• Q : Holding period on the new truck problem....
    Business Management :

    Jim Junction purchased a truck for business on November 17, 2010, for $40,000. On July 21, 2011, he exchanged the truck for another truck in a like-kind exchange. The new truck had a fair market val

  • Q : Gain or loss recognized if the fair market value is given....
    Business Management :

    What is the gain or loss recognized if the fair market value at the time of the gift had been $35,000 instead of $63,000 and Steven sold the car for $66,000?

  • Q : Internal capabilities of the company....
    Business Management :

    Strategic management is concerned with the match between the internal capabilities of the company and its external environment according to one school of thought.

  • Q : Importance of workplace spirituality....
    Business Management :

    In a short essay, explain the reasons behind the increasing importance of workplace spirituality in recent years. How can managers best promote workplace ....

  • Q : What types of degrees-backgrounds would hr consider hiring....
    Business Management :

    What are some major organizations in the world doing to recruit talent to help them move toward a green future? Why is it important to recruit such talent? What types of degrees and backgrounds woul

  • Q : Sustainability important to the future of an organization....
    Business Management :

    Why is sustainability important to the future of an organization? What is the benefit of not implementing sustainability efforts? What is the drawback?

  • Q : What is meant by attracting talent....
    Business Management :

    What is meant by attracting talent? How do you believe your company or a company of your choice attracts talent? List examples. How does this benefit the company?

  • Q : Risk with insurance....
    Business Management :

    As a general rule, when regulation comes in, prices go up and quality goes down. Why can't we just handle the risk with insurance and forget about regulation?

  • Q : Ethical dilemma in the workplace....
    Business Management :

    Reflect on a time when you or someone you know faced an ethical dilemma in the workplace. Write a 7000-1050 word reflective journal entry explaining the ethical dilemma and the solution implemented

  • Q : Discussing the potential target market segments....
    Business Management :

    Find an advertisement for a product that is relatively common such as cosmetics, household goods, or appliances, which is being marketed to a global audience. Write a 3- to 5-page paper discussing t

  • Q : Important aspect of strategic training....
    Business Management :

    What do you think is the most important aspect of strategic training? Which model is generally most effective and why? 300 WORDS

  • Q : Production policies and sales histories....
    Business Management :

    The company is looking at customer trends, its competitors, and the economy to see if there are any threats or opportunities on the horizon. It has also examined its production policies and sales hi

  • Q : After-tax risk premium....
    Business Management :

    The corporate investors require an after-tax return on the preferred that exceeds their after-tax return on the bonds by 1.0%, which would represent an after-tax risk premium. What coupon rate must

  • Q : Short training presentation-a sales presentation....
    Business Management :

    Create a Power Point presentation 5 slides - Intro, 3 content, & conclusion - on a topic that you might do at work. It might be a short training presentation, a sales presentation, a presentatio

  • Q : Chemicals protected from freezing....
    Business Management :

    Did the truck driver have any authority to assure the shipper that the chemicals would be protected from freezing?

  • Q : Example of skimming price strategies....
    Business Management :

    Apple is an example of skimming price strategies, while Wal-mart is the "value-price" king of retailing. Given the economy, many retailers in particular--and other companies as well--adjusted their

  • Q : Obligations under the contract....
    Business Management :

    Molly and Craig are the original parties to a contract. Craig is obligated to design a Website for Molly. They subsequently make an agreement with Eric that Eric should take the place of Craig and a

  • Q : Large discount department store....
    Business Management :

    Paul decided he did not want the new jeans he had purchased from a large discount department store. He had worn them three times and decided he just did not like them. The jeans fit him fine and the

  • Q : Law protect intellectual property....
    Business Management :

    Why is it important to society that the law protect intellectual property? Should an individual who is offered an employment position sign an employment contract that contains a restrictive covenant

  • Q : How elements of good talking help us to communicate better....
    Business Management :

    Much of the oral communication that goes on in business is the informal, person-to-person communication that occurs whenever people get together. Analyze and explain how the elements of good talking

  • Q : Understanding and cooperation in the workplace....
    Business Management :

    Share one or two personal suggestions that you think can raise the level of understanding and cooperation in the workplace when these items describing minorities occur:

  • Q : What are potentially negative repurcussions of acting....
    Business Management :

    Why should the bryson Corporation act ethically in this situation? What are the potentially negative repurcussions of acting unethically?

  • Q : Identify the five phases of team development....
    Business Management :

    Identify the five stages of team development, and explain what happens at each stage. Give a specific example from your own experience to highlight one of the stages. If you have no team experience,

  • Q : Utilize to ensure effective constructive feedback....
    Business Management :

    To serve the person's developmental needs, feedback regarding the results of the appraisal-both the praise and the criticism-must be well communicated. As a manager, in what guidelines would you uti

  • Q : Bankruptcy and returns the check to gretta....
    Business Management :

    If the bank dishonors the check because Olga has filed for bankruptcy and returns the check to Gretta, who has liability on the check?

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