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Write a function to find out the product of two matrices. Matrices are passed to the function as argument. Write a function to check the equality of two matrices. Matrices are passed to the function
Write a function to copy one string into another string. Both the strings are passed to the function as argument.
Write a function to swap the values of two integer variables using Extra variable and Without using extra variable.
Write a program to print the lower half and upper half of a square matrix. Write a program to construct a magic square. Write a program to find out the trace of a matrix.
Write a program to transpose a square matrix. Write a program to find the inverse of the matrix.
Write a program to sort an array using bubble sort, selection sort, Quick sort and Heap sort technique.
Write a program to reverse an array of floats. Write a program to create a sorted list using arrays. Every time the element is entered in the array, the array must remain sorted.
Write a program to convert a given infix expression to prefix and postfix expression. Write a program to evaluate a prefix expression given by the user.
Write a program to swap two strings stored in the array. Write a program to input 5 strings in an array of strings and display all the strings with their lengths.
Write a program to calculate the length of a string. Write a program to input two strings and print which one is lengthier.
Write a program to determine all Pythagorean triplets in the range 100 to 1000. Write a program to input a number and find out the sum of its digits.
Write a program to find out the sum of geometric series. Write a program to print out all Armstrong numbers between 1 and 500.
Write a program to convert a octal number to the decimal number. Write a program to convert a decimal number to equivalent binary number (fractions also).
Write a program to print the sum and average of first n even numbers. Write a program to input 2 numbers and find out the sum of all the even numbers which arenot divisible by 5 but divisible by 3 a
Write a program to convert a small letter into capital letter and vice versa. Write a program to input three numbers and print them in descending order.
Write a program to input a character and check that it’s a vowel or a consonant. Write a program to input a character and check that it’s a small letter, capital letter, a digit or a speci
Write a program to input marks of a student and print the result (pass/fail) using conditional operator.
Write a program to input a character and print its ASCII value. Write a program to input the number the days from the user and convert it into years, weeks and days. Write a program to input a number
Create a two dimensional array of structs which contain multiplication and division table of the rows and columns, starting at 1 instead of zero.
Write the program which takes the record of 10 students from user in the array and display all records.Define the pointer to student class to access contents of array. Allow user to search a record
Write a Boolean function which accepts an integer single-subscripted array of any length. The function must check the values in the array and determine if they are in ascending order. If the array v
Write a C program that acts as a monty hall game host that continuously hosts the game and the user of the program acts as the player. The program would loop over the playing of this game.
Implement this function in C:void populateGameBoard(char gameBoard[][COL_SIZE], int rowSize, int colSize, int numPieces); This function takes in entire game board passed from main, the row size, the
Write the program which reads several lines from the data file and prints each word of the file on separate line of the output file followed by the number of letters in that word.
Design computer program which calculates minimum number of coins and bills required to make change for the particular purchase. You must prompt the user for the cost of the item and amount tendered.