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light rail transit lrtlight rail transit is also known by the name train lrt can be run on the surface if road space is available as in kolkata or as
improvements to public bus transportsince buses carry a large number of passengers improvements in bus transport is a cheap solution some of the
urban transport systemsurban transport problemrapid urbanisation is taking place in india the current urban population proportion of 28 per cent may
modern trends in transportationrapid urbanization that is taking place in india is putting severe strain on the road system modern systems like
keywords related to water transportationoceanic shipping shipping taking place in the oceanscoastal shipping shipping taking place along the coast
landing stagesa landing stage is a floating structure usually a pontoon or a barge which is secured to the shore by mooring chains small ships can
dockstypes of docksdocks are artificial enclosures for the reception of ships three types of docks are found a harbour
guiding considerations in planningthe following factors have a bearing on planning water transport facilities a
planning of water transport facilitiesdefinition of termsin water transport system a number of terms are used it is necessary for a civil engineer to
advantages and disadvantages of water transportthe following are the advantages of water transporta since the vessels
water transportationwater transport in its various forms is one of the most efficient forms of transport because of low fuel consumption low
keywords of airport managementair traffic control a system by which air routes flight rules for flying aircraft and navigational facilities are
maintenance of drainagemaintenance of drainage will ensure that the run-off is taken away from the runway efficiently the side ditches and buried
maintenance of airport pavementsmaintenance elementsthe maintenance of airport pavements is an important task of a civil engineer since the safe
airport lightinglighting of approach to runwaya good system of identification of the runway when landing is to provide six transverse cross-bars of
maintenance of terminal buildingall accessories such as lighting water sanitation telephone and public address system should be maintained in a good
construction of passenger terminal buildingthere are various concepts in planning and constructing passenger terminal buildings these are
airport managementairlinesa adequate space for each airline for ticketting check-in and baggage handling
passenger terminal buildingimportancein a civil airport the passenger terminal building is the centre of all activities it services both inbound and
landing systemsthere are two basic types of landing viz a visual landing when the weather conditions are favourable andb instrumented landing when
air traffic controlimportance of air traffic controlair traffic control is a system by which routes for flying aircraft are defined flight rules are
a cantilever beam is loaded with a concentrated force of 5kn at the free end the length of the cantilever beam is 1m having cross section of
what would be the best way to evaluate the field performance benefits of subsurface drainage in a flexible pavement short term and long term thick
streams not wholly alluvialin streams which are not wholly alluvial consisting of bed of pebbles rock etc the liner waterway is kept equal to the
alluvial streamsin alluvial streams the regime width of a river is calculated from the laceys formula w 48 qfrac12where w regime width in m