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Consider a small town in the Phillippines, where the average weight of people is 55 kg, and the average lifespan is 60 years. The people here eat lots of fish due to abundant availability from the l
If the energy loss in the contraction is equal to \(V_1^{2}/2g\) where V1 is the average velocity upstream of the contraction, what is the depth of flow in the constriction. A lined rectangular c
A W14x68 section of A992, Grade 50 steel, is used as a steel column with a total unbraced height of 12 ft. The column ends are both fixed. Determine the maximum axial LRFD safe load for this column
A steel column has a total unbraced height of 14 ft and carries an axial LRFD load of 950 kips. The column ends are fixed. Select an economical HSS 14x14 for this column.
The beam is loaded with a concentrated live load of 10 kips at the center of its span, in addition to its own weight.. The dead load includes the beam weight. The steel is A242, Grade 50.
A simply supported steel beam over a 24-ft span carries a uniformly distributed dead load of 2 k/ft, including an allowance for the self-weight, and a live load of 3.5 k/ft. The steel is A992, Grade
During a BOD test, 2 mL of waste water having a DO of 0 was mixed with 298 mL of dilution water having a DO of 8.9 mg/L. After 5 days and 20 days, it was noted that the DO of the test bottle was 4.0
A new sponge iron factory has an annual capacity of 100,000 tons/year of Iron production. Benzopyrene is produced during this process at a rate of 0.00006% of Iron produced.
The vertical deflection in a simply supported beam follows the following equation: v = -[(w_0*x)/(360LEI)](7L^4 - 10*L^2*x^2 + 3*x^4) What is the equation for the applied load w(x)
Each week a hen can either lay 12 eggs or hatch 4 eggs, but not both. At the end of the four-week period all eggs and chicks will be sold: an egg will bring 10 cents, and a chick will bring 60 cents
All stormwater will drain as sheet flow to the center, flow into a drop inlet, and travel through a pipe system to the nearest stream. The parking lot will be mowed grass (clay soil) with a slope of
The longitudinal slope of the swale is to be 1.5% with side slopes of 5:1 (H:V). If the grassed swale has a Manning's n of 0.030 and a minimum infiltration rate of 200 mm/hr, determine the length of
Stripping overburden in the Illinois coal belt, the Dusty Coal Company uses 270-horsepower, track-type tractors (with direct-drive transmissions) and drawn scrapers.
If the takeoff speed of an airplane is 120 mph at sea level, what will it be at Denver (elevation =5000 ft) Use properties of the US Standard Atmosphere
you fill a 2-cubic wheelbarrow to the top with aggregate. if the specific gravity of the aggregate is 2.548, and 18% of the aggregate is void spaces, how much does the aggregate in the wheelbarrow w
Determine the quantity of lime and soda ash required to soften 1 mgd of the following water. Plan to achieve a hardness of 40 mg/L as CaCO3. Note that an excess of 35 mg/L of lime (CaO) is required
Calculate the area of a piece of property bounded by a traverse and circular arc with the following coordinates at angle points: A (1275.11, 1356.11), B (1000.27,1365.70),C (1000.00, 1000.00),D (145
The total saturated thickness of the aquifer is 15 m. Predict the concentration distribution along the water table after 5110 days, assuming a linear groundwater velocity of 1.6x10-3; dispersivitie
State 5 reasons why adding things to a project charter late in the project execution could be a detriment to the project's objectives
Assume that an egg can be hatched only in the week after it is laid. Otherwise it must be saved and sold for 10 cents. Assume that there are no eggs available for hatching in the first week.
TCE from a spill accumulates in a depression of a parking lot. Estimate how fast the solvent volatilizes (in g of TCE per cm^2 per unit time) when these conditions exist: a. The wind speed is 2 m/se
The pesticide methyl parathion is leached into a stream from an abandoned disposal site. Is photolysis likely to be a significant sink for this chemical. If the travel time to the ocean is 5 days
(a) What are some of the important properties of unalloyed copper that make it an important industrial material (b) How is copper extracted from copper suflide ore concentrates
(a) What are some of the properties that make aluminum an extremely useful engineering material (b) How is aluminum oxide extracted from bauxite ores (c) How is aluminum extracted from pure aluminum o
An earth embankment is compacted at water contect of 17% to a bulk density of 1.90 gm/cc.If the specific gravity of soil grains is 2.65, then what will be the degree of saturation of the compacted e