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discussion-using business analyticsmany organizations today do not utilize business analytics to help them with their
1 is the national crime rate really going down some sociologists say yes they say that the reason for the decline in
using the spss assignment data set provided explore the data using measures of central tendency measures of dispersion
1nbsptherenbspis a new drug that isnbspused to treat leukemia the following data represents the remission time in weeks
benefits of business analyticsbusiness analytics can provide a significant benefit to organizations if the organization
write your response to the following topicprobability outcomesbasic probabilitieseventsrules of probabilityconditional
rodrigo partida is an american who is of mexican ancestry he was convicted of burglary with intent to commit rape his
1 based on our sample how do you interpret the results and what do these results suggest about the population means for
last year southern manufacturing company 300 people had colds during the year one hundred fifty people who did no
1 my computer program offers two types of t-tests one is a called independent groups ttest and the other is called
1 in general how many interviews should be included in a qualitative studya at least five interviewsb as many as
1 what research method describes the structures of experience aka meanings as they present themselves to consciousness
question 1 compared to the anova test chi-square procedures are not powerful able to detect small differencestrue
question 1 compared to the anova test chi-square procedures are not powerful able to detect small differencestrue false
1 answer each of the following questions and in each case fully justify your answersa if x and y are integers is 9 a
you cant prove the null by not rejecting itdebate if failing to reject the null is the same as accepting the null
1 a researcher studied the effect of television violence on concentration of a particular blood chemical in this
consider a regression situation in which y hardness of molded plastic and x amount of time elapsed since termination
correlation and regressionfor each question involving a statistical test below list the null and alternate hypothesis
made in the usa survey recall that 106 shoppers participated in the survey their responses given as a percentage of us
1 the term paper should examine an empirical research question in economics2the term paper should consist of a full
suppose you want to compare the amount of student loan debt for males and females at statcrunch u the null hypothesis
question 1 baseball is a sport that generates a lot of data which fans use to try to predict the factors that lead to
the manufacturing company in problem 220 also produces electric insulators if the insulators break when in use a short
a large company is interested in knowing whether there is any relationship between a persons age and that persons