• Q : Investors in equities have investments in securities....
    Mathematics :

    Each person in the group of 110 investors has investments in either equities or securities or both. Exactly 25% of investors in equities have investments in securities, and exactly 40% of investors

  • Q : Question regarding sheep population....
    Mathematics :

    A shepherd has 1 million sheep at beginning of Year 2000. The numbers grow by x% (x > 0) throughout the year. A famine hits his village in the next year and many of his sheep die. The sheep popul

  • Q : Kind of pastry that he bought....
    Mathematics :

    A small confectioner bought the certain number of pastries flavoured pineapple, mango and black-forest from bakery, giving for each pastry as many rupees as there were pastry of that type; altogeth

  • Q : Possible pair of persons....
    Mathematics :

    N persons stand upon the circumference of circle at distinct points. Each possible pair of persons, not standing next to each other, sings a two-minute song one pair after the other. If the total ti

  • Q : Money in the ratio....
    Mathematics :

    A man invests some money partly in 9% stock at 96 and partly in 12% stock at 120. To obtain equal dividends from both, he should invest the money in the ratio:

  • Q : Basis of u intersection....
    Mathematics :

    Consider the following subspaces of U={(x1,x2,x3,x4)^(T): x1=x2=x3} and W={(x1,x2,x3,x4)^(T): x2=x3=0} of R4. Find the basis of U intersection W.

  • Q : Thickness of the bottom....
    Mathematics :

    A cistern of capacity 8000 litres evaluates externally 3.3 m by 2.6 m by 1.1 m and its walls are 5 cm thick. The thickness of the bottom is:

  • Q : Man desires to have an interest....
    Mathematics :

    A man purchases Rs. 20 shares paying 9% dividend. The man desires to have an interest of 12% on his money. The market value of each share is:

  • Q : Payment schedule can be maintained....
    Mathematics :

    Supposing that this payment schedule can be maintained, when will the loan be fully paid? Supposing the same payment schedule, how large a loan could be paid off in exactly 20 years?

  • Q : Effective annual rate of interest....
    Mathematics :

    The effective annual rate of interest corresponding to a nominal rate of 6% per annum payable half-yearly is:

  • Q : Hour for regular work....
    Mathematics :

    In regular week, there're 5 working days and for each day, the working hours are 8. A man gets Rs. 2.40 for each hour for regular work and Rs. 3.20 for each hours for overtime. If he earns Rs. 432 i

  • Q : Determine the standard deviation of a portfolio....
    Mathematics :

    Aquaman Stock has exhibited a standard deviation in stock returns of 0.7, while Green Lantern Stock has exhibited standard deviation of 0.8. The correlation coefficient between stock returns is 0.1

  • Q : Number of students....
    Mathematics :

    There're two examinations rooms A and B. If 10 students are sent from the A to B, then the number of students in each room is same. If 20 candidates are sent from B to A, then number of students in

  • Q : Rate of the stream....
    Mathematics :

    A man rows to a place 48 km distant and come back in 14 hours. He finds out that he can row 4 km with stream in the same time as 3 km against the stream. The rate of the stream is:

  • Q : Subset of the set of ordered pairs....
    Mathematics :

    Let S be the subset of the set of ordered pairs of integers defined recursively by: (0, 0) element of S If (a, b) element of S, then (a+2, b+3) element of S and (a+3, b+2) element of S.

  • Q : Piece of work....
    Mathematics :

    A alone can do the piece of work in 6 days and B alone in 8 days. A and B undertook to do it for Rs. 3200. With help of C, they completed the work in three days. How much is to be paid to C?

  • Q : Number of integer solutions....
    Mathematics :

    The number of integer solutions of the equation 3x + 6y = 13 is

  • Q : Churches objections to the heliocentric model....
    Mathematics :

    What were the churches objections to the heliocentric model and why did some suffer persecution, while others did not? Why did Copernicus wait till the end of his life to put forth his ideas of helioc

  • Q : Horizontal frictionless surface....
    Mathematics :

    By how much will the box compress the weaker spring? Determine the maximum speed the box will reach?

  • Q : Conference in order to reduce the percentage....
    Mathematics :

    There are 100 employees in conference room in New York City. You note that the 99% of them are managers. How many managers would need to leave the conference in order to reduce the percentage of ma

  • Q : Compound interest computed on half-yearly basis....
    Mathematics :

    A bank offers 5% compound interest computed on half-yearly basis. A customer deposits Rs. 1600 each upon 1st January and 1st July of year. At the end of the year, the amount he would have gained by

  • Q : Dividend for each annum....
    Mathematics :

    Sakshi invests part of Rs. 12,000 in 12% stock at Rs. 120 and remainder in 15% stock at Rs. 125. If his total dividend for each annum is Rs. 1360, how much does he invest in 12% stock at Rs. 120?

  • Q : Determine the equation of motion of the object....
    Mathematics :

    Suppose that the force of gravity is constant, no change in momentum takes place on impact with the water, the buoyancy force is 1/2 the weight (weight = mg), and the force due to air resistance or

  • Q : Find out the distance from the front to the rear....
    Mathematics :

    An army of soldiers is marching down road at 5 mph. A messenger on horseback rides from the front to the rear and returns immediately, the total time taken being 10 minutes. Supposing that the mess

  • Q : Straight days and then has day off....
    Mathematics :

    A husband works for 6 straight days and then has day off. His wife works for 7 straight days and then has day off. If the husband and wife are both off from work upon the same day, in how many days

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