• Q : Write the business rules that are reflected in the erd....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Write the business rules that are reflected in the ERD.(Note that the ERD reflects some simplifying assumptions.For example,each book is written by only one author. also remember that the ERD is alway

  • Q : Design an algorithm to find the average miles....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    A salesperson leaves his hom every Monday and returns every Friday. He travels by company car. Each day on the road, the salesperson records the amount of gasoline put in the car.

  • Q : What makes the insertion sort better....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    A more efficient way to sort data would be the Insertion Sort. What makes the Insertion Sort better than the Bubble Sort is that there are fewer comparisons to make; hence the data is ordered quicker.

  • Q : Construct a data dictionary and draw a hierarchy chart....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Construct a data dictionary and draw a hierarchy chart and flowchart or pseudocode for a program that merges three sales files (SALES1, SALES2, and SALES3).

  • Q : Create and document the above scenario in an eer diagram....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    The Director of the University Accommodation Office requires you to design a database to assist with the administration of the office. The requirements collection and analysis phase of the database de

  • Q : Construct a data dictionary and draw a hierarchy chart....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Construct a data dictionary and draw a hierarchy chart and flowchart or pseudocode for a program that merges three sales files (SALES1, SALES2, and SALES3).

  • Q : Consider the algorithmic problem range de ned as....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Consider the algorithmic problem Range de ned as follows: Input: a, possibly NULL, node x in a binary search tree; two key values a,b with a less or egual to b; Output: the sequence of entries in the

  • Q : Use the e-r approach to model the operations of your local....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Use the E-R approach to model the operations of your local community library. The library has books, CDs, tapes, and so forth, which are lent to library patrons

  • Q : Use the e-r approach to model the operations....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Use the E-R approach to model the operations of your local community library. The library has books, CDs, tapes, and so forth, which are lent to library patrons. The latter have accounts, addresses, a

  • Q : Write a procedure called burst that moves the pen....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Write a procedure called Burst that moves the pen to a random location on the screen, moves the pen color forward 256, and then draws a firework burst with a random size and number of rays.

  • Q : Create a dtd for a small xml data set drawn....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Create a DTD for a small XML data set drawn from the Stanford course catalog. There are multiple departments, each with a department chair, some courses, and professors and/or lecturers who teach cour

  • Q : Suppose we extend the loanableitem hierarchy....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Suppose we extend the LoanableItem hierarchy to create new classes for CDs, DVDs and books on tape. CDs and DVDs have several common characteristics.

  • Q : Describe an algorithm that finds a maximum feasible flow....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Describe an algorithm that finds a maximum feasible flow in G. Denote by MF(|V|, |E|) the worst-case running time of an ordinary maximum flow algorithm on a graph with |V| vertices and |E| edges. Anal

  • Q : In ricart and agrawala an optimal algorithm....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    In Ricart and agrawala's An optimal algorithm for mutual exclusion in computer networks paper if we are updating the code with taking the priorities to be based on process id's then will the code work

  • Q : Let g be a connected undirected weighted graph....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Let G be a connected undirected weighted graph such that no two edges have the same weight. Prove that G has a unique minimum cost spanning tree. 

  • Q : Eer diagram segment to portray the entities and relationship....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Consider the following "business" rule: "A student may attend a concert only if that student has completed his(her)homework."a.draw an EER diagram segment to portray the entities and relationships imp

  • Q : The decision tree inductive learning algorithm....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    The Decision Tree inductive learning algorithm may be used to generate "IF ... THEN" rules that are consistent with a set of given examples. Consider an example where 10 binary input variables X1, X2,

  • Q : Build an erd diagram showing the appropriate relationship....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Build an erd diagram showing the appropriate relationships for the entities team, coach, player, stats, awards, and all star games

  • Q : What is the exact expected number of times....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Now suppose you are given a subroutine ONEINTHREE that generates a random bit that is equal to 1 with probability 1/3. Describe a FAIRCOIN algorithm that returns either 0 or 1 with equal pro

  • Q : Randomized algorithm for generating biased random bits....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Consider the following randomized algorithm for generating biased random bits. The subroutine FAIRCOIN returns either 0 or 1 with equal probability; the random bits returned by FAIRCOIN are 

  • Q : The decision tree inductive learning algorithm....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    With the ten Boolean attributes for n, it gives us or 21024 different functions to choose from, that is a huge number. Since that would mean as many possible leafs since a leaf specifies the value to

  • Q : Give an algorithm to decide whether the language de fined....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Give an algorithm to decide whether the language de fined by a given context-free grammar is infi nite. You need to provide an informal justi cation for your algorithm. 

  • Q : Complete the algorithm....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    We consider the following sub-problem:opt takes two inputs i and the name M of the machine (either A or B) and returns the value of an optimal plan. Complete the algorithm.

  • Q : Determine the computational complexity of your algorithm....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    An alternative way of obtaining a MST is informally described as follows: Start with the set of V vertices and no edges (hence there are V connected components, each of which is an isolated vertex). T

  • Q : Illustrate your answer using ie crows foot e-r diagrams....
    Data Structure & Algorithms :

    Give examples of binary 1:N relationships, other than those in the textbook, for (a) an optional-to-optional relationship, (b) an optional-to-mandatory relationship, (c) a mandatory-to-optional relati

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