• Q : Different possible concurrent schedule....
    Database Management System :

    Let T1 encompass the operations r(x); w(x); r(y); w(y) and T2 have the operations r(x); w(x). Consider adding either a commit or abort to each of the transactions T1 and T2 and consider the differen

  • Q : Examples of schedules....
    Database Management System :

    Give two illustrations of schedules which are not conflict serializable. Describe why these are not conflict serializable by drawing the precedence graph; these should have a cycle. No other descript

  • Q : Software or hardware problems....
    Database Management System :

    Describe 4 software or hardware problems which will render two hosts unable to use the TCP/IP protocol to communicate.

  • Q : Current trends of data warehousing and data mining....
    Database Management System :

    Describe the benefits and current trends of data warehousing and data mining.

  • Q : Propose an enhanced database management strategy....
    Database Management System :

    Write down a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you propose the enhanced database management strategy.

  • Q : Benefits of data mining to the businesses....
    Database Management System :

    Find out the advanatges of the data mining to the businesses when employing:

  • Q : Sql statements to answer the following questions....
    Database Management System :

    please write down the SQL statements to answer the given questions. Your tables must still be on the Oracle server. Please hand-in both the query and also the output for each problem.

  • Q : Data warehousing and data mining....
    Database Management System :

    Describe the benefits and present trends of data warehousing and data mining.

  • Q : Design a comprehensive set of data security....
    Database Management System :

    You have been hired as the bank's director of data security. Design a comprehensive set of data security measures to protect the bank's data.

  • Q : Build a sql server database....
    Database Management System :

    Build a SQL Server database in your Visual Studio project. Add a table in the database by using the properties of the classes you defined in Week Four as your fields.

  • Q : Merging multiple databases into one central database....
    Database Management System :

    What work is comprised in merging multiple databases into one central database, as Altitude Online is doing?

  • Q : Role of the database administrator....
    Database Management System :

    Describe what the role of the database administrator is and why it is such a significant role in the company. Do we really require a DBA? How does the DBA's role tie into the overall data administra

  • Q : Two tables in sql server....
    Database Management System :

    Probably it's a quite simple problem to solve - but I'm not the one .. ;-) I have two tables in SQL Server: articleprices Now I want to select a certain set of ids and insert some entries into the pri

  • Q : Database management system and data mining....
    Database Management System :

    A motor vehicle maintenance center wants to enhance its services by using database management systems (DBMS) and data mining. What tables are required in such a database and how can it help enhance

  • Q : Install mysql and connect from netbeans....
    Database Management System :

    By using the instructions given by your instructor, install MySQL, and connect from NetBeans. make a user account that will be used by your upcoming application:

  • Q : How did you overcome them....
    Database Management System :

    What difficulties did you encountered and how did you overcome them? Assess a classmate's assignment by using the scoring guide given by the instructor.

  • Q : Describe the database recovery process....
    Database Management System :

    Assume that the database system in your organization has failed. Explain the database recovery process.

  • Q : Advantages and disadvantages of dbms-provided security....
    Database Management System :

    Explain the merits and demerits of DBMS-provided security. Compare it to network or application security.

  • Q : Distributed database service....
    Database Management System :

    Locate a hosted, distributed database service. Explore its features and talk regarding your experiences. In what situations would an organization consider using it?

  • Q : Experiences related to your setup of mysql....
    Database Management System :

    Explain your experiences related to your setup of MySQL. Comprise any difficulties or issues that you had encountered during the installation.

  • Q : Structure of a relational database....
    Database Management System :

    Outline the main differences between the structure of a relational database optimized for the online transactions versus a data warehouse optimized for processing and summarizing the large amounts o

  • Q : Purchasing and installing new computers....
    Database Management System :

    You are the technical director for a company with 1500 employees. The Chief executive officer has asked you to prepare a plan for purchasing and installing latest computers (including desktops and l

  • Q : Handling the database interactions....
    Database Management System :

    This program must comprise of two classes, one for handling the database interactions and a second class that states the student record.

  • Q : The traditional retail model....
    Database Management System :

    The traditional retail model has focused on finding high-margin, high-volume products or services because limited space means reduced space inventory.

  • Q : What are stored procedures and triggers....
    Database Management System :

    In reviewing current help wanted advertising in the papers, online, word of mouth, and other sources, what do you feel are the most desirable RDBMSs to have experience with for a career as a DBA o

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