• Q : Problem on gridfiller applet....
    JAVA Programming :

    Write down an applet which displays a 4X4 grid. When the user clicks on a square in the grid, the applet must draw a filled circle in it. If the square already has a circle, clicking on it must caus

  • Q : Create a class for the business named candle....
    JAVA Programming :

    Mick's Wicks makes candles in various sizes. Create a class for the business named Candle that contains data fields for color, height, and price. Create get methods for all three fields.

  • Q : Performance of a wimax network....
    JAVA Programming :

    The performance of a WiMAX network appears to be lower expected and you suspect interference to be the cause. Write down a 2 page letter to the FCC that requesting the investigation. The letter must

  • Q : Object-oriented approach....
    JAVA Programming :

    Take a position on whether or not an object-oriented approach can be employed to develop any kind of system. Give two illustrations that support your position.

  • Q : Writing an applet with graphics in programming activity....
    JAVA Programming :

    Writing an Applet with Graphics In this Programming Activity, you will write down an applet that employs graphics. You will draw a picture of your own design.

  • Q : What is a nested inner class....
    JAVA Programming :

    What do you mean by nested inner class? What special privileges does a nested inner class have? Give an illustration of how you declare a nested inner class.

  • Q : Define a simple interface....
    JAVA Programming :

    Define a simple interface named Motorized with one method (maxSpeed) that returns the maximum attainable speed and another method (fuelType) which returns the kind of fuel required.

  • Q : What is an abstract class....
    JAVA Programming :

    What is an abstract class and how does it differ from the regular class?

  • Q : Demonstrating inheritance....
    JAVA Programming :

    These are more specialized versions of the PizzaOrders you have been making all along and you decide to write a program which handles them the same as much as possible and reuses the code of a genera

  • Q : What are the different kinds of dns servers....
    JAVA Programming :

    What are the various types of DNS servers and their purpose across the WAN or the Internet?

  • Q : What is the paintcomponent method....
    JAVA Programming :

    What is the paintComponent method? How is it used in Java graphics? How does a program intentionally cause the paintComponent method to execute?

  • Q : Describe the graphical coordinate system in java....
    JAVA Programming :

    Explain the graphical coordinate system in Java. Where is the origin? What units apply to the x,y coordinates?

  • Q : Throwing an exception and catching an exception....
    JAVA Programming :

    Explain the difference between throwing an exception and catching an exception?

  • Q : What is an example of a javascript....
    JAVA Programming :

    What is an illustration of a JavaScript(r) framework? In the framework you have described, what is an illustration of an application which would work well on the site you are building for the class

  • Q : Specific example of a javascript application....
    JAVA Programming :

    Determine the purpose of using JavaScript(r) on a website? Determine a specific example of a JavaScript(r) application which will be beneficial on the site you are creating?

  • Q : What is an example of a javascript framework....
    JAVA Programming :

    Determine the example of a JavaScript(r) framework? In the framework you have explained, what is an illustration of an application that would work well on the site you are building for the class?

  • Q : Create a java test class....
    JAVA Programming :

    Finally, make a Java test class. In your test class you must at a minimum: a) Construct 200 instances of each subclass, b) set up the corresponding characteristics, c) print the name of your employe

  • Q : Operator and network errors....
    JAVA Programming :

    A fault is fundamentally a deviation from expected behavior. Faults might be due to a variety of factors, comprising hardware, software, operator (user), and network errors. Faults fall into three c

  • Q : Different ways you can use virtulazation....
    JAVA Programming :

    There are different ways you can use virtulazation. One method is hardware virtualization and that method has several different types like virtual machines, full virtualization, para-virtualization,

  • Q : Virtualization to create test enviornments....
    JAVA Programming :

    Most of the companies use virtualization to make test enviornments to test software and applications before releasing them. We do that before releasing anything new to our users.

  • Q : Java program and pseudocode to read a number....
    JAVA Programming :

    Write down a java program and pseudocode to read a number up to 15 digits long or a date (dd/mm/yyyy). The program must differentiate numbers from input date, and prints them in alphabetic spelling

  • Q : How would you classify type of script....
    JAVA Programming :

    How would you categorize this kind of script? What resources could you use to develop the scripting skills?

  • Q : What are mobile os....
    JAVA Programming :

    What are mobile OSs you have personally used? Explain the merits and demerits of their effects. Share a resource you have found regarding mobile OSs.

  • Q : Advantages and disadvantages of the use of mainframes....
    JAVA Programming :

    What are the merits and demerits of the use of mainframes? In what kind of organizations would they be most likely to be implemented?

  • Q : Types of malware and the potential impact....
    JAVA Programming :

    Explain the types of malware and the potential impact they can have on the system.

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