• Q : Evaluate the adequacy of a wastewater treatment plant....
    Civil Engineering :

    You are hired to evaluate the adequacy of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to meet a city's projected needs. The WWTP was designed to handle 2.5 MGD and is currently running at 80% capacity durin

  • Q : Cyclic natural frequency of the system....
    Civil Engineering :

    Question: At what time (in seconds) would you expect the maximum velocity to occur if the cyclic natural frequency of the system is 5 Hz? Note: Please explain comprehensively and give step by step s

  • Q : Dislocation from one equilibrium....
    Civil Engineering :

    The Peierls-Nabarro stress, t=c*exp(-kd/b), where c and k are constants, b is the magnitude of the burger vector and d is the interplanar spacing between adjacent planes, describes the shear stress,

  • Q : Determine the ultimate carbonaceous....
    Civil Engineering :

    Question 1: Estimate what the BOD5 should have been. Question 2: Estimate what the DO reading should have been on day 5. Question 3: Determine the ultimate carbonaceous BOD of the sample.

  • Q : Determine the shear lag factor....
    Civil Engineering :

    Question: Determine the shear lag factor. Note: Please provide full description.

  • Q : Point through the first partial derivatives....
    Civil Engineering :

    Develop a three-dimensional function with a saddle point, locate the point through the first partial derivatives, and confirm the point is a saddle by evaluating the Hessian matrix. Plot the functio

  • Q : Determine the required nominal moment....
    Civil Engineering :

    Question 1: Determine the required nominal moment strength, Mn. Question 2: Determine the required nominal shear strength, Vn (assume that fv = 1.0).

  • Q : Calculated service load moments....
    Civil Engineering :

    Determine the factored, Mu, acting on a floor beam if the calculated service load moments acting on the beam are as follows: MD = 75 ft-kips and ML = 45 ft-kips.

  • Q : Describing the equilibrium chemistry ongoing....
    Civil Engineering :

    Hint: Your solution will require solving 6 separate expressions describing the equilibrium chemistry ongoing in this lake. Note: Explain in detail.

  • Q : Average influent pollutant concentration....
    Civil Engineering :

    Question: Assuming the average influent pollutant concentration equals 45 mg/L and beginning with a general mass balance expression, derive a relationship describing pollutant concentrations in this

  • Q : Three-dimensional function with a saddle point....
    Civil Engineering :

    Develop a three-dimensional function with a saddle point, locate the point through the first partial derivatives, and confirm the point is a saddle by evaluating the Hessian matrix. Plot the functio

  • Q : Determine the tape temperature....
    Civil Engineering :

    Question: If the tape temperature is 37degrees Fahrenheit, what field dimensions should the survey party use to lay out this lot? Note: Please provide step by step solution.

  • Q : What is the degree of saturation....
    Civil Engineering :

    Question 1: What is the degree of saturation (S)? Question 2: What is the total unit weight?

  • Q : Calculate the void ratio....
    Civil Engineering :

    Question: Calculate the void ratio, porosity, dry density, and total density corresponding to each of the following case:

  • Q : Total unit weight....
    Civil Engineering :

    A saturated soil sample has a total unit weight of 18.24 kN/m^3 with specific gravity of solids as 2.72. Calculate the following:

  • Q : Piezometric head between the pipe points....
    Civil Engineering :

    Compute the difference in piezometric head between the pipe points 1 and 2 and state whether the pressure is higher or lower at point 1. Note: Please provide reasons to support your answer.

  • Q : Fluid molecule traveling on a streamline....
    Civil Engineering :

    Imagine you are a fluid molecule traveling on a streamline. Explain the factors that could cause you to accelerate/decelerate for the following situations.

  • Q : Determine the porosity and permeability of the block....
    Civil Engineering :

    Question 1: Determine the porosity and permeability of the block. Question 2: In a second block, you drill a single larger-diameter hole, so that the porosity is the same as your first block. What i

  • Q : Cylinder with a minimum surface area....
    Civil Engineering :

    An oil company is considering adding an additional grade of fuel at its service station. To do this, an additional 3000 gallon tank must be buried at each station. Discussions with the tank fabrica

  • Q : Maximum waste load allocation....
    Civil Engineering :

    Question: If the margin of safety is set at 4 lbs of P per day, what would be the maximum waste load allocation of P from a wastewater treatment plant discharging to the river?

  • Q : Find out the drag coefficient....
    Civil Engineering :

    Question: If the car's frontal area is 21.5 ft2, what is its drag coefficient? Note: Explain all steps comprehensively.

  • Q : Determine the downstream concentration....
    Civil Engineering :

    Question 1: Determine the downstream concentration of the pollutant. Question 2: If the community measures a pollutant concentration in the river equal to 100 ppb, at what ratio (volumetric %) must

  • Q : Determine the speed of the car....
    Civil Engineering :

    Question 1: Determine the speed of the car when it has traveled a distance of 300 ft. Question 2: What is the total acceleration of the car at the end of this 300 ft?

  • Q : Mass flow rate if the fluid is toluene....
    Civil Engineering :

    Question: What is the mass flow rate if the fluid is toluene? Note: Explain all steps comprehensively.

  • Q : Origin of the system of coordinates....
    Civil Engineering :

    Question: Determine the perpendicular distance'd' from the line to the origin of the system of coordinates. Note: Please provide reasons to support your answer.

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