• Q : Create a break-even chart and do cost-plus pricing....
    Managerial Economics :

    Relating back to my assumptions, each month I must sell 4000 cups of regular coffee, 2000 cups of gourmet coffee, and 3000 pastries. Create a break-even chart and do cost-plus pricing (price = unit

  • Q : Determine klp total traceable costs....
    Managerial Economics :

    Q1. Determine KLP'S total traceable costs for the upcoming year and the firms total anticipated overhead. Q2. Calculate the predetermined overhead rate. The rate is based on total costs traceable to c

  • Q : Product costing and c-v-p analysis....
    Managerial Economics :

    Question 1: What is the product cost of providing one evening of instruction for all students? Question 2: What is the product cost of training a student over the entire course (there are 75 student

  • Q : What is the breakeven discount rate....
    Managerial Economics :

    Q1. Using an expected payoff criterion, and discounting at 10 percent, which of the alternatives (First, Both or Neither) is the optimal decision? Q2. What is the breakeven discount rate at which ne

  • Q : Compile a pivot table-tabulation of sales....
    Managerial Economics :

    Task: The database DISH.XLS contains a transaction history describing more than 4,000 purchases of detergent at a number of stores in a grocery chain over a period of several weeks. Q1. Compile a pi

  • Q : Goal is to maximize net revenue....
    Managerial Economics :

    Now assume that one party acquires control over all producing oil wells and hence the power to control the price by controlling output. How many millions of barrels per day (mb/d) will be produced i

  • Q : Analyze the impact on japan terms of trade....
    Managerial Economics :

    Japan primarily exports manufactured goods, while importing raw materials such as food and oil. Analyze the impact on Japan's terms of trade of the following events:

  • Q : What are the firms fixed costs-marginal cost....
    Managerial Economics :

    Q1. What are the firm's fixed costs? Q2. What is the firm's marginal cost? Now suppose other firms in the market sell the product at a price of $10.

  • Q : Calculate gb profit maximizing price....
    Managerial Economics :

    1. Calculate GB's profit maximizing price/output combination and economicprofit before the installation of the OSHA mandated equipmt. 2. Calculate the same after the osha guidelines have been met.

  • Q : What is the firms gain or loss at sale....
    Managerial Economics :

    a.) What is the firm's gain or loss at sale of 8,000 watches? At 18,000 watches? b.) What is the breakeven point? Illustrate by means of a chart.

  • Q : Case scenario-suzie silk scarves is a start-up....
    Managerial Economics :

    Suzie's Silk Scarves is a start-up that sells high quality scarves out of a boutique store. The monthly rent of the store is $1,500 and Suzie has one manager who runs the store and earns $3,000 per

  • Q : Government interventions in operations....
    Managerial Economics :

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there were businesses that were TOO BIG TO FAIL... Over the last five years we have seen a number of government interventions in operations deemed "too bi

  • Q : Find the breakeven level of revenues....
    Managerial Economics :

    The tax rate is 30%. The WACC is 11.333%. What is the NPV? Find the IRR of the project. Find the breakeven level of revenues.

  • Q : What is the annual worth....
    Managerial Economics :

    (a) What is the Annual Worth (AW) of each of the three cases (optimistic, most likely, pessimistic)? (b) The most critical factors are useful life and net annual cash flow. Complete the table below

  • Q : Cost-volume-profit analysis....
    Managerial Economics :

    What are the aims, usefulness, and shortcomings of the following: 1) Cost-volume-profit analysis 2) The concept of operating leverage

  • Q : Average cost of units of output....
    Managerial Economics :

    Problem: If it costs the firm $54 to produce 6 units of output and $40 to produce 5 units of output, average cost:

  • Q : How should the initial piece rate be set....
    Managerial Economics :

    The Green Show Company is considering going to a piece rate system, where manufacturing employees are paid based on their level of output. Discuss what factors the firm should consider in deciding w

  • Q : Graph average revenue-marginal revenue and marginal cost....
    Managerial Economics :

    a. Compute and graph Average Revenue, Marginal Revenue, and Marginal Cost. b. What are the profit-maximizing output level, price, and profits?

  • Q : Oppurtunity cost principle....
    Managerial Economics :

    We make choices as consumers every day. Opportunity cost is defined as a person's ''next best alternative'' or the best of what you give up when you make a choice.

  • Q : Optimum level of output for zinger company....
    Managerial Economics :

    where P is price. Total costs (including a "normal" return to the owners) of producing Q units per period are: TC = 20,000 + 50Q + 3Q2. What are total profits at the optimum level of output for Zinger

  • Q : What is the company labor productivity....
    Managerial Economics :

    (1) What is the company's labor productivity, if the retail price for each respective service is $50, $200, and $120? (2) What is the multifactor productivity, if the crew consisted of two of each typ

  • Q : Is minimum wage legislation bad for on-the-job training....
    Managerial Economics :

    Is minimum wage legislation bad for on-the-job training? It has been argued that the minimum wage prevents workers from investing in on-the-job training and discourages employers from providing spec

  • Q : Marginal revenue and marginal cost for output rates....
    Managerial Economics :

    What can you say about the relationship between marginal revenue and marginal cost for output rates below the profit-maximizing (or loss-minimizing) rate? For output rates above the profit-maximizin

  • Q : Calculate the profit-maximizing price-output....
    Managerial Economics :

    Q1. Calculate the profit-maximizing price/output and profit levels for Sweeties! prior to the coupon promotion. Q2. Calculate these same values subsequent to the Sweeties! coupon promotion and followi

  • Q : Economies and diseconomies of scale in an industry....
    Managerial Economics :

    How can the extent to which the presence of economies and diseconomies of scale in an industry help account for the size and the number of firms in that industry?

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