• Q : Jobs abroad and off-shoring service....
    Business Management :

    You overhear your superior tell another manager in the company; "I'm fed up with our nation's companies sending manufacturing jobs abroad and off-shoring service work to lower-wage nations.

  • Q : Special permission before an exporter....
    Business Management :

    Most countries create a list of hostile countries that require special permission before an exporter will be allowed to proceed. Which countries and products would you place on such a list for your

  • Q : Cheaper labor and less regulation....
    Business Management :

    All of the external forces you mentioned are rooted in cost control. Are you saying this is just about increasing profit margins with cheaper labor and less regulation?

  • Q : Trends in the workplace....
    Business Management :

    Imagine that you are the human resource manager for a small manufacturing company. You decide to invest in a materials resource planning (MRP) system.

  • Q : Ascertain the needs of the workforce....
    Business Management :

    1. Propose two work / life programs that will support employees/professionals, and determine how you would ascertain the needs of the workforce.

  • Q : Job analysis to make a job description....
    Business Management :

    Propose two ways that Human Resource Management can use a job analysis to create a job description, develop the selection process, develop training, and create the performance appraisal.

  • Q : Determining the equal employment opportunity....
    Business Management :

    Identify the course related to your achievement of the Outcome (some Outcomes may be covered in more than one course). In essence, in which class did the student learn the outcome?

  • Q : Specific recommendations for the firm....
    Business Management :

    List your specific recommendations for the firm in detail. Explain why each recommendation was made including the information used and the logic (or analysis) applied to reach your conclusion.

  • Q : Starting point in developing....
    Business Management :

    What is the starting point in developing a capacity plan for a health care operation?

  • Q : What are the greatest advantages....
    Business Management :

    Discuss the use of cell phones as tools for collaborative work. What are the greatest advantages? *Be sure to address any limitations on mobile phone use as it applies to teamwork.

  • Q : Significance of global competition....
    Business Management :

    What was the significance of global competition in the IT decisions? What are the risks and opportunities of downsizing an OLTP in a bank?

  • Q : Calculate the business to be worth....
    Business Management :

    Your CPA estimates the net profit of the business (before your salary is deducted) to be $75,000. The present owner has selected a goodwill value of $65,000, and is asking $240,000 for the business

  • Q : Swot analysis of an organization....
    Business Management :

    In 200 to 250 words, conduct a basic SWOT analysis of an organization or department to which you belong. How do you see these factors affecting the direction of HR?

  • Q : Every manager is an hr manager....
    Business Management :

    Explain what it means by the statement that "Every manager is an HR manager". Do you agree? Give examples to backup your point of view.

  • Q : Primary value creation....
    Business Management :

    Describe the customer benefit package that Zappos provides. Identify one primary value creation, one support, and one general management process you might encounter at Zappos.

  • Q : Enterprise technology supports value chain....
    Business Management :

    Choose an enterprise technology and describe how your chosen enterprise technology supports value chain management and include an example.

  • Q : Concepts and tenets....
    Business Management :

    Is it "mid-life crisis" or "mid-life laziness" that this article communicates about Wal-Mart's marketing? Did management " lose its way" and forget the concepts and tenets that made the company suc

  • Q : New clientele althogether....
    Business Management :

    Pick a nonprofit organization with which you are familiar and believe the organization should be repositioned to serve its core clientele better or a new clientele althogether. Identify the organiza

  • Q : Determine and detail the optimum pricing strategy....
    Business Management :

    Continuing to build your marketing plan, this assigment focuses on branding, pricing, and distribution of your product and service. Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: Create the dom

  • Q : Explain the depreciation method....
    Business Management :

    In January 2010, Salem Corporation, purchased $350,000 of new MACRS 5-year property in the US. This equipment was placed in service May 1, 2010. Salem wants to take as much depreciation in 2010 as p

  • Q : Linear programming model-unbounded....
    Business Management :

    The solution to the following linear programming model will be

  • Q : Special ordered for customers....
    Business Management :

    The _____ is a method of rank-ordering SKUs to make inventory stocking decisions. It uses some profitability measure to determine which items should never be out of stock, which could be out of sto

  • Q : Risks and rewards of rapid growth....
    Business Management :

    Evaluate whether or not Jet Blue was effective with executing it strategy of growth. Assess the risks and rewards of rapid growth within Jet Blue.

  • Q : Role of the purchasing manager....
    Business Management :

    Assuming the role of the purchasing manager for a restaurant, explain the various elements of pricing and influences on your decision to use a specific supplier or make a specific purchase.

  • Q : Selection and procurement activities of an owner-manager....
    Business Management :

    Selection and procurement activities of an owner-manager of a restaurant and hotel. Describe how they are different and how they are alike. As an additional consideration, what are the ethical cons

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