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Sort the given data by using merge sort. Describe the time complexity of the algorithm if the data size is n.
Doubly linked lists are enhanced as far as traversing the elements is concerned. Explain why we don’t then always utilize them.
Assume that the given character array is to be sorted through the heap sort algorithms.
Describe strongly connected components of the graph with illustration.
Define the term maxheap and minheap? How will you symbolize a max-heap as an array? Write down an algorithm to insert the element to a max-heap.
Assume that the terms are stored in the order shown in the problem statement in linear arrays COEF, XEXP, YEXP, and ZEXP with the HEAD node first.
Determine the worst-case efficiency, best-case efficiency and the average-case efficiency of sequential search algorithm. Describe them by using asymptotic notations.
Illustrate the execution of the dynamic programming algorithm for the longest common subsequences on the given illustration:
Describe Divide and Conquer strategy. Why recursion is most suitable for divide and conquers?
How would you identify a loop in a linked list? Write down a C program to detect the loop in a linked list.
Illustrate the meaning of threaded binary tree? How null pointers are substituted in it?
Illustrate out the different characteristics of algorithm. Write down the algorithm of insertion sort and describe with an example.
In brief describe the dynamic programming method by using Floyd’s algorithm for the problem of all-pairs shortest path as an illustration.
Write down an algorithm for constructing the Binary Search tree. While constructing the tree take care that duplicate values are not added. Trace the algorithm on the given data.
Describe the impact of threaded binary tree on the tree traversal process.
Describe the method of binding the minimum spanning tree for a connected graph using prims algorithm.
Write down the techniques for traversals in graph. Explain them in detail.
Describe Subset-sum Problem and explain the possible solution strategies using backtracking.
What is Warshalls algorithm? Give suitable example. Describe “Graph coloring” problem with suitable example.
Describe Knapsack Problem in detail with suitable example. Describe in detail merge sort. Demonstrate the algorithm with a suitable numeric example. Provide complete analysis of the same.
Describe divide and conquer algorithms. What do you mean by Merge Sort.
What do you understand by “Amortized efficiency”? Explain in what way we can measure the algorithm’s efficiency?
What do you understand by “Best case-Efficiency” of an algorithm? Explain it with suitable example. What do you understand by “Worst case-Efficiency” of the algorithm? Explain
Write down the Kruskal’s algorithm to find out a minimum spanning tree of the Graph.
Assume that f(n) and g(n) be asymptotically non negative functions. By using the fundamental definition of Θ-notation, prove that the max (f (n), g (n)) = Θ (f (n) +g (n))