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Describe the role of religion in ‘Jude the Obscure’. What does Madame Defarge’s Knitting Symbolize in ‘A Tale Of Two Cities’.
Explain the theme in ‘leaves of grass'. Was writing “The Bluest eye” an Effective act of protest?
Write a brief note on clause elements and types. Explain “emphasis” with three examples.
Convert the following compound in to the complex sentences: Keep quiet, or you will be punished.
What are the motifs discussed in ‘Death of a Salesman. ’Why does frost select to write about everyday life in a rural environment? What is the effect of thin choice on his poetry?
What is the significance of the title “The Rainbow”? Compare and contrast Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay how are they alike? How are they different?
Write a short note on orwell’s prose style. What ideas do you form of orwell as man and thinker on the basis of prescribed lent.
Describe the character-sketch of Saint Joan in Bernard Shaw’s Saint Joan.
Explain the use of ‘animal imagery’ in ‘Ted Hughes’ poetry. Describe the importance of the title of Ted Hughes’ “Home Roosting”.
Write a short note Aristotle’s concept of ‘Imitation’ in “Poetics”. Give a short account of the concept of ‘The function of poetry’ as stated by Aristotle in
Write a brief note on Eliot’s “Theory of Impersonality”. Who are the chief speakers and what do they symbolize in Dryden’s ‘An Essay on Dramatic Poesie? Explain in detail
Write brief definitions or descriptions of the given ten words or terms, describing your answer with illustrations where suitable:
Comment on role of the supernatural in William Shakespeare’s play ‘The Tempest’. What is meant by conceit? Write a brief note on the use of conceits in John Donne’s poetry.&nbs
How many sounds are there in Phonetics. Write down the difference between vowel sounds and consonant sounds.
What do you mean by the term morpheme? How does it differ from a phoneme. Give one word substitution for “One who works for free”.
Summarize the argument if you choose. Elaborate on the implication of your thesis. Make clear what you want readers to think or do. Reinforce your credibility.
Correct the grammar, spelling and/or punctuation mistakes in the sentences below. Ensure that you do not change the meaning of the sentencesIts never to late to start exersicing.
Describe how health care is different nowadays than in previous eras. Topics to consider: hospitals, physicians and the role of government.
Define the term vulnerability with regard to health. Why certain groups are considered more vulnerable than others?
What do you mean by the term soft skills? How do they facilitate the communication?
Write a letter in either block or modified block format, addressed to your employer or supervisor and copied to your marker, detailing the progress you have made so far in completing your report.
Write essay in about 200 words on the following topics: The changing role of the mobile phone, The advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites, The increasing role of technology in our hom
Write the composition on any one of the topics given below: Use of technology in our homes.‘Each one teach one’ is the only way to educate every Indian, Letter writing is now a dying art a
Write brief notes on the following: Barriers to communication, Language and style of Minutes of Meeting, How to be successful in a Group Discussion and Body language when making a presentation.
Complete the sentences, underlining or italicizing the portion that you add. Before he knows anything else. Descartes knows what he is : he is......................