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the code of practice set out in the fourth schedule to the employment relations act shall-a provide practical guidance for the promotion of good
question 1a describe the following stock market anomalies which have been documented in the finance literaturei the january effect ii the size
question 1a explain clearly two semi-strong form tests of the efficient market hypothesis emh one supporting and one rejecting the emhb summarise the
question 1a what are the competing theories which have been put forward to explain the term structure of interest rates which theories do the
questiona you are given the following information on two risky assets a and bex 25 ey 30 var x 16 var y 49the correlation matrix
question 1compare and contrast the capital asset pricing model with that of the arbitrage pricing theoryquestion 2a explain the concept of stock
questiona write down and describe the black-scholes option pricing formula with respect to the various determinants of option pricesb determine the
question a what are the rationales for interest and currency swapsb a finance house and a bank each have a 1billion balance sheet the finance house
questiona using illustrative and numerical examples differentiate between arbitraging and speculation in the context of foreign exchange marketb
questionyou have been appointed as the treasurer of dockers international an automobile firm with many subsidiaries abroad the management of dockers
question a risk of diversified portfolio is much lower than the risk of less-diversified portfolio - what is the relevance of this statement to
question alpha ltd - an 100 equity company - is following a payout ratio of 40 during the last several years the financial managers of the company
questiona describe why the discount rate equals opportunity cost of capitalb nominal rate less inflation rate is equal to real rate of return - is it
two firms alpha and beta are in the same business and size and identical in all respects except the way in which they have financed their assets if
questiona as the cost of capital is an essential element of investment appraisal its calculation must be undertaken with care failure to do so could
question 1lsquoan internal rating system may incorporate supplementary customer information which is usually out of the reach of an external credit
the minister of finance decides to review the existing legislation regulating banks and non-banking entities you have been appointed as advisor to
questiona explain what you understand by good corporate governance framework and its application to the local contextb lsquothe borrower
questiona the new capital management framework provides an upgrade of the old version in terms of new risk management techniques what is the scope
questiona according to modigliani and millers theory of capital structure 1963 companies should make maximum use of gearingbriefly describe factors
question 1i how do economists go about studying the economics of the public sector describe the four stages of analysisii the level of government
question 1a show that the pricing of eurocurrency deposits and loans leads to lower profit margin by eurobanks compared to onshore banksb what are
questiona distinguish using financial assets as examples between securities quoted at par and securities quoted on a discountb calculate the value of
question 1participants in a recent radio discussion on the wto were full of ideas the wto could do this the wto should do that they said one of them
questiona explain in details two securities quoted at par and two securities quoted on a discountb calculate the return on a deposit of pound