• Q : Why is unemployment necessary for the economy....
    Macroeconomics :

    I am having a very difficult time discussing whether the internet could completely eliminate frictional unemployment? Also, why is unemployment necessary for the economy?

  • Q : What is the paradox of thrift....
    Macroeconomics :

    When households become concerned with their future savings and attempt to increase their savings, how does this effect the overall economy? What is the Paradox of Thrift?

  • Q : Stagflation-volatile component and multiplier effect....
    Macroeconomics :

    Problem 1) Is it true the USA may be moving into a period of stagflation? Problem 2) Is it false in the equation C + I + G + NX = GDP that the most volatile component is C?

  • Q : Magnitude of the stimulus amount....
    Macroeconomics :

    The US Congress passed a stimulus bill in Feb. 2009. What was the justification for doing so? Given the magnitude of the stimulus amount, do you suppose it has achieved its intended outcomes? Explai

  • Q : Three types of unemployment....
    Macroeconomics :

    What are the three types of unemployment? Unemployment is seen by some as undesirable. Are all three types of unemployment undesirable? Could the advent of the Internet completely eliminate friction

  • Q : What is the banks real interest rate....
    Macroeconomics :

    The consumer price index is 125 in year 1 and 160 in year 2. All inflation is anticipated. If the Commerce Bank of Beverly Hills charges an interest rate of 35 percent in year 2, what is the bank&rs

  • Q : State and local government borrowing....
    Macroeconomics :

    What is the signifigance (pros/cons) - to the State and the local governments - when the State has low State borrowing but the local government debt is high (ie California, North Carolina)?

  • Q : Aggregate household income....
    Macroeconomics :

    Visit the U.S. Census Bureau website at www.census.vov/hhes/income/midclass/index.html and select Data Highlights. Since 1969, how has the share of aggregate household income received by the lowest

  • Q : Financial case for investment in hp....
    Macroeconomics :

    Problem: What is a good rational, financial case for investment in HP?

  • Q : Gross domestic product and gross national product....
    Macroeconomics :

    Problem: What is the difference between gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product (GNP)?

  • Q : Economy ad curve....
    Macroeconomics :

    Greater wealth makes __________ people willing to spend the national income, causing __________ the economy's AD curve.

  • Q : Assumptions affect your average monthly balance....
    Macroeconomics :

    How would each of the following changes in assumptions affect your average monthly balance? Be specific with your answers. You are paid $500 twice monthly (1st and 15th) rather than $1,000 each month.

  • Q : Draw the lorenz curve for case....
    Macroeconomics :

    1) Draw the lorenz curve for this case (This is the part I did) 2) Calculate the Gini coefficient

  • Q : Calculate the rate of change in the cost of living....
    Macroeconomics :

    Calculate the rate of change in the cost of living for the consumer using the A. laspeyeres Index (cpi) B. paasche index (gdp deflator) C. true index (ideal index)

  • Q : Difference between income and wealth....
    Macroeconomics :

    What problems arise in determining whether an equal income distribution is fair or not? What is the difference between income and wealth?

  • Q : Firms in the long run equilibrium....
    Macroeconomics :

    Problem: Assume that a pure monopolist and a purely competitive firm have the same unit costs. Contrast the two firms in the long run equilibrium with respect to the following:

  • Q : What is the firms sustainable growth rate....
    Macroeconomics :

    1. What is the firm's sustainable growth rate? 2. If the firm grows at its sustainable growth rate, how much debt will be issued next year?

  • Q : Calculating the value of ending inventory....
    Macroeconomics :

    Assume there was no beginning inventory. Calculate the value of ending inventory for both companies and the cost of goods sold for both companies.

  • Q : Expected value-opening a branch office in los angeles....
    Macroeconomics :

    Outdoor Sports Company, with its main office in Iowa, is considering opening a branch office in Los Angeles. Under normal economic conditions, which have a 45% chance of occurring, Outdoor can expec

  • Q : Equity portion of the balance sheet....
    Macroeconomics :

    The stockholders' equity portion of the balance sheet of Rollover Tire Company is as shown: The current market value of Rollover stock is $20 per share. Show what the balance sheet would look like i

  • Q : Consumption of marginal propensity....
    Macroeconomics :

    The marginal propensity to consume is 0.8 and autonomous expenditures have just increased by $122. Equilibrium income will drop by $488.

  • Q : Equally risky shares....
    Macroeconomics :

    Consider two equally risky shares, Hi and Lo. Hi shares pay a generous dividend and offer low expected capital gains. Lo shares pay low dividends and offer high expected capital gains.

  • Q : Capitalists-workers and landowners....
    Macroeconomics :

    Ricardo believed that the goal of economic analysis was to understand the distribution of income between the three major classes: capitalists, workers, and landowners.

  • Q : Calculate the internal rate of return of each investment....
    Macroeconomics :

    Calculate the internal rate of return of each investment. On the basis of this method, which investment should Get Rich select?

  • Q : Class distinction and labor relations....
    Macroeconomics :

    From a labor perspective, there has always been a clear distinction of the classes (high class, middle class and working class). Currently, what is the trend for the American work force of the follo

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