

    The average number of sofas in inventory, amount to $32 per year for one sofa. Find out economic order quantity which minimizes inventory cost, and then and minimum inventory cost.

  • Q : Assuring statistical control....
    Mathematics :

    A statistical process analyst is responsible for assuring statistical control. In one process, a machine is supposed to drop 11.4 ounces of mints into a bag.

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