• Q : Beginning inventory at coast....
    Mathematics :

    With beginning inventory at coast of $9,000, ending inventory at cost of $7,000, net sales of $51,000, and cost of goods sold of $41,000 the inventory turnover at cost to the nearest hundredth is?

  • Q : Sequence of complex continuous functions....
    Mathematics :

    Is there the sequence of complex continuous functions on set D which converge to the limit function that isn't continuous? If so, provide an example. If not, support your position.

  • Q : Sequence of complex continuous functions on a set....
    Mathematics :

    Is there sequence of complex continuous functions on the set D which converge to limit function that is not continuous? If so, provide an example. If not, support your position.

  • Q : Invest in portfolio containing stock....
    Mathematics :

    You've $100,000 to invest in portfolio containing Stock X, Stock Y and a risk-free asset. You must invest all your money. Your goal is to create a portfolio that has an expected return of 11.22%

  • Q : Strings of length eight contain....
    Mathematics :

    How many bit strings of length eight contain either three consecutive 0s or four consecutive 1s?

  • Q : Determine the probability of choosing....
    Mathematics :

    Assume we have two urns, Urn 1 and Urn 2. Urn 1 haves 11 red marbles and 13 white marbles. Urn 2 haves 9 red marbles and 7 white marbles. The experiment includes first selecting an urn with equally

  • Q : Lagrange remainder theorem applied....
    Mathematics :

    Determine a simple bound upon the error when you approximate the integral of ln(x) from n to n+1, using trapazoidal rule. (Hint): First, there is the simple anti derivative of ln(x), so you can get

  • Q : Liquid pouring at a steady rate....
    Mathematics :

    If liquid pouring at a steady rate from hose A takes 15 minutes to fill a vat, and liquid pouring at a steady rate from hose B takes 10 minutes to fill the same vat, then how long will it take for l

  • Q : Workers work at the same steady rate....
    Mathematics :

    A Sewing Problem: If 10 workers take eight hours to sew store's order of pants, then how long would 15 workers take to sew the store's order of pants? Suppose all workers work at the same steady ra

  • Q : Employ unit rates to help....
    Mathematics :

    Assume you've a 32- ounce bottle of weed killer concentrate. The directions say to mix 2 ½ ounces of weed killer concentrate with enough water to make a gallon. How many gallons of weed kille

  • Q : Most elementary reasoning....
    Mathematics :

    How much of the water will be left in the bucket by the time the bucket gets to the top? Solve this problem by using logical thinking and by using most elementary reasoning you can. Explain your rea

  • Q : Ratio of king penguins to emperor penguins....
    Mathematics :

    At a zoo, ratio of king penguins to emperor penguins is 2 : 3. In all, there are 45 king and emperor penguins combined. How many emperor penguins are at the zoo?

  • Q : Determine sin....
    Mathematics :

    If tanx= -5/12 and x is in the 2nd quadrant. Determine sin2x describe me how to solve ?

  • Q : Completing the square to write....
    Mathematics :

    Use completing the square to write each equation in form y=a(x-h)^2 +k and identify the vertex, focus, and directrix. Please show steps and explain,

  • Q : Determine sum of ages....
    Mathematics :

    Jack is four years older than Fred, the sum of their ages is 36 How would this look as an equation?

  • Q : Determine the future value of the investment....
    Mathematics :

    An investment of $30,000 earns interest of 10% compounded semi annually for 2.5 years. Determine the future value of the investment. If money can be deposited elsewhere for 2.5 years at 8% compound

  • Q : Immigrant from mexico....
    Mathematics :

    Jose Martinez, an immigrant from Mexico, determines that he needs $9000 to start a (very) small grocery store in 3 years. How much must he deposit today if his credit union will pay 4% compounded q

  • Q : Possible now to go on lifelong dream tour....
    Mathematics :

    The Datons' accountant told them they will get refund of $8500 upon their income taxes. They're excited and decide to borrow as much as possible now to go on lifelong dream tour of one month in the

  • Q : Study to assess risk factors....
    Mathematics :

    We wish to design study to assess risk factors for stroke and dementia. There're two primary outcome measures. The first is measure of neurological function. Patients with normal function typically

  • Q : Cancer patients and controls....
    Mathematics :

    How many cancer patients and controls would be required to estimate the difference in proportions of patients with sufficient concentrations of plasma antioxidants vitamins with margin of error not

  • Q : Mean body mass index for boys....
    Mathematics :

    The mean body mass index for boys of age 12 years is 23.6. An investigator wants to test if the BMI is higher in 12-year-old boys living in New York City.

  • Q : Unsuspecting person opens....
    Mathematics :

    An unsuspecting person opens the drawer and randomly picks one of these boxes, then tests one of the batteries from the box and it is good. With that knowledge, compute the probability that the pers

  • Q : Determine the probability that exactly....
    Mathematics :

    A collection of 6 items is to be randomly drawn from a bin containing 100 good items and 8 defective items. Determine the probability that exactly 3 of the items chosen are defective?

  • Q : Couple should be standing together....
    Mathematics :

    How many manners are there to arrange fours couples for photo if all of couple should be standing together?

  • Q : Unit cost for business....
    Mathematics :

    A business is operating at 90% of capacity and is currently buying a part employed in its manufacturing operations for $17.00 per unit. The unit cost for business to make the part is $21.00, compris

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